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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . During a holiday season, hotels are _than they are off seasonAcrowdedBmore crowdedCtoo crowdedDthe most crowded2 . Stop talking!l have to tell you.Aanything importantBsomething importantCimportant anythingDimportant something3 . My mother lets me play computer games _ an hour every day.AatBoffCforDon4 . After winning the match, the players were so excited that they could speak.AprobablyBhardlyCreallyDclearly5 . The number of the students in our school about 2000.AhasBhaveCisDare6 . - Which city do you want to_?-I want to go to Beijing. AgoBto go toCgo toDgoing7 . youthe article on the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games?Yes, Iit several days ago.AHave; read; readBDid; read; readCHave; read; have readDDid; read; have read8 . - _ do you open a document? - Click “the document”AHowBWhatCWhereDWho9 . _you dont give up(放弃),your dreams will come true.AAs long asBAs soon asCAs well asDAs often as10 . The earthquake happened all of _, but luckily no one got hurt.AsuddenBa suddenCthe suddenDsuddenly二、补全短文5选4阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短文,选项中有一项为多余项。“Youre my best friend.” Its the nicest thing you can say to someone.11 . Good friendships begin in middle school. Its the place you begin to develop(发展) your own personality(个性). Your parents arent around so you spend lots of time every day sharing your life with your classmates. You talk with them. You work with them. 12 . But not all of them will become your “best” friends.Best friends are the people who like you and understand you the most. They are easy to work and have fun with.13 . Sometimes you can feel a little lonely(孤单的), because you dont have a best friend now.14 . Best friends seem to find each other as if by magic(魔力). And when you find your best friend, the magic will last forever.AAnd its also the nicest thing you can hear from someone.BThat doesnt mean you wont have one in the future(未来).CBut sometimes its not easy to find a best friend.DHow do we make friends?EYou become friends with them.三、完型填空One day, I was in front of the mall cleaning my car. A man was coming my way from across the parking lot. From the_of him, I could tell that he had no car, no home, no clean clothes, and no money. He sat down in front of the bus stop, but looked like that he had no money to _the bus.Thats a very_car. He said. He was badly-dressed but looked satisfied. I answered, Thanks, and then_ cleaning my car. I thought he would ask me for money, but that never came.After a while, I said to _,Ask him if he needs help. I was sure that he would say yes Do you need any help? l asked. He answered in two _ but meaningful words And you? I had been feeling high, successful and important until those two words_ me. I did need help, and maybe it was not for a bus ticket or a place to sleep. I_my wallet and gave him enough money to get a warm meal and a place to sleep for the day.This homeless stranger taught me an important lesson. No matter how much you_, no matter what you have achieved, you need help, too. No matter how little you have, no matter how your life are filled with_even without money or a place to sleep, you can give help.15 . AwordsBsoundsCactionsDlooks16 . AbuyBtakeCdriveDstop17 . AniceBoldCcommonDcheap18 . AfinishedBstoppedCcontinuedDbegan19 . AhimselfBitselfCherselfDmyself20 . AharmfulBstrangeCnewDsimple21 . AexaminedBshockedCcreatedDbelieved22 . Awent outBfound outCtook outDworked out23 . AeatBhaveCuseDthink24 . AshynessBhappinessCsadnessDproblems四、阅读单选SummerCultureWhat is your teen doing this summer?Welcome a student from France or Spain into your family!Host a student from Spain or France and experience his/her life and culture.Exchange students from Spain and France are looking for welcoming warm, fun and loving hosts who will share life and culture with them for a few weeks in June, July and August. Stays can be from 3 to 6 weeks.What to do with your exchange studentMovies / Museums / Beach / Cooking / Baking / Community projects /Volunteering / Hanging out / Shopping / Disneyland/ anything you can think of.Requirements to host:Loving, active, outgoing familyOne stay-at home. Or part time host parentTeen in the home within 4 years of age of the exchange studentWilling to take students to places or interest once a week(maybe visiting them next summer at their home countries)If you are interested and would like more information, please contact:Shirley Wentzell 909-918-6715Email: Shirley uceus.com25 . Exchange students from France or Spain will possibly stay for _ in host families.A10 daysB5 weeksC2 monthsD1 year26 . According to the passage, we can learn that _.Aexchange students will come back next summerBexchange students have to cook dinner by themselvesCparents in a host family should have full-time jobsDteens in host families can experience different cultures27 . The text above is probably a _.AletterBnoticeCposterDdiaryBill is only fifteen years old, but hes already very rich. Two years ago, Bill began a football website calledFootball OK! for young people and now more than 20,000 people visit it every day. I became interested in computers when I was 8 years old because my fathers job is with computers. As a little boy, I also loved football and so I decided to make a website, especially for people of my age.”Bill is a schoolboy and a businessman as well. He usually gets up at six oclock and looks at his e-mails. Then he goes to school from nine in the morning to four in the afternoon in the evenings, he always works for about four hours on his website.Bills next plan is a new website. At the moment I am thinking about a new website on American football, maybe for next year.”And is Bill the same person that he was three years ago? No, I am very different now. I have met a lot of interesting people on the website and I have traveled all over the world. Bill doesnt know about the future.Maybe I will sell the websites. I really dont know. Ill just wait and see.” When he is 21, Bill will be a millionaire(百万富翁). He always says, “Anything is