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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中质量监测英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The vegetables soup _ delicious. Can I have more?AlooksBtastesCsoundsDfeels2 . - _ Mr. Smith _ Beijing last week?- No, but he _ Beijing with his son next time.ADid; visit; visitsBDid; visit; will visitCDoes; visit; visitsDWill; visit; will visit3 . -_ Beijing Duck would you like to eat? - Five pieces are just enough.AHow oftenBHow oldCHow muchDHow many4 . She doesnt know how to her naughty children.AdealBtakeCmanage5 . (题文)-What time is it? -Its _five.AatBtoCaboutD/6 . _ is it from your home to your school?Its about 10 minutes by bike.AHow farBHow soonCHow often7 . He cut off half his right arm_ a knife _the dangerous situation.Awith , underBwith, inCin, inDin, under8 . Millie,_ late for school again.Sorry, I _.Adont; am notBwont be; dontCdont be; wontDwont be; wont9 . I want to _ a picnic with my friend at weekends.AdoBgoChaveDplay10 . The apple pies here taste more delicious than those from_. Yes. But it will be better if they are cheaper.Aanywhere elseBsomewhere elseCother anywhereDother somewhere11 . 一Tom usually helps others with math problems and Mr. Li often praises him for it.一I agree. A student is always helping others is worth praise.AwhomBwhichCwhoDwhose12 . Must I finish my homework right now?- No, you _, you _finish it tomorrow morning.Amustnt, canBneednt, mustCdont have to, mayDcant, have to13 . Look! Betty and Bruce _in the art room.Aare paintingBwill paintChave paintedDpainted14 . Kelly and Sandy are good friends. They share everything with each other happiness and _.AfairnessBkindnessCsadnessDshyness15 . Whats_with_?He doesnt look happy.Amatter, heBthe matter, himCa matter, himself二、补全短文5选5Its a fine Saturday afternoon. 16 . Look! Some boys are playing basketball, and other boys are playing soccer. Some people are under a big tree. 17 . Near a table, a girl is eating an apple and talking with a boy.Mary is in the park, too.18 . Oh, she is on the hill. 19 . She likes reading very much.Tom is five. He is too young.20 . Listen! Some birds are singing in the trees. They are all very happy.AHe is flying a kite with his father.BShe is sitting and reading a book there.CWhere is she?DThere are many people in the park.EThey are watching the boys play.三、完型填空This story happened in a small mountain village. One day there was an earthquake. Nothing was destroyed and _ was hurt. But a huge rock fell from a nearby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road.When the earthquake_,many people came to the road and saw the huge rock. Some of the strongest men tried to lift the rock off the road. But they couldnt move it. They tried to push it but failed. They tried to_it with ropes but nothing worked.Well, they all agreed, Theres nothing we can do about it. Well have to change the_.”At this time a boy of 12 years old said, I think I can help you to move the rock.You? they shouted, What are you talking about? The men all_at the boy.The next morning some people came into the street. One of them shouted, The rock is_!”More people ran out to see. It was right. The rock wasnt in the road any more. It wasnteven near the road.This is impossible, they said, Where did it go?The boy stood in the street, smiling, I told you I could move it last night.The boy walked over to where the _had been and uncovered(揭开)some earth I buried(埋)it, he said.The people looked_.You see, he said, I dug a deep hole next to the rock and I dug a small incline(斜坡)up to the rock and the rock ran down into the hole by itself. I covered it with earth.The crowds shouted, What a _ boy! And some of them said, Why havent we thought of this good_ ?21 . AsomebodyBnobodyCanybodyDeverybody22 . AstopsBstartedChappenedDstopped23 . ApushBliftCchangeDpull24 . AroadBstoneCropeDvillage25 . AlookedBlaughedCcalledDpointed26 . AgoneBmissedCbrokenDstolen27 . AstreetBtownCrockDmountain28 . AsurprisedBsadChappyDrelaxed29 . AcleverBstrongCbraveDpoor30 . AboyBholeCstoryDway四、阅读单选At times we all get angry when we are driving. It might be because we are stuck in a traffic jam or behind a very slow driver. It might be because we think another driver has done something very stupid and dangerous. Whatever the reason is, it seems that getting angry in a car is something that happens more and more often and there is now a special term for itroad rage. Some experts even think it is a kind of