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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上第一次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . How far is it from your home to school?Its about _.A10 minutes longB10 minutes walkC10 minutes laterDonly 10 minutes2 . (题文)- Hey, Eric! What has happened?- The lift is broken again! You know, I live on the _ floor.AtwelveBtwoCtwiceDtwelfth3 . The bread _ nice. Id like to have another piece.AtastesBlooksCseemsDfeels4 . _ hot weather it is today! lets go for a swim.AWhatBHowCWhat anDWhat a5 . -Is there going to _ a football match on CCTV-5 this evening?-Yes. There _usually football matches on Sunday evenings.Abe, will beBhave, areCbe, areDhave, will be6 . -Do you have a _? - Yes, I _ at a clothes shop.Ajob, workBwork, jobCjob, jobDwork , work7 . What a cool cell phone!Let _ have a look.Here you are.AIBmeCyouDyour8 . -Im sorry for making you wait so long.-_.AThats all right.BYoure welcome.CThats right.DOf course.9 . Some people go to coffee shops to meet friends, _ may just want to have a cup of nice coffee.AanotherBthe otherCothersDthe others10 . How was your vacation?We couldnt go anywhere _ the terrible weather.AbecauseBforCbecause ofDso11 . Id like to go with you, _Im too busy.AorBandCsoDbut12 . Look, that is _ elephant.Yes, its very strong.AaBanCtheD13 . Dont make me_ to bed when my eyes are_openAgo.widelyBto go wideCto go.widelyDgo wide14 . John often stays up late, so he sometimes finds _ hard to stay awake the next day.AthatBthisChimselfDit15 . I feel excited because our class did best in the basketball game.AHow are you feeling now?BThank you for telling me.CHow do you do ?二、完型填空完形填空What must you_when you receive a present for your birthday? You have to sit down and write a thank-you letter. The words “Thank you” are very important. We have to use them often. We_ when someone gives us a drink, helps us to pick up things, hands us a letter, lends us a book, gives us a book or a present._important word is “please”. Many people forget_it. It is not polite to ask someone to do something_saying “please”. We have to use it when we _ something, too. It may be a book or a pencil, more rice or more tea. It may be used in the classroom, at home, at the bus stop or in a shop. We have to use “please” to make each other_.We have to_to say “sorry” too. When we have hurt someone, we go up and say we are_ . When we have told lie (说谎 ) and feel sorry, we use_word. When we have forgotten something or broken something, we use the word “sorry”, too. “Sorry” is a word that can make people forget wrongs.16 . AdoBsayCspeakDtell17 . AtalkBread themCsay themDtell them18 . AThe otherBAnotherCThe othersDOther19 . Ato takeBto useCto spellDto write20 . AandBorCwithDwithout21 . Aask forBgive backCwait forDthank for22 . AkindBhappyCbeautifulDhealthy23 . AforgetBlearnCstudyDknow24 . AhungryBsorryCangryDbusy25 . Athe differentBthe rightCthe sameDthe good三、阅读单选看下列四则启事,完成下列5题Is this your pen?Call Lydia at 224-3638.Lost:My computer game.My name is David.Call 44-2697.Mitchell,Is that your backpack in the lost and found case?LizaFound:ID card.Is this your ID card? Call Ely at 52993.26 . Lydias telephone number isA2243638B442697C529903 D 224366827 . lost computer gameALydiaBDavidCLizaDEly28 . I lost my ID card ,I should(应该)callALydiaBLizaC529903D44-269729 . There are(有)Found Notices(启示)AtwoBthreeCfourDone30 . Which of the following is true?