possible!”28 . Bill became interested in computers at the age of.AsixBeightCthirteenDfifteen29 . Football OK! is the name of.Aa websiteBa computer gameCa millionaireDa young businessman30 . On weekdays, Bill spends seven hours.Areading the e-mailsBtalking with the visitorsCstudying at schoolDplanning his new website31 . From the passage above we can know that.ABill will stop travellingBBill is smart and richCBill will play American footballDBill is sure of his future32 . Which of the following is the best title for the passageABills School LifeBHow to Make a WebsiteCBills Future WorkDA Schoolboy and Businessman_Beijing is the place to go.Best Beijing of 5 daysFrom ¥7992 nights Beijing Hotel&2 nights Changcheng HotelBook online or call 0541-7666888www.yangzhoutour.com.Beijing Hotel:Close to Tiananmen SquarePrize-winning garden Bars & French restaurantsSwimming poolChangcheng Hotel:Gardens with mountain viewsRestaurants & CafesNight clubBuses to the downtown.Departure Date PriceJun.8¥899Jul.29¥999Aug.30¥799Sept.30¥1299To book, choose yourPreferred departure dateBusiness HoursWeekdays: 24 hoursWeekends: 8:00 am -6:00 pm33 . If you want to watch the national flag raising ceremony (升国旗仪式) on National Day, which departure date should we choose?AJune 8BJuly 29CAugust 30DSeptember 3034 . We can NOT book by telephone at _.A9:00 am, MondayB9:00 pm, ThursdayC9:00 am, SaturdayD9:00 pm, Sunday35 . According to the ad, which of the following is TRUE?AThis ad is given by a Beijing travel company.BWe can save ¥500 leaving in late August instead of late September.CChangcheng Hotel is in the center of Beijing.DWe can stay in Beijing for four days and five nights.It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill, so it is easier to fall into bad habits than into good ones.Bad habits dont come suddenly. They come little by little without your knowing their danger. Schoolboys first pick up little bad habits from schoolmates. If they see bigger boys smoking, they also want to learn to smoke. If they see their friends gambling(赌博), they want to gamble. When they get older, the habits become stronger and stronger so that they can no longer get rid of them. From copying, they learn to steal. From gambling, they learn to cheat. At last, they become distrusted(不信任的) by everybody. How necessary(有必要的) it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the beginning!36 . It is easier to fall into _ than into _Agood habits; bad onesBbad habits; good oneCbad habits; good onesDgood habits; bad one37 . Bad habits come _AsuddenlyBlittle by littleCfaster and fasterDeasier and easier38 . Where do schoolboys pick up little bad habits first?AIn school.BOn the street.CFrom older boys.DIn school and on the street.39 . When schoolboys get older, their bad habits become _Astronger and strongerBweaker and weakerCbetter and betterDworse and worse40 . It is important for us to _Acopy othersBlearn to steal and cheatCbecome distrusted by everybodyDget rid of the bad habits in the beginning五、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话A: Hi! Lucy! Why are you so happy?B: I will go to the UK as an exchange student next month. 41 . ?A: Of course.B: 242 . ?A: They usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you.”B: 343 . ?A: No. British people only greet relatives or close friends with a kiss.B: 444 . ?A: They talk about the weather, holidays, music, books and so on.B: 545 . ?A: No. They think it is rude to push in before others.B: OK. Thank you for telling me so much.六、回答问题John was ten years old and he was very lazy. He had to go to school, of course, but he was bored there and tried to do as little work as possible. His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that he would become one, too, when he grew up. But one day John said to his mother, When I finish school, I want to become a garbage collector(垃圾工).A garbage collector? his mother asked .She was very surprised. Thats not a pleasant job. Why do you want to become a garbage collector?Because then Id only have to work one day a week, John answered.Only one day a week? his mother said, What do you mean?Well, John answered, I know that the ones who come to our house only work on Wednesday, because I only saw them on that day.46 . What did Johns parents want him to be when he grew up?_(不超过10个单词)47 . When did the garbage collectors come to Johns house?_(不超过10个单词)48 . .What do you think of John?_(不超过15个单词)七、英汉互译:整句阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。What is the best place to relax in our city on weekends? Here are three ideas.Im David Wang. I think Orange Island is the best place to relax in Changsha. Its a beautiful place and I like to take a walk there on sunny evenings. I sometimes even dance with the old ladies, haha. After Metro Line 4 was opened in May, 65.从我家到那里只要花十分钟。More importantly, it is free for the old. How relaxing my life is!Im Ada Li. I like going to Shazhichuan Outlet in my free time. Its one of the biggest shopping centers in Changsha now. 66. I can buy my favorite clothes and shoes at the best prices with the best service. If Im tired, I can watch a movie at UME International Movie Theater. It has the most comfortable seats and the newest movies. 67. Of course, having a cup of milk tea at Sexy Tea(茶颜悦色) is a must-do activity for me. So I think its the best choice for housewives.Im Michelle Zhang. I think Reading Garden Bookstore is the best place to relax on weekends. Every Saturday after I finish doing homework, I go to the bookstore to read books with my sister. 68.当我阅读一本好书时,它就像在和一个朋友说话。There are many kids reading books there. You can see in their eyes that they are having a different journey with each new book. 69. If you are a book lover, you can have a special and wonderful day there.49 . _50 . _51 . _52 . _53 . _八、话题作文54 . Writing(作文)Write passage of at least 60 words on the topic “A Trip to ”(根据题目“一次之旅”,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)A Trip to_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文5选41、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、回答问题1、七、英汉互译:整句1、八、话题作文1、


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