2019-2020年度牛津版七年级英语上册:unit 4 单元检测题B卷

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2019-2020年度牛津版七年级英语上册:unit 4 单元检测题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . lunchtime, I often chat my friends in the playground.AAt; forBFor; withCAt; withDFor; at2 . I like_ Tuesday because we have PE lessons _TuesdayAin; onB/; onCthe; atDa; on3 . Listen! A girl_ an English song.AsingBsings Cis singingDsinging4 . We are having fun in the river.AswimBswimmingCswimingDto swim5 . do they kill elephants?They kill elephants their ivory.AWhat; onBWhat; forCWhy; onDWhy; for6 . Sally has few friends here, ?Adid sheBdoesnt sheCdoes sheDhasnt she7 . The young man was for half a year.Ain prisonBin prisonsCin the prisonDin the prisons8 . Tom hurried to school _ breakfast. And soon he felt hungry.AwithBofCwithoutDno9 . I am the first_school every day.AgetBto getCto get toDget to10 . (题文)_ winter, it is very cold _ Moscow.AIn, atBIn, inCOn, inDIn, on11 . -I wonder if my parents_ me about this fight.-If you_ offer to apologize to them, they will be angry with you.Awill punish; dontBpunish; dontCpunish; arentDwill punish; wont12 . I like _ the sea. Its beautiful.Alook atBlooking outClooking out atDlook out13 . (2013南通市)-Shall we get together this Saturday or Sunday evening? -is OK.Im free this weekend.ABothBEitherCNeitherDNone14 . have you lived here?For about 30 years.AHow longBHow manyCHow muchDHow far15 . I tried to _ you several times, but no one answered the phone.-I was travelling around last month.AtouchBreachCreceiveDmeet二、完型填空There is a bar (酒吧) in our town with the name The White Horse. It is Mr Websters. people went to the bar last year. But things are quite different now.There was a picture of a white horse on the door of the bar. Then a stranger came in one day, drank something, around the bar, and then said to Mr. Webster, “Few people come here. Take down the picture of the white horse and put a picture of a black horse .”“But the name of the bar is The White Horse,” Mr. Webster said. “Yes, but do it.” the man said. Then he went out of the bar. Mr. Webster went to and said, “I want a picture of a black horse.”later a picture of a black horse was on the door of the bar instead of the white horse. Soon after the door , a man came in and said, “Theres a on the door of your bar. It is surprising that the picture is different from the name.” The man looked, sat down and something. Then another man came in and said , and then another and another. A lot of people came in and said, “The picture on your door is ,” and they all stopped and drank in Mr. Websters bar.16 . AFewBSo manyCSomeDA lot of17 . AwalkedBturnedClookedDmoved18 . AtooBas wellCinsteadDeither19 . Aan artistBa musicianCan athleteDa teacher20 . AMinutesBDaysCYearsDCenturies21 . AclosedBbrokeCchangedDopened22 . ApictureBpointCmistakeDthought23 . AdrankBeatCsawDbought24 . Adifferent ideasBthe sameCnothingDeverything25 . AsuitableBa beautyCwrongDan ad三、阅读单选Come on! Get in Style!Do you want to get some styling tips to look bright and pleasant?Come and join us in the new Styling Club to make yourself different!What will you learn?make-up(化妆)and her styling skillsproper mix-and math skillsdressing ties for social occasinms/场合)Styfist Ms.Janice Smith will trach members the abuve ski ls.Not only will youu becomc more confilent with your loolk,yuu will also have the chance to hlp with the mako up and styEng for schoolactivitics Tke fashinn shows and New Years partics.When and where do we meet?Our club meets every Tuesday after school,from 3 :30 pm to 5:30 pm at Room TA01 in the |Student Activity Centre.How can you be a member?Students who want to join the club should visit our website at www. Edu.cn. styling skills club to sign up before 15h September. There are only 20 places. First come,first served!What is the cost?Each member needs to pay $50 for styling products.26 . The members of the Styling Clubwillmeeteveryweek.Aone hourBtwo hoursCthree hoursDfourhours27 . The memberswilllearn how toin the StylingClub.AdressproperlyBvisit websitesCmake beautiful clothesDorganizeschool activities28 . will mostprobablyjoin the Styling Club.AKids who dreamto be web designersBTeachers whoexpectto learn skin careCStudents whohopeto look fashionableDParents who wish to improve make-up skillsMr. Yang is a doctor. He cares a lot about not only others health but also his own. He controls( 控制)his weight carefully. To him, it is the most important thing to do if one wants to enjoy good health.Mr. Yang controls his weight in two ways: exercising and not eating much. As a doctor. Mr. Yang is too busy to go to the gym. He exercises by getting off the bus one or two stops early and walking the rest of the way to his office.Besides, he doesnt eat much. Mr. Yang has a special habit. When he buys a belt, he asks the salesperson to punch a hole(打洞)in the belt at 90cm from the buckle(扣)end of the belt, so that he ca always remind(提醒) himself. He will stop eating if he feels the belt a little too tight(紧的). Mr. Yang thinks exercising doesnt work as well as eating less.29 . Mr. Yang cares much about_ besides others health.Amoney Bhis workChis health Dhis friends30 . Mr.Yang controls his weight in _ way(s).AoneBtwo CninetyDmany31 . What does the underlined word “it” mean in Paragraph 1?ATo do exercise.BTo be a doctorCTo walk to his officeDTo control his weight32 . Mr. Yang punches a hole in his new belt, because _.Ahe is too heavyBthe belt is too longChe doesnt like his new beltDit can remind him not to eat too much33 . Which of the following is true?AMr. Yang takes exercise at the gym.BMr. Yang walks all the way to work.CMr. Yang uses a belt to control how much he eats.DMr. Yang thinks exercising is better than eating less in controlling wight.