外研版英语七年级上册Module 7 Unit2同步练习

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外研版英语七年级上册Module 7 Unit2同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Mike and Ann are_. They live in a large house. The house is_the foot of a mountain (big hill). Near the mountain_a lake. There are four people in the family:Mike, Ann, their father and their mother. Their father is a farmer. He _ a farm not far from their house. Their mother is at home. She is a housewife (家庭主妇). Mike and Ann go to school every day. They are_, but they are_. Mike is in Grade 2. Ann is in Grade 1. Mike likes sports. He likes swimming and playing football. After school he often plays football_his classmates. Ann is a good girl. After school, she often goes home to help her mother_the housework.1 . Abrothers and sistersBbrother and sisterCa brother and sisterDa brother and a sister2 . AatBinCunderDon3 . AhasBhaveCis thereDthere is4 . Aare workingBis workingCworks onDworks at5 . Aat the same schoolBat the same schoolsCin the same schoolDin the same schools6 . Ain different gradesBin a different gradeCat different gradesDat a different grade7 . AandBwithCbutDor8 . AdoingBdoesCwithDin二、阅读单选The same morning. Grandpa, Nat, Robbie and Alexandra are talking on the patio(露台).Nat: There is a way, Malcolm. We get our friends to roll their sleeves(袖子) up and get to work.Grandpa: Its certainly a good idea. If I could take a look at the place, I could probably tell what is requires to fix it up. How much paint, how many hours of workNat: Thats what I came to ask you to do, Malcolm. If you would come to watch over the refurbishing (翻新), Ill find the people to help do it.Robbie: Ill help too, Mr. Baker. I can get some of my friends to go around the neighbourhood and collect the furniture we need.Alexandra: Ill help.Grandpa: Tomorrow. Yes. Well meet tomorrow morning, right here.Robbie: Can we help?Alexandra: Id really like to.Nat: We might need you to come through with your friends, Robbie. Not just to go around the neighbor asking for furniture, but to help with the paint job. Thats backbreakingwork and may be too much for us.Robbie: Ill do it. Ill talk to them.Alexandra: And tomorrow morning well all meet here to discuss the plan.Grandpa: Tomorrow morning it is.The next morning. Grandpa is in the kitchen. He is waiting for Nats and Robbies friends to arrive.9 . How many characters are there in this play?AfourBfiveCless than fourDmore than five10 . The underlined word “backbreaking” means _.AamazingBtiringCmeaningfulDtrying11 . Who is most likely to take the lead in the project?AGrandpaBRobbieCMalcolmDNatPlaying computer games is a lot of fun. It is very popular with children. They love to play them in their free time. Here are some important things for you to remember when you play computer games.First, dont spend too much time playing computer games. It is bad for your eyes. Taking a break after playing for 40 minutes is good for you.Second, you need to learn English well. Many computer games show only in English. If your English is very poor, you cant know more about it.Third, dont leave your personal(个人的)information on the Internet. Some bad guys may use it to hurt(伤害)you.Follow these tips, and you can be a happy computer game player.12 . We should take a break _ when we play computer games.Aevery 20 minutesBevery half an hourCevery 40 minutesDevery two hours13 . How can we know more about computer games?ABy learning English well.BBy asking teachers for help.CBy playing computer games all the time.DBy playing computer games with more friends.14 . We should not leave our personal information on the Internet because _.Asomeone may know us wellBthe information may be lostCsomeone may ask us to do bad thingsDthe information may be used by bad people15 . How many tips does the writer give us?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.三、句型转换按要求完成下列各题16 . I need another two hours to finish my homework. (改为同义句)I need _ hours to finish my homework.17 . State something about your writing. (改为否定句)_ about your writing.18 . There is only one name on the blackboard. (改为同义句)There is _ name on the blackboard.19 . The poem has five lines. (改为同义句)_ five lines in the poem.20 . My cat is white_and_black. (对画线部分提问) _ is your cat?四、填写适当的单词补全句子用适当的介词填空21 . Im writing this postcard _you.22 . Thank you _ your nice present, Jenny.23 . Tom is going home _ work at the moment.24 . _Moscow, people are having dinner right now.25 . They are looking _ the photos of their new school.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空Complete the sentences(首字母已给,填单词完成句子)26 . This is a small city because it has a small p_ about 200,000 people.27 . He was a_ because nobody was at school when he arrived there.28 . Tickets are a_ as long as(只要)we pay by We chat or Alipay.29 . The boys a_ is to be a pilot and he collects different model aeroplanes.30 . All the Chinese paintings on the show are from the famous a_-Zhang Daqian.31 . When meeting for the first time, people generally i_ themselves first.32 . The tourist i_ helps the city develop fast but it brings various problems.33 . Peter stood by me when I most needed it. Ill always a_ that.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空单句语法填空34 . Would either of you_(want)to play the piano?35 . We should keep_(silence)in library.36 . When the teacher came in, the students stopped_(talk).37 . I mean_(go)to Beijing for the holiday.38 . As a student, we should listen to teachers_.(careful)七、单词填空In our daily life, we have developed a lot of habits, such as eating habits, study habits, reading habits, etc. However, taking the time to develop a sleep habit is probably the _ thing on your mind and some sleep advice simply cant be forgotten. Here are some bad habits you need to give up. Watching TV until you fall asleep.It has n_ to do with what you watch its the TVs bright light that is the criminal(罪魁祸首). The bright light keeps you awake all the night.Sleeping with petsPets sleep most of the day, and they move a lot when sleeping. They get comfortable, and then they move. This goes on all night, and it often makes you not sleep w_.Eating fatty, heavy foods too close to bedtimeIf youve ever tried to go to sleep after eating a fatty meal, youve probably found the discomfort of your stomach preventing you from f_ asleep or staying asleep.Exercising heavily too close to bedtimeHeavy exercise too close to bedtime raises your body temperature so that your sleep is disturbed(不安的)until your body temperature d_ to normal, which may take several hours. Accepting snoring(打呼噜)as a normal sleep habit.Snoring is the biggest sleep killer. Maybe its caused by sleeping on your back, being overweight, having a cold, drinking, or taking drugs. Most seriously, its caused by a dangerous illness. For the snorer, it disturbs sleep by awakening him/her so often in order to b_ normally.39 . l_40 . n_41 . w_42 . f_43 . d_44 . b_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、三、句型转换1、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、单词填空1、

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