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外研版(一起)英语五年级上册Module9单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Find the different words找出不同类的词:【小题1】AhelloBhiCgoodDgoodbye【小题2】AIBmyCheDyou【小题3】ApinkBblackCcolourDgreen【小题4】AdrawBcutCstickDbus【小题5】AaeroplaneBshipCcarDuse2 . 选出单词画线部分与其他不同的一项。【小题1】AroundBmouseCcloudDcould【小题2】AbreadBseaCreadDmeat【小题3】AmilkBtimeCfishDin【小题4】AcakeBniceCcomeDclean【小题5】AwhyBwhereCwhatDwho3 . 选出与所给单词同类的选项:there ( )AthisBhereCthat4 . the end of the day, Sandra asked me “ How do you feel?” ( )AInBOnCAt5 . Read and find.(读一读,找出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的一项。)(_)1me Ahe BriceClet(_)2red Ashe Bbe Cbed(_)3rice Afish Blike Cbig(_)4we Aget Bshe Cpencil(_)5use Aunit Bus Cwould6 . There is going to a test on Thursday. ( )AisBareCbe7 . 选出划线部分读音不同的单词( )AhenBdeskCshe找出与其他发音不同的一项。8 . AfarmBwarmCcar9 . AflyBwindyCsunny10 . AbirdBfirstCfar11 . AcloudyBoutsideCsoup12 . AmusicBsunnyClunch选择出不同类的单词。13 . AafternoonBmorningCdinner14 . AbreakfastBlunchCmeal15 . AschoolBbookCtime16 . AhaveBgoesCread17 . AinBtheCa18 . 选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AmuseumBnumberChurry二、填空题19 . Do you want to_(watch)TV?20 . 完成句子。1. In _ (伦敦), youll see _ (塔桥).2. This _ (河) is wide, but that river is _(长的).3. She is my sister. She is very _ (好的).21 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Are you going to run on _(sport) day?2. I _ (be) going to jump.3. I am the_ (win) in this game.4. Im going to run the 100 _ (metre).5. Good _ (lucky) to you.22 . 用所给词的适当形式填空1. I am _(real) good at English.2. They run to the classroom _(quick)3. We couldnt _(find) our football.4. Wang Bing _(write) an email to his friend now.5. I am very _about the _film(excite)6. Tom _(become) quiet and didnt say a word.7. My brother _(wake) me up early yesterday.8. SuHai and SuYang are sitting there _(sad).9. A dog _(bite) me and I had to see a doctor.10. The children laughed _(happy).23 . 用所给单词的正确形式填空Last Sunday, it _(be) raining. Amy _(can)go out. She _(be) sad. She _(help) her mum _(make) a cake. Then she _(eat) some cake. The rain _(stop). Amy _ (go) out to _(play) with her friends. They _(be) happy.24 . 读一读,从方框里选出适当的单词填在横线上,使句意完整。eating, Sundays, why, dishes, March, visit, drinking, when1、Is your birthday in _ ?Yes, it is.2、_do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time.3、I often_ my grandparents on the weekend.4、Sarah is doing the_ in the kitchen.5、Look at the elephants. They are _ water.三、单词拼写25 . 写单词:Whats the matter? _(没有事情).26 . 仿照例子,写一写。例:go-going-went1. stop-_-_2. drink-_-_3. win-_-_4. help-_-_5. eat-_-_6. make-_-_27 . 根据所给汉语填入适当形式的词或短语,使句意完整正确。(14分)(1)There are two new (学生) in our class.(2)The football is _(在.下面) the desk.(3)_ _ (没有) any glasses on the table.(4)My coat is _(在后面) the door.(5) How many(library) are there in your city?(6) The teachers office is on(one) floor.28 . Look and write:_29 . 写出下列单词的过去式1. go _2. help _3. eat _4. drink _5. stop _四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Yesterday, Wang Fei went to the supermarket with her mother. She wanted to buy a bag. First, she looked at the blue one. But it was very small and heavy. Then, she found a yellow one. It was very beautiful and big. But it was heavy, too. At last, she bought a green and light one.30 . Today, Wang Fei goes to the supermarket. (_)31 . Wang Fei went to the supermarket with her father. (_)32 . Wang Fei wanted to buy a bag. (_)33 . The yellow bag was very beautiful and big. (_)34 . At last, Wang Fei bought a blue bag. (_)阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Bill and Fred are students. They are both nine years old, and they are in the same class. One day, they had a fight(打架)in class, and their teacher became very angry. He said to both of the boys, Stay here after school this afternoon, and write your name a hundred times. ”Then Fred was sad and cried. The teacher looked at Fred and asked, “Why are you crying, Fred?”“Because his name is Bill, but my name is very very long. My name is Frederick Hollingsworth, ” Fred said.35 . Bill and Fred are both nine years old. (_)36 . Bill and Fred are in different classes. (_)37 . Bill and Fred had a fight in class, so their teacher was very angry. (_)38 . Bill and Freds teacher asked them to write their own name a hundred times. (_)39 . Bills name is longer than Freds. (_)五、匹配题40 . 读一读,将字母代号写在横线上。Can your father run?_AYes, it can.Can your mother run? _BYes, she can.Can your cat run? _CYes, I can.Can your bird run? _DYes, he can.Can you run? _EYes, they can.Can Eddie and Kitty run? _FNo, it cant.六、连词成句41 . 连词成句,将所给的单词组合成完整的句子,注意大小写及标点符号1. tall , How , you , are , ( ? )_2.went, I, park, weekend, last, a, to ( . )_3. must , I , pay , attention , the, to, lights ,traffic ( .)_4.saw, she, film, yesterday, a, me, with ( . )_5. feet , Your , bigger , are , mine , than , ( .)_42 . Put in order:areYouwelcome_.将下列单词组成句子。43 . can, there, I, get, How_?44 . next, park, to, the, Its_.45 . does, Sam, school, How, to, come_?46 . park, the, do, are, you, in, What, to, going_?47 . a, your, postman, Is, father_?连词成句48 . hotel where the is (?)_49 . she books likes reading (.)_50 . there he every goes weekend (.)_51 . learn I lot books a from the (.)_52 . know the I to way the airport (.)_53 . 将下列单词按正确的顺序排列组成句子,并以书写体形式书写在一线格上,并注意字母的大小写形式和标点。1. bananas, do, like, you (?)_2. a, there, bed, is, big (.)_3. does, how, work, he, to, go (?)_4. food, favourite, your, whats (?)_5. should, exercise, more, you, do (.)_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、三、单词拼写1、2、3、4、5、四、任务型阅读1、2、五、匹配题1、六、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、

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