五年级下册英语课件-Unit 7 Wewillgobytrain(第一课时)-教科版(广州深圳通用) (共25张PPT)

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五年级下册英语课件-Unit 7 Wewillgobytrain(第一课时)-教科版(广州深圳通用) (共25张PPT)_第1页
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五年级下册英语课件-Unit 7 Wewillgobytrain(第一课时)-教科版(广州深圳通用) (共25张PPT)_第2页
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五年级下册英语课件-Unit 7 Wewillgobytrain(第一课时)-教科版(广州深圳通用) (共25张PPT)_第3页
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,Unit 7 We will go by train,Lets chant Travel ,travel, go , go, go; By train, by plane,we like both. Travel ,travel, go , go, go; By car, by bike,we like so. Travel ,travel, go , go, go; By ship,by boat,Lets go .,学习目标,1、我能听说以下词汇并知道它们的意义: by, train , leave , exciting, valley, island, taxi 2、我能理解并运用以下句型: Where are you going? How will you go there? What will you do in Shenzhen ? When will you come back home? 3、我能理解并流利朗读Lets talk中的对话。,Say out the dates,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec,22nd,What is the date?,It is the _ of _.,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec,25th,What is the date?,It is the _ of _.,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec,2nd,What is the date?,It is the _ of _.,Where are you going on your holiday? Im going to Shenzhen.,exciting 激动的 excited,You will visit Shenzhen. Its exciting.,What will you do in Shenzhen? In Shenzhen we will visit Window of the World(世界之窗). And I want to Happy Valley (欢乐谷).,at/lily,Look and say:,What will you do in Guangzhou?,visit Baiyun Mountain,visit Guangzhou Museum,I will .,We will leave on October 2nd. leave 离开 eat,How will you go there? We will go by train.,train 火车,taxi 出租汽车,train,taxi,How will you go there?,by,on,When will you come back home?,We will come back home on October 4th.,学生抢答,说出日期。(T: Whats the date?) 引导学生关注日期表达的两种形式及序数词的拼写。板书ninth。,When will you come back home?,We will come back home on.,When will you come back home?,We will come back home on.,Look and say: Where will you go on holiday? I will go to . How will you go there? I will go by./on foot.,island 岛 hi/England,1,2,3,4,5,扔骰子,游戏规则:骰子滚动的点数,手拿该点数图片的同学,举起图片向小组成员发问 1、Where will you go on your holiday? We will go to.; 2、 How willyou go there? We will . 3、When will you come back home? We will come home on. 4、Would you like to go with me? Yes, Id love to.,我会朗读新单词:,exciting 激动的 valley 山谷 leave 离开 by 乘, 由 train 火车 taxi 出租汽车 island 岛,听课文录音,根据课文意思选择最佳答案, 把答案的字母编号写在题前的括号内。 ( )1. has a plan for the holiday. A. Janet B. Xiaoling C. Ben ( ) 2. Ben will go to Shenzhen . A. by plane B. by train C. with his classmates ( ) 3. Ben will be in Shenzhen for days. A. three B. two C. four ( ) 4. thinks Bens travel is exciting (激动的). A. Jiamin B. Janet C. Xiaoling ( )5. Ben will visit in Shenzhen. A. Window of the World B. Happy Valley C. A and B,C,B,B,B,C,小结: 1、交通方式: by+ 交通工具(on foot 步行); 2、以特殊疑问词:How/ What/ When will you.?引出的一般将来时特殊疑问句及回答。,where,how,when,what,达标检测:选择正确答案填空,A: (What , How ) is your plan for the holiday? B: Im going to Changsha with my family. A: (What , How) are you going there? Are you going to take the train? B: No,we will go there by car. A: By car? Its a long way to go. (When , Who) will drive? B: My father and my mother. A: (What , How) are you going to do in Changsha? B: We are going to see my grandparents and visit some of my parents friends. A: ( Where , How) are you going to stay ? At your grandparents home? B: No, we are going to stay in a hotel. My grandparents home is too small. A: I see. (What , When) are you coming back? B: Next Monday.,What,How,Who,What,Where,When,作业布置 1、抄写本节课已学的单词。 2、听、读课文。 3、(选做题)谈谈自己的假期计划。 用上:What-? (准备做什么) Where-?(去哪里) How-?(怎样去),同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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