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人教版2019年九年级下学期期中英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Li Ming likes _ with dogs , so he wants _a little one.Ato play; to buyBplays; buysCplay; buyDplay; to buy2 . Our classroom _ every day. We can study comfortably in it.AcleansBcleanCwas cleanedDis cleaned3 . There are some words_can cross countries and cultures,such as“OK”“Huhand“mama”AwhatBwhichC4 . _ two soccer games in our school next week .AThere is hasBThere are haveCThere are going to beDThere is going to be5 . My brother wants to be _actor but I want to be _NBA player.Aa, anBan, aCthe,aDan, an6 . He is very careless. He made _ mistakes in the test of all the studentsAthe leastBthe mostCthe fewestDmore7 . Could you tell me _? Just go straight. Its on your right.Awhere the police station isBwhat your name isCwhich country you come fromDwhy you like koalas8 . I usually go to bed late at night. And you? .ASo I doBSo do ICSo am IDSo I am9 . _ dinner, I have hamburgers, vegetables and chicken.AOnBInC/DFor10 . I went back not the rain, but I was tired.Abecause; because ofBbecause; becauseCbecause of; becauseDbecause of; because of11 . When I got home, I was angry to find my room.Ain a good messBin a bad messCon a good messDon a bad mess12 . -Your English is very good. -_AYes, I am.BNo, it isn t.CThank you.13 . Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xian? is OK. Its up to you.AEitherBNeitherCBoth14 . That _ a good idea!Alistens toBhearsCsoundsDlistens15 . The Earth provides us with air, water and food.So it is important for us to save our Earth.Aoffers usBoffers to usCgives to us二、补全短文5选5第二节根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Marco Polo was born in Italy in 1254. When he was 17, he traveled along the Silk Road with his father, who wanted to trade with the Chinese. Finally, they arrived in Beijing. They were guests at the Emperor s Palace. 16 . . The Emperor was impressed by him and they became friends. He asked Marco to serve in his court (宫殿) and sent him to do many important jobs all over the country. 17 . . He was impressed by Beijing and the Emperors Palace, especially the Summer Palace which was described as “The greatest palace that Ive ever seen”. The walls were covered with gold and silver and the hall was so big that it could easily hold 6,000 people for dinner.18 . . Marco was surprised to see Chinese people using paper money in the markets. In Europe, people paid for goods (货物) with gold and silver. He could not understand how people paid for food and valuable things with paper! He was also puzzled by the black stones people used to burn to produce heat. The black stones were coal, but Marco had never seen coal before.After he served the Emperor for 17 years, in 1291, Marco returned to Italy. 19 . . A writer wrote down all the stories that Marco told him in a book called The Description of the World, which became one of the best-selling books in Europe.People enjoyed the book, but many of them thought that Marcos stories about China were too fantastic to be true.20 . . Just before he died, aged 70, Marco was asked the question, Was it all true? And this was his answer, “I have only told a half what I saw!”A Marco was also attracted (吸引) by the inventions and developments in China which couldnt be found in Europe at that time.AMarco was very clever and could speak four languages.BHowever, Marco always stood by his tales.CMarco was amazed by how beautiful China was.DHe was a very wealthy man then.三、完型填空Last autumn, my 80-year-old grandmother was having problems with her heart. My family sent her to the _. After a careful examination, a famous doctor told my grandmother, “You have such a _ heart condition that you should have an operation.”“But the complications(并发症) can happen.” The doctor _ my grandmother and looked at her worried face. The doctor went on to say that she would have a 40 percent possibility of having a heart trouble during the operation, a 35 percent possibility of being unable to stand up, and even a 20 percent of _ on the operating table because of her old age. My grandmother was _ surprised and quickly said, “Doctor, since youre talking about these _. I have one for you: there is a 100 percent possibility that you wont operate on me!” With these words, my grandmother got up and _ the doctors office. The next day, my grandmother went to another doctors office. There she was also told she needed an _. The doctor also said that her _ might cause some problems, but he was quite sure about the success of the operation. My grandmother might be brave, but she is not silly. She then asked the doctor, “If I am your mother, what will you _?”The doctor walked up to her, smiled, put his arms around her, and said, “Mom, lets have the operation!”My grandmother had the operation and came out fine! Her positive attitude added many wonderful and happy years for her to enjoy life with my family.21 . ArestaurantBhotelChospital22 . AfantasticBseriousCproper23 . AencouragedBwarnedCpromised24 . AfightingBhurtingCdying25 . AterriblyBnearlyCsimply26 . AconditionsBchangesCpossibilities27 . AleftBreachedCentered28 . AoperationBexperienceCexamination29 . AweightBheightCage30 . AincludeBrecommendCpromise四、阅读单选“Who needs a shopping mall (购物中心)if you have Taobao?” says Wang Lin, 28, a writer in Beijing.Taobao, Chinas largest online shopping site (网上购物网站), has become an important part of Wang Lins life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the joys of online shopping. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop on line than men. Clothing and home-use products(产品)are the most popular on line.It was reported that more than 250 billion(十亿) yuan was spent on online shopping last year, 80% through Taobao.Taobao means “looking for treasure” in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books, from candies to DVD players .You may question thesecurityof online shopping, Wang Lin said, “Its very safe and convenient ( 便利的).Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them, the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the products.”31 . What are the most popular on line?ACandies and DVD playersBClothes and booksCClothing and home-use productsDbooks32 . Taobao is.Aa shopping mallBan online shopperCan online shopping siteDa shop owner33 . Most online shoppers are.AyoungBoldCbabiesDrich34 . What does the underlined word “security” mean?A质量B安全C信誉D数量35 . Which is the best title of the passage?AWang Lins lifeBshoppingCShopping on line is not safeDonline shopping in ChinaDo animals have a culture? What do we mean by “culture”? Lately social scientists have begun to ask if culture is found just in humans, or if some animals have a culture too. When we speak of culture, we mean a way of life a group of people have in common. Culture includes the beliefs and attitudes we learn. It is the patterns of behavior that help people to live together. It is also the patterns of behavior that make one group of people different from another group.Our culture lets us make up for having lost out strength, claws, long teeth, and other defenses. Instead we use tools, cooperate with one another, and communicate with language. But these aspects of human behavior, or “culture”, can also be found in the lives of certain animals. Animals can make tools, for example. We used to think that the ability to use tools was the dividing line between human beings and other animals. Lately, however, we have found that this is not the case. Chimpanzees can not only use tools but actually make tools themselves. Animals can also share knowledge with each other and use their own language to communicate. So it may be important for us to know that the line dividing us from animals is not as clear as we used to think.36 . When we talk about “culture”, we mean _.Abook language of behavior we learnBthe patterns of behavior we learnCtraditional ideasDpeoples habits37 . We thought _ was the biggest difference between human beings and other animals.Acooperating with one anotherBcommunicating with languageCusing toolsDlosing long teeth38 . The example of chimpanzees shows _.Aanimals are the same as human beingsBanimals can be as clever as human beingsCthere is no differences between humans and other animalsDanimals may have a culture like our own39 . Its _ that animals have a culture too.AsureBunbelievableCpossibleDimportant40 . The main idea of the passage is _.Achimpanzees can learn to use sign language to make sentencesBother animals can invent toolsCknowledge and communication are no longer signs of only human behaviorDthe line dividing human culture from animal culture is not as clear as we might thinkIn 1834, the clock tower in London was burned down. People planned to build a new clock which would be the biggest and best in the world. So the clock had to be big and keep very good time. The big clock was made in two years. Five more years later the tower was finished. Then people put the big clock in the tower, and made it ring out for the first time on July 11, 1859.In order to give the big clock a good name, people held a meeting. Someone wanted to call it the Queen of Bells, and someone thought Victoria was good. At last, a man named Benjamin Hall stood up. He was a big man. Before he started to speak, someone shouted, “Why not call it Big Ben?” Everybody laughed and agreed with him.From then on, Big Ben became its name. And it also became a famous building of London. People all over the world write to Big Ben. They even send birthday presents-bottles of oil-to help keep Big Ben running. Big Ben is not only a clock but also a dear friend of people.41 . Big Bens birthday is _.AJuly 11, 1854BJuly 11, 1834CJuly 11 1859DJuly 11, 185242 . How did Big Ben get its name?ABenjamin Hall gave it the name.BBig Ben got its name because of a joke.CVictoria gave it the name.DBig Ben got its name from the Queen of the UK43 . “Keep very good time” means _Ahave a good timeBshow people the correct time.Ckeep runningDbe made in time44 . Which of the following is NOT true?APeople all over the world look upon Big Ben as their friends.BPeople all over the world even send oil to Big Ben.CPeople think Big Ben will answer their letters.DPeople think Big Ben is the biggest and the best clock in the world.45 . Benjamin Hall is _.Aa man who built Big BenBa man who was always very funnyCthe man who burnt down the old clockDa man who attended the meeting which was held to make a name for the big clock五、用单词的正确形式完成短文将下列单词的适当形式填入空格每空限填一词,每词只能用一次continue make place careful who same stop before good somethingA man named Bill once visited a temple that was still being built He saw a sculptor (雕刻家)46 . a sculpture As he watched the man work on the sculpture, he noticed that there was a similar sculpture lying nearbyHe felt strange and asked the sculptor, Why are you creating two47 . sculptures? Do you need two to put in different 48 . ?No the man said without looking up, We need only one, but the first one became damaged(损害)49 . I could finish it, so I m working on a new oneBill picked up the damaged sculpture and examined it 50 . But he couldnt find 51 . wrong with itWhere is the damage? he askedThere is a scratch (划痕) on the sculptures nose the sculptor said while 52 . his workBill then asked Where are you going to place the sculpture?The sculptor replied that it would be placed on a platform which is 20 feet in height If the sculpture is up that high,53 . is going to notice that there is a scratch on the nose? Bill askedThe sculptor 54 . his work, looking up at the man and said, I will know itThe sculptor chose a high standard of excellence in his work Even if other people didnt notice it, it mattered to him that his work should be of the 55 . quality (质量) This is an attitude we should work hard to have六、填写适当的句子补全对话用适当的短语或句子补全对话.A:56 . ,is this your notebook?B:57 . .Mine is here.A:Do you know whose it is?B:Oh,58 . Sonias.A; She isnt here.B;Please59 . 2679381.A:OK.60 . B: You are welcome.七、材料作文61 . 书面表达央视报道,中国人每年在餐桌上浪费的粮食价值高达2000亿元,被倒掉的食物相当于2亿多人一年的口粮,这个数字大得吓人。因此,我国政府号召全民“拒绝浪费,文明用餐”,加入“光盘行动”。请根据下面提示,联系实际,适当发挥,以“Save Food and Eat Healthily”为题,写一篇80-100词的英语短文。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。Save food1.shouldnt waste too much2.should eat up all the food3.Eat healthily1.shouldnt eat junk food2. should eat a healthy and balanced diet3.Save Food And Eat HealthilyThe Chinese people waste too much food every year, so our government has called on(号召) the people to save food and eat healthily. We middle school students should make a little contribution to it.To save food, we第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、材料作文1、

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