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人教版(PEP)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(五)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题选出不同类别的一项。1 . AsixBsevenCbox2 . AwindowByellowCdoor3 . AzooBtaxiCschool4 . AtigerBzebraCapple5 . AyellowBblueCsix6 . Are you good at. ( )AdanceBdancedCdancing7 . My cap yellow and blue. ( )AisBareCam8 . Mum goes to work _ Mondays. ( )AinBonCat9 . _, is there a post office on Six Avenue? ( )AExcuse me.BHow do you do?CHow are you?DSorry.10 . Whats_favourite food? ( )AJohnBJohnsCJohns11 . Whats _with Jim? ( )AmatterBwrongClike12 . Hows the _? ( )Its rainy and cool.AweekBweatherCyear13 . Where is your bedroom? ( )_AIt looks great.BIts big.CIts near the study.14 . What _to Zhanghai ? ( ) He fell off his bike.AhappenBhappensChappened15 . Look at the clock. What is it? ( )AclassBgradeCtime二、阅读选择阅读对话,选择正确的答案Sally: Hi, Tim! Look at this map. Do you see a park?Tim: Yes, its very big. I always play in it after dinner. Across the road, there is a big supermarket.Sally: Yeah! I often buy fruit, vegetables and other healthy food in it with my mum and dad. I love it.Tim: Behind the supermarket, there is a flower shop. A book shop is between the flower shop and the hotel.Sally: .16 . Where does Tim play after dinner?( )AThe park.BThe library.CThe zoo.17 . Where is the flower shop?( )ABehind the park.BBehind the supermarket.CIn front of the supermarket.18 . Where does Sally buy things?( )Aflower shop.BA clothes shop.CA supermarket.19 . Where is the book shop? ( )ABetween the park and the hotel.BBetween the flower shop and the hotel.CBetween the flower shop and the supermarket.20 . Does Sally love the park? ( )ANo, she doesnt.BYes, she does.CWe dont know.三、任务型阅读21 . 读短文,判断句子对错。Hello! My name is Lucy. I am a girl. I am nine. I am a student. Look, This is my family. This is my father. He is a teacher. This is my mother. She is a teacher, too. She is beautiful. I have two sisters. They are 10 years old. Can you see a boy? Hes my brother, Jack. Hes only 3 years old. Do you have a brother or sister?( )1.Im Lucy.( )2.I am a teacher.( )3.My mother is not a student.( )4.Jack is a student.( )5.I have one brother and one sister.四、判断题22 . 判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的打“”,不相同的打“”。( )1.thisthing ( )2.shoefish( )3.startart( )4.bellball( )5.mouththat五、选内容补全对话看图,选择合适的选项补全对话。A. Hi, Miss Wang.B. Im fine, thank you.C. She is a new student.D. Where are you from?23 . _24 . _25 . _26 . _补全对话A. In the afternoon. I ate a pizza and some chocolate. B. They are good for us. C. Whats wrong with you, young man?D. Sweet food is unhealthy. E. What did you eat and drink yesterday?F. Breakfast is very important. A: 27 . B: I have a bad stomachache. A: You look sick. 28 . B: I had a sandwich and a lot of cola for breakfast yesterday. At noon, I ate a hamburger and some ice cream for lunch. 29 . And I had some chicken, some rice and a lot of cola for dinner. A: You ate too much sweet food. 30 . You shouldnt eat too much. You should eat many tables and fruit. 31 . You should drink much water too. B: OK. Thank you, doctor.六、匹配题读一读,选择正确的答语。A. Yes, Im OK now.B. Yes, I did.C. I hurt my leg.D. I went to Mt. Huangshan.E. I rode a horse there.32 . Where did you go over your holiday? (_)33 . What happened? (_)34 . What did you do there? (_)35 . Are you all right? (_)36 . Did you go to the Great Wall? (_)七、抄写题37 . 默读下列句子,写出句子中含有所给单词划线部分相同读音单词1. The nurse in white skirt gave me a purse she picked up at work.bird _2. The old woman with a yellow bag is walking slow in the snow.bowl _3. David had no time to say goodbye and went home by bike.write _4. All right, you can come to the sports meeting with your daughter this Sunday afternoon.tall _5. Many people have bread and milk for their breakfast every morning.pen_八、连词成句38 . 连词成句。1.last became he At ill (.)_2. often up late stays He (.) _3. you Did yesterday basketball play (?)_4. do They best protect to them their (.)_5. you go How did there (?)_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、任务型阅读1、四、判断题1、五、选内容补全对话1、2、六、匹配题1、七、抄写题1、八、连词成句1、


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