五年级下册英语课件-Unit3My school calendar Part B 人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共17张PPT)

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五年级下册英语课件-Unit3My school calendar Part B 人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共17张PPT)_第1页
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五年级下册英语课件-Unit3My school calendar Part B 人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共17张PPT)_第3页
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U3 Read and write,Easter Party,美丽河镇中心校 李春华,Read the passage quickly and choose.(快速浏览短文回答问题) This passage is an_. A. email B. invitation(邀请函),Tip:快速默读前三行, 找出下列问题的答案,1.When is the Easter party? 2.Why does he have the Easter party? 3.Where is the party ?,Its on April 12th, 7p.m.,Because its Easter holiday.,Its at Wu Yifans home.,Tip:听音,回答下面的问题,What will you do at the party?,roll Easter eggs,the Easter Bunny,roll,look for eggs,eat chocolate eggs,Tip: 出声朗读文本,判断。,一、Read and tick or cross. 1.( ) The Easter party is on March 23rd. 2.( ) The party will start at 7 p.m. 3.( ) Youll play ping-pong at the party. 4.( ) Youll eat a birthday cake at the party.,Tip:出声读第四段两遍,注意口型,注意语音语调。,RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an e-mail at robin by March 23rd .,Tip:听音跟读一遍,注意口型,注意语音语调。,Tip: 读第五段两遍,注意口型,注意语音语调。,RSVP:,美国人普遍在请帖上用RSVP,也就是被邀请的人收到请帖后告诉主人你是否能去。,问题 : If you want / dont want to come to the party, what will you do? (可用中文回答),Tip: 读第五段,回答下面的问题。,RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an e-mail at robin by March 23rd .,Easter Party WHEN: WHY: WHERE: WHAT: RSVP: come to party send an eamil robin March 23rd,play many games,Tip:小组合作复述邀请函。,make a wish,eat a birthday cake,eat noodles,sing birthday songs, dance, play games.,Birthday party,We will,Homework!,1. 听音跟读Read and write两遍,注意模仿语音语调。 2.用卡纸设计精美的Birthday Party邀请函,要求字迹工整,格式为:,Birthday Party WHEN:_ WHY:_ WHERE:_ WHAT:_ RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an email at _ by_.,Goodbye!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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