2020年秋人教版七年级英语上册:Unit7 How much are these socks单元练习B卷

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2020年秋人教版七年级英语上册:Unit7 How much are these socks单元练习B卷_第1页
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2020年秋人教版七年级英语上册:Unit7 How much are these socks单元练习B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Can I help you?_.ANo,please dontBYes,pleaseCYoure welcome2 . If you work hard,you will get good_.AgradesBnotesClessonsDanswers3 . Everyone wants to succeed; _ me, I think the important thing is to take part in something.Athanks toBinstead ofCas forDtogether with4 . Jim is very helpful, he always helps people _.Ain need ofBin needCin troubleDB and C5 . (易错题)_ last month,we had planted 1,000 trees.AIn the endBAt the end ofCAt the endDBy the end of6 . _I want to buy a new dress for my mother.AWhat can I do for you?BWhere is your mother?CWhat are you doing?DHow much is this?7 . How much _ these pants?AisBamCareDdo8 . Whats that _ English?AatBtoCinDOn9 . What are the _ doing there? They are busy _ their science experiment.ABoys students; to doBBoy students; to doCBoys students; doingDBoy students; doing10 . She has _ dollars in her bag.Atwent-twoBtwelveCelevn11 . - How much_ the bottles of milk? - 31 yuan.AareBisCamDbe12 . He has some and I have some .Aegg; saladsBtomatoes; broccoliCice cream; apple13 . -Thank you for helping me.- , and what time is it?AYou are welcomeBDont say soCThats rightDNo problem14 . 一What can I do for you?_.AThank youBNo, thanksCYou are welcomeDIts very good15 . How many _ are there in the room?About twenty-four.AgirlBmanCboyDwomen二、补全对话5选4补全对话(选择) A: 16 . B:Table tennis!A: I like table tennis,too.B: 17 . A:Good idea!B: 18 . A: Byebye.AGoodbye.BThank you.CWhats your favourite sport, Tom?DIts Monday.ELets play table tennis tomorrow.三、完型填空完形填空。Gina is my classmate. She has a big_in China. Her father is a Chinese, but her mother is from England. Her father is a_in a hospital. Her mother is_office worker. Her aunt and uncle are teachers in a junior high school. Her grandparents dont work now. Gina_a lot about China. She can_Chinese and English.Gina likes_food very much, such as jiaozi, baozi and mantou. She usually_some milk and eggs for breakfast. For_, she likes jiaozi a lot at school. She usually has supper at home_her family.Gina is glad to_in China. She likes her school life (生活) very much.19 . AfarmBschoolCfamily20 . AdoctorBfarmerCteacher21 . AtheBaCan22 . AwantsBknowsChelps23 . AspeakBsayCtell24 . AEnglishBChineseCEngland25 . AmeetsBstudiesChas26 . AafternoonBlunchCorder27 . AandBofCwith28 . AteachBworkCbe四、阅读单选“You have saved my horse,” Queen Olivia told the young boy standing before her. “Now you shall get a gift for what you did.” Peter nervously ran his fingers through his brown hair. That day when he was working in the field, the shocked horse ran past him. Without thinking, he rushed out and controlled it. He didnt know it was the Queens horse and never expected to get a gift. But he still felt happy for getting one. Two of the queens menappeared. One carried a mirror. Red jewels(珠宝) shone on top of the mirrors silver frame(框架). The other carried a wooden cage with a chicken inside it.“Only one gift can be yours,” the queen said. “Choose wisely.” “Thats easy,” Peter said. “Ill take the chicken.” Some of the queens men laughed. It was clear that they thought he had made a foolish choice.“And why did you choose the chicken?” the queen asked. “Well, I dont know much about jewels,” Peter answered. “But I do know about chickens. The chicken will provide eggs for my family for a long while.”Queen Olivia smiled. “Then you did make a wise choice,” she said. “That mirror may look beautiful. But the jewels you see are only colored glass, and the frame is painted silver. The chicken is much more valuable.” Peter took the chicken and bowed. “Thank you, your majesty.”“You are a smart child,” the queen added. “I could use a smart boy to help take care of my horses. Would you like to take the job?” Peter smiled. “Thank you very much!” he said excitedly. A job at the castle paid well. Now his family wouldnt worry about their food any more-all because he was kind to help others and smart enough to make the right choice!29 . The Queen gave Peter a gift because .Ahe saved her horseBhe was smartCshe liked himDhe was poor30 . Peter decided to choose the .AjewelsBmirrorCchickenDsilver frame31 . From Para.3-5, we can know that .Ait was difficult for Peter to make the choiceBall the men thought Peters decision was rightCPeter thought the chicken would be useful to his familyDPeter knew the jewels werent real before he made the choice32 . The right order of Peters story is .a. Peter got a well-paid job.b. Peter chose the gift wisely.c. Peter could get a gift for what he did.d. Peter would help his family have a better life.Ad c b aBc b a dCc b d aDc a d b33 . After reading the passage, we can infer(推断) that .APeter only thought of himselfBPeter couldnt take good care of the Queens horsesCchickens became the popular gifts in their countryDit was wise of Peter to choose something that he knew well阅读理解Canada is a very large country. It is the second largest country in the world. By contrast it has a very small population. There are only about 29 million people there. Most Canadians are of British or French origin(后裔), and French is an official language of Canada as well as English. About 45% of the people are of British origin, that is, they or their parents or grandparents, etc, come from Britain. Nearly 30% are of French origin. Most of the FrenchCanadians live in the province of Quebec. Over the years, people have come to live in Canada from