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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第二学期期末教学质量监测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . More than three quarters of the information _ Internet _ in English.Aon the , isBon, areCin, areDin the , is2 . Some kind people hurriedly took the_man to the hospital.AdiedBdeadCdyingDdeath3 . There is _ pen on the teachers desk .Ano anyBnothingCno aDno4 . According to the notice, guests at this hotel _use the sports center at no extra cost.AcanBshouldCmustDneed5 . Have you been to Hong Kong?Yes, I havevisited there, but I havent been to the Disneyland.Aalready; ever; yetBever; ever; alreadyCalready; already; alreadyDever; already; yet6 . We _ any Chinese class on Thursday, we _ a PE class now.Aarent having, are havingBdont have, haveCdont have, are havingDarent having, have7 . If youyour workhers, youll find hers is much better.Acompare; fromBconnect; toCcompare; withDprevent; from8 . The plane was late _ the heavy snow.AbecauseBbecause ofCasDsince.9 . The boy is crazy_ computer games. It worries_ his parents a lot.Aabout; 不填Bwith; aboutCabout; withDabout; about10 . Heresome pictures of my family.AareBisChasDhave二、补全短文5选5ASurround(围绕)yourself with English BDo exercises and take testsCVisit an English-speaking countryDDont be afraid to speak EnglishETalk to yourselfHere are some ways to help you learn English. 11 . Most people think a big problem of learning English is worry. They worry that they wont say right things, so they dont talk at all. In fact, a good way to learn everything is to do it again and again. Learning English needs practice. Dont let your worry stop you from getting what you want.12 . Put yourself in an English-speaking environment. Put English books around your room ,listen to English music, watch English news, movies and TV programs and speak English with your friends. By doing these, you will learn faster and you will begin thinking in English.13 . Although it sounds a little strange, it can work. When you are doing housework or taking a walk in the park, you can read words to yourself or ask yourself some questions and answer them in English.14 . Many people think that exercises and tests arent much fun. However, they are really helpful. By doing exercises and taking tests, you can really improve your English.15 . If English is not a common language in your country, try to take a vacation to an English-speaking country, such as Canada, the USA, the UK or Australia. It will be interesting and can help you improve your English in a short time.三、完型填空Tom and Jerry were _. Last year they travelled in Spain(西班牙). One day they came into a restaurant for lunch. They didnt know Spanish(西班牙语), and the waiter didnt know English,_. They want to have some milk and bread. At first, Tom said the word “milk”_times. Then, Jerry _ it down on the table. _the waiter could not understand them at all. At last Tom took out _and began to draw a cow. The waiter looked at it and ran out of (跑出)the restaurant.“You are so _”said Jerry happily, “He understands us at last!” After _, the waiter came back. He brought no _ with him, but he _ two tickets for a bullfight(斗牛赛) in his hand.16 . AAmericaBAmericanCAmericansDAmericen17 . AtooBeitherCalsoDagain18 . AsomeBmuchCanyDmany19 . AwroteBtookCmadeDset20 . AAndBThenCButDSo21 . Aa paperBa piece paperCpiece of paperDa piece of paper22 . AhappyBcleverCniceDkind23 . AsometimesBsome timeCsometimeDsome times24 . AmilkBcakeCfoodDmoney25 . AholdBtookCcarriedDbrought四、阅读单选Life is full of surprises and you never know how things will turn out. Sir John Gurdon is a good example of this. As a boy, he was told that he was hopeless at Science and was at the bottom of his class. Later, aged 79, the very same Gurdon shared the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Japanese stem cell(干细胞) researcher Shinya Yamanaka.Like to so many scientists, Gurdon shows us where the power of curiosity and perseverance can lead.At the age of 15 in 1948, Gurdon ranked last out the 250 boys at his high school in Biology. Gurdons high school science teacher even said that his dream of becoming a scientist was “quite ridiculous.”In spite of his teachers criticisms, Gurdon followed his curiosity and kept working hard. He went to the lab earlier and left later than anyone else. He experienced thousands of failures.“My own belief is that we will, in the end, understand everything about how cells actually work,” Gurdon said. In the 1960s, Gurdon took a cell from an adult frog and moved its genetic information into an egg cell. The egg cell then grew into a clone(克隆)of the adult frog. This technique later helped to create the sheep Dolly in 1996, the first cloned mammal(哺乳动物) in the world.In 2006, Gurdons work was developed by Yamanaka to show that a sample of a persons skin can be used to create stem cells. Using the technique, doctors can repair a patients heart after a heart attack.“Luck favours the prepared mind,” Gurdon told the Noble Prize Organization. “Ninety per cent of the time things dont work, but when they do, you have to seize(抓住) the chance.”26 . Who won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?ASir John GurdonBShinya YamanakaCSir John Gurdon and Shinya YamanakaDGurdons science teacher27 . What does the underlined word “ridiculous” mean?A无知的B无畏的C荒废的D荒谬的28 . According to the passage, which statement about Sir John Gurdon is TRUE?AAs a boy, he was told that he was hopeful.BHe ranked first at his high school in Biology.CIts impossible for the doctors to repair a patients heart after a heart attack.DIn spite of his teachers criticisms, he kept working hard.29 . From the passage, we know Sir John Gurdons success depended on many things EXCEPT_.AperseveranceBcriticismsCdiligenceDcuriosity.30 . Whats the main idea of the passage?ANinety per cent of the time things dont workBLuck favours the prepared mindCLife is full of surprisesDHow cells actually work.Students Volunteers NeededAre you looking for something fun an do you want to help others in your spare time?Then join us to be a volunteer.On October 