2019-2020年度人教九年级英语 Unit 9 Section A period 1 练习(II)卷

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2019-2020年度人教九年级英语 Unit 9 Section A period 1 练习(II)卷_第1页
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2019-2020年度人教九年级英语 Unit 9 Section A period 1 练习(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I often read English magazines _ my spare time.AatBinConDto2 . The first school we visited yesterday is not far from here.AthatBwhichCto whichDwhere3 . Some parents have left their hometown _make a living in some cities.Aso that Bsuch that Cin order to4 . - Have you found the information about the famous teachers_ you can use for your writing.-No, not yet. Ill search some on the Internet.AwhoBwhatCwhereDwhich5 . Look! That building is on fire. Maybe some people are in danger.Dont worry. Some firemen are trying their best to save them and_ the fire.Aput upBput onCput outDput off6 . The girl is afraid of dark, so she goes to bed_ the lights on.AwithBbyCforDat7 . He can play many musical instruments _ the drums, flute and erhu.Asuch asBfor exampleCin totalDas well8 . Each couple in China can have twofrom January 1st, 2016.AboyBgirlCchildrenDchild9 . _ will the train _ ? In 5 minutes.AHow much; arrive atBHow soon; researchCHow often; get toDHow soon; arrive10 . We each _ strong points and each of us on the other hand _weak points.Ahave, haveBhas, haveChas, hasDhave, has11 . (题文)Many kinds of animals are _. We must do something to save them.Aon holidayBin dangerCon show12 . We shall have _ time to talk about it.AmanyBlot ofCa fewDplenty of13 . Do you know the man _ is reading the book over there? Sorry, I dont know.AwhichBwhatCwhomDwho14 . Robert is just one young overseas Chinese _has come to visit his ancestors homeland.AwhoBwhereCwhenDwhich15 . When she heard her son was absent from school again, she was_and beat him.Aout of controlBout of breathCout of seasonDout of work16 . (2017年河南)I hate the dogslive in the next house. They make loud noises all nightAwhoBthatCwhatDwhom17 . The boy _ I talked with just now is my best friend.AwhichBthatCwhoseDwhere18 . - Do you know of Guo Mingyi?- Yes. He is an ordinary(普通的) worker helps many poor children in China. We should follow his example.AthatBwhichCwhomDwhat19 . Which does the young man prefer, singing or dancing?He prefers singing _.Athan danceBto danceCthan dancingDto dancing20 . Tell me _ my phone, Sam.It was just beside the briefcase, grandma.Awhere will you findBwhere you will findCwhere did you findDwhere you found21 . -Was everybody there for the game?-We were hoping for a full team, but only five players.Ashowed upBput upCset upDlit up22 . Today it is _ hot,but we still have _ work to do.Amuch too;much tooBmuch too;too muchCtoo much;much tooDtoo much;too much23 . (题文) We are so lucky to have so many caring teachers. Yes, they are lovely. I am thankful_them _what they have done for me.Ato; forBfor; toCwith; aboutDwith; with24 . (江苏东台八校九年级检测)The Tiger Mom went out the bedroom, _ her daughter crying sadly.Aleft B. leaving C. leaves D. has left25 . The TV show was so boring that he stopped _ a magazine instead.AreadingBto readCreadsDfrom reading二、完型填空Now, heres some information about our school trip. As usual we will_the first four days in Paris. Well have a sightseeing tour of the city and well also visit_of the famous places like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. From Paris well travel down to the south of France near Marseilles_boat. Well spend five days there.Last year we_by coach, but we found that the journey was too long and we didnt have enough time to do_.So this year we will go by train. I will provide more information about the schedule later.There_students on the trip. We will travel in three groups and there will be three teachers with each group. I will go with Group One.I_that everyone on the trip will have a good time, but please remember that it is an educational_not a holiday. There will be_for swimming and other sports, but we are going to France to study French culture and to use the French language as_as possible.26 . AtakesBspendCstayDlive27 . AallBoneCbothDsome28 . AbyBinCtakeDon29 . AgoBgoesCwentDare going30 . AeverythingBanythingCsomethingDnothing31 . Awill haveBwill beChaveDare32 . AwantBwishCwould likeDhope33 . AtourBtripCjourneyDvisit34 . Asome timeBsometimeCsometimesDsome times35 . AmanyBmuchClittleDfew三、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子36 . 晚会将在除夕那天举行。The evening party will _ on New Years Eve.37 . 我们不仅冬天去那儿,而且夏天也去。We go there _ in winter,_in summer.38 . 我抬头看了看天空,但是什么也没有看见。I _ the sky,but saw nothing.39 . 许多好主意都是偶然想到的。A lot of bright ideas have been hit on_.40 . 毫无疑问,它是今年最受欢迎的节目了。_,it is the most popular show this year.四、汉译英:单词/短语短语翻译:41 . 听说_42 . 在中国南部地区_43 . 每当_44 . 一碗鱼翅汤_45 . 切掉_46 . 不再_47 . 不仅而且_48 . 对有害_49 . 在的顶部_50 . 食物链_51 . 实际上,事实上_52 . 的数量_53 . 在过去20到30年里_54 . 到目前为止_55 . 海洋生态系统_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、完型填空1、三、完成句子1、四、汉译英:单词/短语1、

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