四年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 What time is it ? C Story time 人教PEP(2014秋)

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四年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 What time is it ? C Story time 人教PEP(2014秋)_第1页
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四年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 What time is it ? C Story time 人教PEP(2014秋)_第2页
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四年级下册英语课件-Unit 2 What time is it ? C Story time 人教PEP(2014秋)_第3页
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,Unit2 What time is it?,C Story time,Whats the song about?(歌曲是关于什么?),Its 9 oclock. Its time _.,for English class,Lets know about my timetable.,Its 7 oclock. Its time _.,to get up,Its 3 oclock. Its time _.,for English class,Its 7:30. Its time _.,for breakfast,Its 9 p.m. Its time _.,to read a storybook,April Fools Day,What do you know?,(关于愚人节你知道哪些?),date? 日期 origin? 起源 How to celebrate? 怎样庆祝?,foo,d,l,April Fools Day,Good to know,愚人节(April Fools Day) 愚人节是西方国家的民间节日(每年4月1日)。在这一天,人们之间可以相互开玩笑,被开玩笑者被称为April Fool,而被告知是愚人节时,才恍然大悟,所以这一天总是能够引出许多笑话。,What do you want to know?,(关于这个故事你想知道什么?),What happened? (例如:这个故事发生了什么?),What do you see ?(你看到了什么?),Discuss with partner. (和同桌讨论),When? (时间) Where? (地点) Who? (人物) What? (事件),try to use English (尝试用英语表达),Watch and choose.,What happened?(发生了什么事情?),A. play a joke(玩笑) B. play a game,joke,Share your joke,Have you ever played jokes on others? Have you ever been fooled by others? Tell your story to your partner. (你曾经和别人开过玩笑或者上过别人的当吗?和同伴分享你的“玩笑”。),Share your story.,Read the story.,1,a e,w,k,up,Its 7 oclock. Its time _. (7点钟,Zoom该做什么?),Wake up! Zoom! Its time to get up!,1,Mmm! I want to sleep!,Its time to get up now.,What dose Zip say? (Zip会说什么?),2,Look! What time is it?,Why is Zoom so shocked? (Zoom为什么这么震惊?),Its eight oclock. Oh dear! Im late for school.,3,Is Zoom really late? (Zoom真的迟到了吗?),Actually, what time is it? (实际是几点钟?),Why does Zip change the time?,( Zip 为什么要改时间?),(四月一日),Is Zoom angry?,Its seven oclock!?,April Fool!,We can play jokes, but not too much. (愚人节我们可以开玩笑,但不能玩得太过火哦。),Read and judge. (判断对错),Zoom is late for school.,Zoom plays a joke on Zip.,Zip changes(改变)the clock.,Zoom is tricked(上当).,Listen and imitate.,Read it loudly and emotionally. (有感情地大声朗读),Tip: If you need help, you can ask for partners or teacher. (可以向同伴或者老师寻求帮助),Its seven oclock?,Mmm!I want to sleep!,Wake up, Zoom. Its time to get up. Mmm. I want to sleep. Its time to get up now. Look! What time is it? Its eight o clock. Oh dear! Im late for school. Wait! Wait! Zoom, look at that clock. Its seven oclock!? April Fool!,Act out in roles. (分角色表演),Tips: 1. Role-play in pairs.(同桌两人角色扮演。) 2. You can use the blackboard-writing.(可以使用板书。) 3. If you need help, you can ask for partners or teacher.(可以向同伴或者老师寻求帮助。),Act out in roles. (分角色表演),Pronunciation (语音),Fluency (流利),Feelings (角色感),OK!,Good!,Super!,Act out in roles.(小组分角色表演),Wake up, Zoom. Its time to get up. Mmm. I want to sleep. Its time to get up now. Look! What time is it? Its eight o clock. Oh dear! Im late for school. Wait! Wait! Zoom, look at that clock. Its seven oclock!? April Fool!,Act out in roles. (分角色表演),From the story, weve learnt (从故事中,我们学到了),1. Read the story for 10 minutes.(朗读10分钟。) 2. Imagine the end of story and share it. (和同伴分享你想象的故事结局。) 3. Enjoy the cartoon April Fools Day.,Homework,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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