人教版(PEP)六年级英语下册Unit 3 A healthy diet 单元测试卷新版

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人教版(PEP)六年级下册Unit 3 A healthy diet 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(_)1. A. bin B. bike C. piano(_)2. A. clean B. seat C. sweater(_)3. A. messy B. chess C. Chinese(_)4. A. room B. book C. good(_)5. A. tidy B. dirty C. my选择合适的单词填空2 . Su Hai can_(skate/skating).3 . Do you have_(some/any) stickers?4 . Look at_(that/those) animal.5 . Do you like_(grapes/grape)?6 . How many_(pens/pen) do you have?7 . ( )My mother can _ delicious food .AcooksBcookCcookedDcooking8 . I have _ pictures.Aa lotBlots ofClot of9 . - What are those? ( )- AThey are sheep.BIt is a sheep.CThree sheep.10 . _ you like a pie? ( )Yes, please.ADoBCanCWould11 . I cant find my book . I am is everywhere .Alooking afterBlooking atClooking outDlooking for12 . Lily, can you see the ? You mustnt cross the road now. ( )Ared manBgreen lightCyellow manDgreen man13 . ( ) Bob went to visit the Great Wall _ his parents.Aand B withBfor14 . My uncle has a _ diet. He eats a few eggs every week. ( )AhealthyBhealthCsadDhungry15 . _ do you have?( )We have green, yellow, blue and pink.AWhat coloursBHow manyCWhat kind16 . Give me _ book.AyouBLilyCLilysDLilys17 . What do you like?( )AI like your bike.BI like your kite.二、阅读选择18 . Hey, Kid! Big T-shirt, shorts and shoes sale at Browns Store. We have T-shirts in many colors: red, white, blue, green, black and yellow. We also have shorts in blue and green. We have shoes in black, blue and white. The T-shirts are only 42. The shorts are just 32 and the shoes are 66.Thats not all. Please come down to Browns Store and see for yourself. We can buy T-shirts, shorts and shoes in the store.You can take blue shoes, green shorts and yellow T-shirts in the store.You can buy one T-shirt and a pair of shoes with 100.The T-shirts are in five colors.This store sells childrens clothes and shoes.19 . Dear Tony,How are you? Are you still coming to my birthday party in July? My family, friends and my classmates are all coming. The party is on Saturday July 2nd at around 6:30.Its at Uncle Bills restaurant in the city. First, we eat and talk from 6:30 to 7:45. After that we can go to a concert at 8:00. I hope you can come. You can meet my other friends and sisters, too.Yours,EmilyWhat does Emily talk about in her letter?A.Tonys birthday.B.Her birthday.C.Uncle Bills birthday.D.Her sisters birthday.Where are they going to have the party?A.In Central Park.B.Near the History Museum.C.At Uncle Bills restaurant.D.In a concert.What can they do from 6:30 to 7:45? They can _.A.go to a concertB.eat and talkC.go to the museumD.go homeWhat time does the party start? It starts at about _.A.6:30B.7:45C.8:00D.7:00Is there a free concert at 8:00 every Saturday night?A.Yes, there is.B.No, there isnt.C.Sorry, I dont know.D.Yes, there isnt.三、完形填空完形填空。Hello, everyone! Come and have a look at our Dessert House(甜品店)!Would you like _ dessert? Do you enjoy eating with your friends? I have a good place to _ you. Dessert House is not big, _ it is a great place. There are six waiters in it. Theyre friendly. The chair and tables there are _ green. The color makes people hungry(饥饿的). You can_ music when youre eating in Dessert House. _ you dont like to eat dessert, you can eat some other food like dumplings, noodles , soup and so on (等等). There is a great _ every day at Dessert House, sometimes fruit ice creams with apples or strawberries, sometimes other dessert. Special(特别的) fruit ice cream is only 1.00 yuan _ two. Also, they put a small _ in some ice creams. If you have this kind of dumpling ice cream, you can get a free ice cream. Its very _.20 . Ato eatBeatingCateDeats21 . AtellBaskCteachDcall22 . AandBforCbutDbecause23 . AallBsomeCeitherDevery24 . AlistenBto listenClistening toDlisten to25 . ABeforeBIfCWhoDWhere26 . AbeefBspecialCcabbageDtomato27 . AforBofCinDwith28 . ApenBorangeCdumplingDpotato29 . Aexpensive(昂贵的)BbadCterrible(可怕的)Dinteresting四、填空题30 . 看图听对话。