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人教版(PEP)2020版六年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷(一)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . There is so _ water in the pool (水池). ( )AmanyBmuchCfewDa little2 . _ use that shopping bag. ( )ADontBDoesntCNot3 . We often learn Chinese and _ in primary school. ( )APhysicsBChemistryCMaths4 . There were _ grapes in Xinjiang. ( )Aa lots ofBlots ofClot of5 . Is Amy from China? ( )No. Amy is an _ girl, but shes in _ now.AChinese; EnglishBEnglish; ChinaCChina; EnglishDEnglish; Chinese6 . 晚的,迟的 ( )AtimeBeightClate7 . He cant _them, his hand _. ( )Adraw; hurtsBdraws; hurtCdraws; hurts8 . This is my _. ( )AclassroomBschool9 . _ is the sports meet? ( )Its in May.AWhatBWhenCWho10 . Halloween is an _ festival in the UK. ( )AspringBsummerCautumn11 . Let the kiteshigh. ( )AflyingBfliesCto flyDfly12 . People give presents _ each other _ Christmas. ( )Aat; atBto; atCto; onDfrom; on选出每组单词中不同类的一项。13 . AbehindBaboveCtree14 . AsandwichBdeskChamburger15 . AsweetBhotCstrict16 . ATuesdayBbuildingCSunday17 . AwatchBkindCread18 . this? ( )Its a picturea pen.AWhat; ofBWhats; of19 . ( )AHe likes basketball.BHe likes table tennis.20 . Summer holiday is coming. Im _ to see some friends.Agoing toBgone toCwillDgoes to二、填空题21 . 按要求写出下列单词。1、third (基数词)_ 2、kite ( 复数形式 ) _3、four ( 序数词 ) _ 4、leaves (单数形式) _5、August (缩写形式) _ 6、swing (现在分词)_7、go shopping (中文意思) _ 8、making (动词原形)_9、clean the room (中文意思)_ 10、进行野餐(译成英文)_三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。A: Whats in the box, Yang Ling?B: Guess!A: A toy car? B: Open it and have a look, Su Hai.A: Wow! A new rubber and a new ruler.B: Yes. Lets play(玩).A: Great.B: Now guess!Wheres my brown ruler?A: Is it in your pocket(口袋)? B: Yes! Wheres my black rubber?A: Is it in the box?B: No, its behind the box.22 . The toy car is in the box. (_)23 . A is Yang Ling and B is Su Hai.(_)24 . The ruler is brown. (_)25 . Su Hais rubber is behind the box. (_)26 . The ruler is in the pocket. (_)四、匹配题给下列句子选择对应的答语。AMe too!BIts a dog.CThanks.DOK!EMy names John.27 . Whats that? (_)28 . I have a pencil. (_)29 . Cool! I like it. (_)30 . Whats your name? (_)31 . Act like a panda. (_)五、看图题看图写句子。32 . -Whats this? -_33 . -Whats that? -_34 . -Whats this? -_35 . -Whats that? -_36 . -Whats this? -_六、书面表达37 . 写作题。请从以下给定的两个题目中任选其一,写一篇不少于25词的小短文。题目一:Myself介绍自己题目二:My favourite class介绍最喜欢的课_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、匹配题1、五、看图题1、六、书面表达1、

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