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2019-2020学年人教精通版六年级上册期末测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . She _ up at six in the morning. ( )AgetBgetsCgettingDis getting2 . Is that your box?( )No, it _.AisntBdontCis选出下列各组中不同类的一项。3 . AbreakfastBdinnerCready4 . APE classBgo homeCEnglish class5 . AtimeBthirtyCforty6 . AplaygroundBlibraryClunch7 . AsingBchickenCjump8 . 选出与下列短语对应的图片。【小题1】on Saturdays ( )AB【小题2】go to school ( )AB【小题3】play football ( )AB【小题4】at home ( )AB【小题5】ride a bike ( )AB9 . Its _ expensive umbrella. ( )AaBtheCan10 . I think youll feel _ soon. ( )AbetterBgoodCwell11 . _ will you do in summer? ( )AWhatBHow12 . Are you having a picnic? ( )_AYes, we arent.BNo, we arent.13 . My favourite holiday is Christmas.Its in _. ( )ANovemberBDecemberCOctober14 . My familiesat weekends. ( )Ago to outingBgo on an outingCgo an outing二、阅读选择根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。Tom is a doctor. He likes playing basketball and he can play very well. He likes to help people, so he has lots of friends. He usually plays basketball with his friends on Saturday afternoons. Today is his birthday. There is a party in his house. Toms friends are all in the living room. They are watching a basketball match on TV. Tom is in the kitchen now. He is cook delicious(美味的) food for his friends. He likes cooking and he is good at it.15 . What does Tom do? ( )AHe is a doctor.BHe is a cook.CHe is a worker.16 . What does Tom like doing? ( )AHe likes cooking.BHe likes playing football.CHe likes playing basketball.17 . When does Tom play basketball with his friends? ( )AOn Sunday morning.BOn Sunday afternoons.COn Saturdays afternoons.18 . Where is Tom now? ( )AHe is in the living room.BHe is in the kitchen.CHe is in the bedroom.19 . Is Tom good at cooking? ( )ANo, he isnt.BYes, he does.CYes, he is.三、完形填空完形填空。It is Sunday today._ is a fine day.The sky is _.Mr Green is _ his family.The family are having an outing.Tom is Mr and Mrs Greens son.Mary is _.They are _ along a small river.There are some boats _ river.Mr and Mrs Green are looking at _.Mary is not loking at the boats.She is looking at some ducks.The ducks are swimming _ the river.What is Tom _? He is in the river now.He is _.Mr Green and his family are very happy today!20 . AThisBThatCItDIts21 . AgreenBblueCblackDbrown22 . AandBforCand withDwith23 . Ahis daughterBher daughterCyour daughterDtheir daughter24 . AworkingBwashingCwalkingDswimming25 . Aon theBin theCin aDon a26 . AitBthemCtheseDthose27 . AtoBunderConDin28 . AcleaningBdoingCwatchingDmaking29 . AplayingBwashing his clothesCswimmingDjumping四、填空题30 . 选词填空。1How _ you? (am, is ,are)2What _ this in English? (am, is ,are)3What color is the pen? It _ reD.(am, is ,are)4Whats this? Its _ orangE.(a, an )用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。31 . We _ (stop) a long time ago.32 . Do you like _ (read) books?33 . He _ (show) me his photos in China yesterday.34 . I love this photo. Its _ (interest).35 . Do you often play computer games? Not _ (real).五、单词拼写将字母组成单词并规范书写在四线三格上。36 . n t m o h 37 . u J e n 38 . c e r O t o b 39 . a r M c h 六、阅读回答问题阅读理解,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”Amy is an English girl. She is twelve. She has breakfast at 7:00. She has lunch at 12:30. Andshe has dinner at 6:00. Her favourite toy is Barbie doll. She likes apples and bananas. She likes swimming, but she doesnt like skipping and riding bikes.40 . Amy is a Chinese girl. (_)41 . She has dinner at half past six. (_)42 . Barbie doll is her favourite toy. (_)43 . Amy likes skipping and swimming. (_)44 . Amy doesnt like riding bikes. (_)七、任务型阅读阅读理解,完成下面的任务。Birthdays are celebrated all over the world. There are different ways to celebrate birthdays in different countries.DenmarkIf a child is on his birthday, there is a flay outside the window of his house. Parents put presents around the childs bed while he is sleeping. so he will see them in the morning.LndiaUsually Indian children wear white to school. However, on their birthdays children wear coloured clothes to school and give out chocolates to everyone in the class. Their best friend helps them to do this.JapanThe birthday child wears new clothes to mark(标记)the happy time. Some birthdays are more important than others.They are the third and seventh birthdays for girls and the fifth for boys.RussiaThe birthday child gets presents, especially(尤其)large presents.The family also put flowers on the birthdaychilds chair to make it beautiful.45 . 判断下面的句子意思是否与表格的内容相符,相符的在题前括号内写“T”,不相符的写“F”1. In Russia people put flowers on the chair of the birthday child. (_)2. The passage is about how to buy birthday presents for children. (_)46 . 根据表格的内容选择正确答案1. Parents in Denmark putaround the childs bed while he is sleeping.(_)A.flowers B. lights C. a flag D. presents2. Inonly birthday children wear coloured clothes to school. (_)A.India B.Japan C. Russia D. Denmark3. In India,helps birthday child to give out chocolates to everyone in the class.(_)A.teacher B. parent C. best friend D. brother47 . 根据表格信息每空填写一个适当的英文单词1. Moscow(莫斯科) is one of the biggest_in Russia.2. When a child is on his birthday in Denmark, you can see a_outside the window.3. In Japan, the birthday is important for boys when they are_years old.八、选内容补全对话选择恰当的选项,补全对话。ACan I help you?BHow much are they?CHere you are.DThe apples are very nice.EThey are three yuan.A:48 . B: Yes, please. I want eight bananas.49 . A: They are six yuan.B: 50 . I want six apples.A: OK. 51 . B: I want four pears, too.A: Yes, they are one yuan.52 . B: Thank you.53 . 选词填空,每词用一次。ride,fast,jump,winner,farA:Amy, can you run _ ?B: Yes, I can. .A: Daming, can you _ high?B: Yes, I can.A: Look! Im the_ !B: Yes, Sam can jump very high.A: And I can jump _ .B: Look! I can_ fast.A: Whoops! I cant ride fast.九、书面表达54 . 描写以下图片:要求:(1)认真观察图画,把观察到的内容写成一段通顺的话。可以展开合理的想象。不少于五句话。注意规范书写。55 . 根据图画内容写一篇 20 词左右的小短文。要点包括:What season is it now?Whats the weather like?Who are the boys?What are they doing?第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、单词拼写1、六、阅读回答问题1、七、任务型阅读1、八、选内容补全对话1、2、九、书面表达1、2、

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