将听到对话的字母标号写在相应的场景图下。31 . Choose and fill.(选词填空)a an it that 1. It is _ zoo. Theres _ elephant in the zoo.2. What is _?-_ is a bear.五、任务型阅读根据短文内容,判断正 (T) 误 (F)。Im Jack. Im 12 years old. I am very busy. I often play football, so Im healthy. I think my diet is healthy. A healthy diet is important to a student. I need a lot of energy to study. It is very easy for me to get tired when I study. I dont eat sweet snacks. I have some bread, an egg and some milk for breakfast. I eat lots of vegetables and a little meat for lunch because meat can give me energy. Between meals I eat lots of fruit. My favourite fruit is apples. I eat some rice and lots of vegetables for dinner.32 . A healthy diet isnt important to a student. (_)33 . Jack often eats sweet snacks. (_)34 . Jack has some bread, two eggs and some milk for breakfast.(_)35 . Meat can give us energy. (_)36 . Jack eats some rice and lots of vegetables for dinner. (_)37 . 阅读短文,完成表格。Daniel is my good friend. He gets up early and does exercise every morning. He goes to school and comes back home from school on foot every day.He likes to eat fruit and vegetables, and he often eats them. He tells us fruit and vegetables are healthy food. He never eats sweet snacks, because he thinks sweet snacks have too much sugar(糖) in them and they are not good for our health.He likes playing computer games. He often plays games for three or four hours after supper. So, he cant go to bed early and sleeps for only five or six hours every night. That is not enough (足够的)for a student. So now he plans to change it.My FriendDaniel Lifestyle He doesnt get up_ and does exercise every morning. He _ to school every day. Food He likes to eat fruit and vegetables. He thinks they are_ food. He never eats sweet snacks because he thinks there is too much sugar in sweet snacks and they are_ for our health. Games He likes playing computer games after supper. So he cant go to bed early and doesnt have_ sleep. He plans to change it. 六、汉译英翻译词组。38 . 健康的饮食_39 . 喜欢做某事_40 . 吃些面包_41 . 作为早餐_42 . 作为午餐_七、英汉混合43 . 英汉互译1. Buckingham Palace _ 2. a naughty bird _3. River Thames _4. a nice teacher _5. Tower Bridge _6. Hyde Park _7. 一本关于伦敦的书_8. 许多小船_9. 英国的首都_10. 美丽的房子_八、句型转换44 . 按要求完成下列各题。1. My favorite food is beef. (就画线部分提问)_ is _ favorite food?2. My brothers favorite subject is art. (就画线部分提问)_ is your brothers _ subject?3. Mr. Black likes milk. (变成一般疑问句)_ Mr. Black _ milk?4. what, you, like, do (?) (连词成句)_5. The food is delicious. (译成汉语)_九、填内容补全对话45 . 看图补全对话。【小题1】There is not _ food in the fridge.Sams mother: I _ go to the supermarket.Do you want to come _ me, Sam?Sam: Yes, Mum. Lets go.【小题2】Sam sees some drinks.Sam: Mum, can I have _ ?Sams mother: Yes, but _ a small bottle.You _ drink too much cola.【小题3】Sam _ some fish too.Sam: I want this _ fish, Mum.Sams mother: OK.【小题4】Then, Sam _ some rice.Sam: Mum, do we _ rice?Sams mother: Yes, we need a lot of rice. _ the big bag.【小题5】Now they are going home.Sam: The fish is _ .Can we _, Mum?Sams mother: OK.Sam: Oh no!看图补全短文。Mike likes eating 46 . , 47 . , and 48 . . He does not like 49 . 50 . . He only drinks 51 . 52 . water every day.Mike has some bread and milk 53 . 54 . . For lunch and dinner, he has a lot of 55 . , some 56 . and some 57 . . He has 58 . 59 . eggs every week.十、选内容补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话,填序号。A. Id like some cola and a hamburger.B. Wake up, John.C. You should have a healthy diet, John.D. Whats for breakfast?E. Can I have a cake then?A: 60 . Time for breakfast.B: OK. 61 . A: Some porridge and bread.B: I dont like them. 62 . A: Oh, dear, its not good for your health.B: 63 . A: Sure. 64 . B: All right.十一、书面表达65 . 作文(10分)写一写你自己(内容可以是你; 你的家庭;你的朋友)Write about youself (you, your family, your friend)要求:(1)与主题有关、条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确、书写规范。(2)50个单词左右。_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、汉译英1、七、英汉混合1、八、句型转换1、九、填内容补全对话1、2、十、选内容补全对话1、十一、书面表达1、

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