23,from 9 am to 4 pm, Clapton Middle school will hold a music festival in the school gym. The special event will feature a variety of professional musicians and singers.Task Time DateMake posters 1pm-4pm October17Setup the gym 11am-4pm October20Help performers 9am-4pm October23Welcome guess 10am-2pm October23Clean up the gym 4pm-7pm October23Interested students should speak to Ms. Braxton,the music teacher. Students who would like to help at the festival must have the written permission(同意书)from your parents.31 . Which of the following work should be done before the festival?ASetting up the gym.BWelcoming the guests.CCleaning up the gym.DHelping the performers.32 . From the table, we can lean the following EXCEPTAstudents are welcomed to volunteerBvolunteers can help in OctoberCsome work needs to be done in the eveningDvolunteers can get money after helping(题文)During my second year of nursing school, our teacher gave us an exam. I was a hardworking student and I did well in all the subjects. I finished the questions successfully until I read the last one: “What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”Of course this was a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. She is short and about 60 years old. She has dark hair. But how would I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, Id never even thought about talking to her. I stared at my paper and started to feel rather guilty. Finally, I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank.Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our grade.“Certainly,” the teacher said. “In your life, you will meet many people. All are important. They deserve(值得) your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say hello.”Ive never forgotten that lesson. Everyone deserves my attention and I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, perhaps, the most important lesson of my life. I also learned the cleaning womans name was Dorothy.33 . (小题1)At the nursing school, the writer.A. know everyones name around herB. did well in all subjectsC. didnt like to have an exam34 . (小题2)The writer wroteto the last question.A. “Dorothy” B. “blank” C. nothing35 . (小题3)From the teachers words, we can know that.A. only one student didnt know the answerB. the last question was part of the examC. the students neednt answer the last question36 . (小题4)The writer thought that.A. the exam gave her a lessonB. the teacher was jokingC. the clean lady was important.37 . (小题5)The teacher wanted the students to know that they shouldthrough the last question.A. pay attention to everyone around them.B. be friendly to the cleaning ladyC. try to make as many friends as they can in their life.Americans love to drive. They have drive-in movie theaters, drive-through restaurants and driving vacations. Its often called the “Great American Road Trip”: Your whole family gets into a van or recreational vehicle (RV, 旅行房车), and hits the road for a summertime trip across the country.American cars are always big, but RVs are the biggest. These are houses on wheels. RVs have kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms. All across the country you can find RV parks places to park your RV and spend the night. And, if you cant find one, you can always make your home in a grocery store parking lot.As big as RVs are, they still seem very small to a family who has to spend every hour of every day together. With your little brother kicking you in the face all night in your tiny bed under the table, the dog barking and Mom playing her country music on the radio, your family is not at its best.Whats worse, RVs are always breaking down. So its possible to spend a lot of time watching dad under the RV on the side of a dusty road.But RV travel can be a great time with the family, too. You can see the country in the comfort of your own “home”. You can spend every night in a different, natural and beautiful place, or just stay where you are. You dont have to pay for hotels or restaurants, only gas. But, best of all, you are free to go wherever you want at any time in your home-away-from-home.38 . RVs have the following EXCEPT_.ABathroomsBBedroomsCKitchensDGardens39 . Why do American people like to travel in RVs?ABecause RVs can go faster than other cars.BBecause they can listen to music on the radio.CBecause RVs never break down on the road.DBecause its like traveling in their own home.40 . If you travel in RVs, you only have to pay for_.AHotels.BGas.CFood.DDrinks.41 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ATraveling in RVs is more expensive than living in hotels.BRVs are big enough for families traveling together.CIt is not difficult to find parking places for RVs and spend the night.DIt is less fun to travel in RVs than to stay in hotels.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。42 . I like English very much. I often s_ English with my friends.43 . Where does the old man l_? He lives in Hainan.44 . I dont like the picture at a_. I like that one.45 . She seldom(很少) speaks Chinese, so her Chinese is not very g _.46 . Kangkang and Tongtong are in the same class. They are c_.六、语法填空阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个合适的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,没空不超过两词。Im Xu Li. My friend is Lingling. We47 . (be) in Class 4 Grade 7. Linglings father is a manager of a company. On 48 . (she) birthday, he buys a computer for Lingling. Lingling 49 . (use) the computer a lot. She often b50 . nice clothes on the Internet. She also 51 . (search) for information and uses it 52 . (do) her homework. She often talks with her friends. And sometimes she sends emails to53 . (they). Im from a workers family and there is no computer in my home. So Lingling often asks me to share the computer w54 . her. We search for our 55 . (lesson) and send our homework to the teachers. Sometimes we p 56 . computer games on Sundays.七、材料作文57 . 提示:1、介绍一次你难忘的校园旅行。2、叙述一下你在旅行中的经历、活动等。3、描述一下你的感受。要求:条理清晰,语法正确;字迹工整;字数在80-120之间。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、语法填空1、七、材料作文1、


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