mental illness! How can we recognize (识别) this “illness” of road rage?There are two kinds of road rage: aggressive (侵略的) driving and aggressive reactions(反应) to the way other people are driving. Aggressive driving can take different forms:Driving much faster than the speed limit.Increasing your speed very quickly.Changing driving ways very suddenly and blocking another car.Moving into a parking space where another car is trying to park.There are also different reactions to the way other people are driving. These include:Making rude signs at others.Shouting at others and threatening them.Driving into another persons car on purpose.Hitting somebody.Road rage is certainly not a joke. There have been incidents (严重事件) because of road rage which have led to serious injuries (重伤) and even deaths.Experts think that one reason for road rage is that films show a lot of examples of fast and aggressive driving such as car chases. Experts also think that the punishments for dangerous driving are not serious enough. In the UK in the last 30 years, the police have been quite successful in reducing the number of people who drink and drive. They are now working to stop people using mobile phones when they are driving. Lets hope they can have the same success with the road rage.31 . What does the underlined word “It” refer to?ABeing stuck in a traffic jam.BBeing stuck behind a very slow driver.CGetting angry with traffic lights.DGetting angry when driving.32 . Whats “road rage” according to the passage?AA form of getting angry.BA person who drives fast.CA kind of traffic jam.DAn action of driving slowly.33 . Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?AAggressive driving is much worse than aggressive reactions.BRoad rage can be controlled without any punishments for the drivers.CThe accidents caused by using mobile phones have been reduced successfully.DThe police will be able to do a lot to deal with road rage in the future.34 . What would be the best title for the passage?AHow to Deal with Road Rage.BRoad Rage.CAggressive Driving.DChanging Your Driving Habits.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空(题文)根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。35 . (小题1)Eating too much s_ is bad for your teeth.36 . (小题2)What t_ food do you have on MidAutumn Day?37 . (小题3)There is a h_ in the door.38 . (小题4)Dont p_ waste water into the river.It will pollute it.39 . (小题5)Please put the bread on the p_,not in the bowl.六、填写适当的句子补全对话A: Hi! Excuse me.B : Yes. What can I do for you?A : Id like to go to Yiyang Museum. 40 . ?B : Its on Kangfu Road.A : Oh, 41 . ?B : Its about 4 kilometers away. Youd better take the bus there.A : 42 . ?B : You can take No.8 bus.A : 43 . ?B : It will take you about 15 minutes.A : Well. Is the museum on the right?B : 44 . . Its on the left. Its between the post office and the bank.A : Thanks a lot.B : Youre welcome.七、回答问题It may be really hard to tell others that youre feeling sad or worried. If you keep these feelings in your heart and dont talk about them with others, you will even fall ill at last.If you talk with someone, who cares a lot about you, like your dad or mom, you may feel better. Youre not alone with your problems or worries. But if a kid doesnt want to talk with his or her Dad or Mom, what should he or she do? Its better to find another trusty(可信的)adult ,like a teacher at school. Maybe this person can help you talk with your Dad or Mom about your problems.Once you know who you can talk to, you should choose when and where to talk. If you think its difficult for you to say what you think, write it down on a piece of paper. If the person cant understand what you mean right away, try to say it in a different way or give an example.Some kids may feel shy about sharing their feelings. But it is important to share their feelings when they need help.45 . Is it good for people to keep feelings in the heart?_46 . What can you do when you feel sad or worried?_47 . What should a kid do if he or she doesnt want to talk with his or her Dad or Mom?_48 . How do some kids feel when they share their feelings?_八、材料作文49 . 根据表格内三家影院的信息,写一篇英语短文,比较一下三家影院的情况。MovieTheatersPriceServiceSeatsScreenScreenCity$ 10/ticketfriendliestmostcomfortablebiggestTownCinema$5/ticketfriendlycomfortablenot bigGoldCinema$15/ticketfriendliermorecomfortablebiggerHere are the movie theaters in town._第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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