“I hate school, and Im not going back!”Have you ever had that thought?Lots of kids have had. Usually this feeling doesnt last long. But what if you feel this way too much? If you are stressed out, you might have a hard time making decisions. In the morning, you cant decide what to eat, what to wear, or what to take for lunch. Sometimes its a problem with your classes and schoolwork. Maybe the work is too easy and you get bored. Or maybe the work is too hard, or you dont feel as clever as the other kids. Reading may be difficult for you, but you are asked to do a lot of it. You may be getting farther and farther behind, and it may seem that you will never catch up with others. When you know why you dont like school, you can start taking steps to make things better Its a good idea to talk to someone about your problems at school. Your mom, dad, friends, teachers, or even classmates will be able to help you.Another good idea is to write down your feeling about school. For instance, keep a diary or just write in a notebook. Its a great way to let out emotion that may be stuck inside you. And you dont have to share(分享)what you have written with others.The next time you find yourself disliking school, this will also help you:Make a list of everything you dislike or enjoyeven there is only one thing. See what you can change on “dont like” list. Could you find a way to show off your special interests and talents on what you like? Which activities could you try that would help you solve these “dont like” problems? Focus on what you can change and you might be able to put the good feeling back in school!34 . This article mainly gives you some advice on .Ahow to beat stressBwhat if you dont like schoolChow to deal with the problems in studiesDcommunications with your parents35 . How many steps are mentioned in the article to make things better if you dont like school?ATwo.BFour.CThree.DFive.36 . What may cause you to have strong feelings against school? ABeing too stressed out.BNot doing well in studies.CToo much homework.DA, B and C.37 . We can know from the passage that .Amost students hate school in a wayBall the students have the same problemsCmaking a list can solve all your problemsDa diary is something personal38 . The sentence “Focus on what you can change” in the reading means .Ado something to change the conditionBwait and seeChave a positive attitude towards schoolworkDbe friendly to others四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意,首字母或汉语提示完成单词。39 . The earth is much more _(受污染的) than before.40 . The boys agreed to the plan, but the girls d_41 . There are _(更少)people in the park than before because the weather is colder.42 . Please take some _(药), then youll feel better.43 . We b_ that our soccer team can win the game.五、单词填空Bob wanted to lose weight, so he tried to do some sports and eat healthy food every day. He didnt weigh himself for a whole year because he wanted to s44 . himself. After a year, he wanted to see how much weight he lost. He stepped on the scale (秤) and c45 . his eyes because he was scared. What if he had gained weight? After seeing the n46 . , he jumped up and down. He was amazed to see that he had lost 50 pounds in total.He wanted to reward (奖励) himself with a big m47 . , so he went to his favorite burger restaurant. He ordered a huge hamburger. He felt b48 . about it at first. Perhaps its because he was s49 . trying to lose weight. But afterwards, he thought he deserved it. He ordered a large serving of fries and poured five packets of tomato sauce on it. He didnt mind he knew that he would go back to eat healthy food the next day.六、填空任务型阅读(每空一词)On September 2, 2013, swimmer Diana Nyad reached Key West, Florida. At age 64, Nyad made history by becoming the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without using a shark cage(防鲨笼). It took her nearly 53 hours to finish the 103-mile swim.“Youre never too old to achieve your dream,” Nyad said after finishing the swim. “Never give up.”This was Nyads fifth attempt(尝试) to complete the swim. She first tried in 1978, then made three more attempts between 2011 and 2012. What finally helped her succeed? She had trained for years, and sometimes practiced swimming for days at a time. But even more important than that was her mind. Besides, she had a team that helped her along the way.Other swimmers had made the trip before, swimming inside shark cages which protected them as they moved through the dangerous waters. But Nyad did not want to use a cage.Although Nyad faced many challenges along the way, she thought it was all worth it to achieve a lifelong dream. She wrote on her blog, “I am so proud of my team, and . I am also very proud of myself.” Many others are proud of Nyad too. Even President Barack Obama offered his congratulations.Never, Ever give upDiana Nyad has become the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida 50 . a shark cage which could protect her 51 . being hurt.Dianas attemptsShe had tried 52 . times before she successfully completed the swim.She swam 103 53 . within 53 hours on September 2, 2013.54 . why she succeededShe had 55 . years training for it.She had a 56 . that helped her along the way.Voices from different peopleNyad were proud of 57 . and her teamPeople believed she was the 58 . of the country, even President Obama 59 . congratulations. 七、汉译英:整句翻译句子60 . 你最喜欢的动物是什么?_61 . 它们是哪里的?_62 . 它们现在住在哪里?_63 . 她几岁了?_64 . 你为什么喜欢它们?_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、

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