(下面那句话是对的)ALydia lost a pen.BLiza found a backpack(双肩书包).CEly lost an ID card.DLiza lost a backpack.Around the world,facial recognition(FR人脸识别)has slowly become a part of our daily life.After helping people to make payments and open bank accounts,FR now is used in the subway of Zhengzhou,Henan Province. FR was introduced in September and now it can be used by passengers who link their online payment systems to the subways smartphone app. China Daily reports that other cities in China,including Beijing,are testing a similar system.Its not hard to see why. FR technology could help speed up security (安全) checks greatly. Yuan Xiaoqin,a park manager in Hangzhou,told CCTV the reason why the park upgraded (升级) its entry system,FR can help a visitor enter the park in two or three seconds. Fingerprint information sometimes isnt sensitive (灵敏的),especially when the fingers are injured or too dry. Before,the park used a fingerprint entry system.However,there are some problems with the use of FR. Some people are afraid that their personal information will be leaked.In fact,sometimes people can refuse the app if they dont want their facial information disclosed (暴露),but sometimes people dont have a choice.31 . Which city is using facial recognition in the subway?AZhengzhou.BBeijing.CHangzhou.DChengdu.32 . How can a passenger use FR technology to take the subway?ABuying a smartphone in the subway station.BOpening a bank account on a smartphone.CTaking a photo of his face and sending it out.DLinking his online payment systems to the subways smartphone app.33 . Why did the park improve the entry system?ABecause FR technology was more fashionable.BBecause sometimes the system didnt work well.CBecause the system could injure visitors fingers easily.DBecause the manager found it hard to manage the visitors.34 . What does the underlined word leaked mean in Paragraph 4?ASecret smartphone apps are used,BSecret information is known by others.CFacial recognition technology is used widely.DPersonal information is stored in the smartphone.四、单词填空It was a35 . day. In the morning, Lulus mother was busy doing some36 . . When she had everything done, she said to her son, “ Its time to get up, my son. ” But there was37 . answer. She came into the bedroom and said again, “ Come38 . , my baby. Did you hear it? Its time to get up now. ” It39 . that Lulu was still having a dream. He didnt hear40 . his mother said. His mother came to his bed, “ Lazybones (懒虫). You see, the sun is41 . now, but you still42 . in bed. Get up, my dear! ” Suddenly, Lulu43 . , “Thats unfair (不公平) ! The sun went to bed at six oclock last night, but I reviewed (复习) my lessons44 . 10 oclock. ”五、填空任务型阅读Name: Tom GreenAge: 13Class: 8Grade: 7School: No.2 Middle SchoolFamily memberNameAgeGrandmotherAmy Green69FatherJohn Green42MotherKate Green40BrotherMike Green8根据表格内容填空,使短文语意完整(每空一词)。Tom Green is English.He is 13.He is in Class Eight Grade 45 . at No.2 Middle School.There are 46 . people in his family.Amy Green is his grandmother.She is 69.His47 . name is John Green.He is 42.Whats his mothers name?It is 48 . Green.How old is she?Shes 40.Who is Mike Green?Hes Toms 49 . .He is eight years old.六、信息匹配AliceI want the pictures of Sun Yang, the famous Chinese swimmer.KateI hope to buy some birthday gifts for my friends online.TomEarth is our home. I need some information on pollution.HarryI would like to have some information about soccer.DickI will go to England. I want to know the famous places and the weather there.A.www.taobao.com online shopping of books, DVDs, cards, shoes, clothes and so on.Awww.cnphoto.com pictures about famous people, big eventsBwww.FA.com official website of the England team, the FA cup and football in England.Cwww.worldpollution.net introduction to air pollution and environment protectionDwww.crawfurd.dk/travel about travelling around the world, the weather, the people50 . Alice_51 . Kate_52 . Tom _53 . Harry _54 . Dick_七、材料作文55 . 假设你们班级即将召开以“感恩”为主题的班会,要求向大家介绍一下你最想向谁表达感恩之情。请结合上文内容,以“ Thank You, My”为题写一篇发言稿。内容包括:1.你要表达感恩之情的人是2.列举一例他(她)帮助过你的事例;3.在他(她)的帮助下,你的改变;4.你又将怎样回报他(她)的付出;作文要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名;2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。Thank You, My_The person that I would like to express my thanks is_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、单词填空1、五、填空1、六、信息匹配1、七、材料作文1、

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