many countries in the world. They are from Europe and also from China, besides other Asian countries. However, Canada was not an empty country before the Europeans began to arrive. Canadian Indians lived along the coast, by the rivers and lakes and in forests. Today, there are only about 350,000 Indians in the whole country, with their own languages. In the far north live the Inuit. There are only 27,000 CanadianInuit. Their life is hard in such a difficult climate.34 . The phrase “By contrast” in the passage means _.A同时B相比之下C而且D实际上35 . _ live in Quebec.AMost of the FrenchCanadiansB45% of the CanadiansC27,000 peopleD350,000 FrenchCanadians36 . The official languages of Canada are _.AEnglish and ChineseBFrench and EnglishCIndian and FrenchDChinese and Inuit37 . About 23% of people in Canada come from _.AChinaBEnglandCFranceDsome other countries except France and Britain阅读下面文章,根据其内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项Chen Kai is a Chinese boy. He is a student. He is 13 years old. He lives in Guangzhou. Chen Kai likes_Now he receives(收到) a letter from Sam, his pen pal in America. The letter is in English. Sam is 14 and he is a student, too. He speaks English very well. In the letter, Sam says he wants to visit China and study(学习)some Chinese.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。38 . Chen Kai is _.Aa studentBa teacherCfourteenDfrom Canada39 . “Making friends”means(意思是) _ in Chinese.A做朋友B找朋友C帮朋友D交朋友40 . The letter is _.Afrom Chen KaiBfrom Sams pen palCin EnglishDin Chinese41 . Sam is Chen Kais _.AclassmateBpen palCbrotherDteacher42 . _ wants to study some Chinese.AChen KaiBChen Kais teacherCSams pen palDSamTom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other, and sometimes they were not. But all of their classmates said they were like brothers.One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch. The waiter came up to them and asked. What can I do for you? Please bring us two apples first,” said Tom. When the waiter put two apples on the table, Mike took the bigger one at once. Tom got angry(生气的).“You are unfriendly, Mike. Why dont you take the smaller one? Tom said.“But I am right,” said Mike with a smile. “If I let you take first, which one will you choose?”“Of course Ill take the smaller one. said Tom. Yes, Mike said. “If you take the smaller one, the bigger one will still be mine. Dont you think so?Oh! Tom couldnt answer.43 . Tom and Mike were _.Aalways kind to each otherBsometimes kind to each otherCdear brothersDfriends of different schools44 . Mike only thought about _ when they were having lunch.AhimselfBTomChis parentsDhis friends45 . The waiter gave them _.Atwo eggsBtwo applesCthree orangesDsome milk46 . Mike took the _ apple.AbetterBbiggerCsmallerDworse五、阅读判断You may think there is nothing but sand in the desert of the world, but it is not true. In the desert we can find small stones or even big ones. We can see hills, too. There is a little rain in the desert, but it is not enough for most plants. Still we can see some plants live in the desert.There is water in some places in the desert. We call these places oases (绿州).Sometimes the water comes from under the ground and sometimes it comes from rivers running through the desert. In the oases, there are villages and towns. People grow all kinds of crops in the fields there.People also live outside the oases, but these people are not farmers. They have camels, goats, sheep and other animals. These animals can live on the desert plants and do not need much water.The animals are useful to the desert people in many ways. The desert people eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use their skins to make shoes, water bags and even tents. They use the camels for carrying things.The people of the desert have to keep going from place to place. They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live intents. When there is no more food for their animals, they take down their tents,put them on their camels and look for a new place. The desert people are friendly. No man in the desert would ever refuse to help the people in trouble and give them food and water.根据上文判断正(T)误(F)。47 . The rain in the desert is enough for some plants,48 . There are farmers not only in the oases but also outside the oases.49 . The water in the oases mostly comes from the rain.50 . The camels are used for carrying things by the desert people.51 . The desert people would never give up helping the people in trouble.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示完成单词。52 . The students are doing a school _(调查)about their eating hobbits.53 . The workers are making the products carefully to meet the _(标准)of the international.54 . He father was so angry that he broke the _(键盘)of his computer.55 . This page has the clear _(说明)of this kind of medicine.56 . The man did the same job as us but was paid_(双倍的).57 . _ (将要) we meet at the school gate tomorrow?58 . We can see a_ (排) of houses in the photo.词汇检测59 . Little Tom draws a picture and_(用颜料涂)it orange60 . 一It is_ to visit the Great Wall一YesI agree with you61 . Parents always_up their children on ChildrenS Day62 . Children have a lot of fun at_ (万圣节)63 . 一Who can answer this_,boys and girls?一We are sorry,Mr. Wu64 . Please_ (敲门)on the door before you come in65 . _ (十月)is the tenth(第十)month of the year66 . Dont _ (吼)in the library! I can hear you67 . My birthday is also a_ (特别的)day for my mother68 . When the evening comes,children play a game with the people_ (里面)第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话5选41、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、


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