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2019-2020学年人教精通版六年级下册期末测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . _thelight. ( )ATurnonBPutupCOpen2 . That is _ big elephant. ( )AaBanCsome3 . _ Sunday, Im going to visit my friends. ( )AOnBInCBy4 . That is a _( )ABeijing of pictureBBeijings pictureCpicture of BeijingRead and choose.读一读,选出不同类的词5 . AhappyBclassCexcited6 . AstoryBeveningCafternoon7 . AdogBTVCtiger8 . AreadBproudCclean9 . AbikeBcarCcake10 . How long did you live with your grandparents? ( )I _ with them _ about 18 years.Alived; toBlived; forClive; for选出下列每组中不同类的一项。11 . AfootBbookCface12 . ArulerBunderCeraser13 . AarmBareCis14 . AonBanCin15 . AmyByourCme16 . Dows Simon live in Los Angeles? ( )_AYes, he can.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, he did.17 . There _ a nature park in the city.AareBisCam18 . - _ are these socks? ( )- They are 5.AWhatBHow manyCHow much二、阅读选择读短文,选择正确的答案。My name is Tang Xin. This is my school. It is new and beautiful. There are two buildings in it. There is a big playground, a football field(足球场), a library and twenty-four classrooms in it. There is no swimming pool. Beside the playground there are twenty tall trees and ten short trees. There are seven toilets. There are eight teachers rooms. I like my school.19 . There are _ buildings in Tang Xins school. ( )AsixBtwoCthree20 . There is no _ in Tang Xins school. ( )Afootball fieldBteachers roomCswimming pool21 . There are _ classrooms. ( )A24B42C3422 . Beside the playground there are _ trees. ( )AtwentyBtenCthirty23 . There are eight _ in Tang Xins school. ( )APlaygroundsBtoiletsCteachers rooms三、完形填空完形填空Dear David,Thank you for your last letter. Im so glad because you can come to my city to_.I_we will have a good time together. But do you know_to get to my home? Let me_you now. You can_a plane to my city because your city is very far from my city. After you get out of the airport, you can take a taxi,go straight along Bridge Street, and then you can see a _on your left. Cross the bridge and then_right at the science museum. Go along Dongfang Street and my_is on your left. Its_the post office and the supermarket. You wont miss it! There are many_places in my city, and I can take you there. Im looking forward to your coming.24 . AlookBwatchCvisitDsee25 . AdecideBfindChearDthink26 . AwhatBhowCwhereDWhen27 . AtellBsayCspeakDtalk28 . AmakeBflyCrideDtake29 . AriverBparkCbridgeDcinema30 . AgoBturnCgetDuse31 . AclassBschoolChouseDroom32 . AinBbetweenCbesidesDBehind33 . AsmallBinterestingCdifferentDeasy四、填空题要求将方框内的单词分类。AforestBbreadCbehindDhealthyEdanceFswimGsalad H.river I. thirsty J.in front ofK.delicious L.above M.speak N.hill O.sandwich34 . (自然类) _35 . (食物类) _36 . (方位介词类) _37 . (形容词类) _38 . (动词类) _39 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空1.CanI_(have)somebread?2.Heshungry.Hewantssome_(sweet)3.IdontlikeJanuaryandFebruary.Itscoldandthere_(be)snow.4.Im_(go)togoto Hong KonginJuly.5. He_(love) February.五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。The Greens are going to have a trip. They are going to visit many places in China.Jim is going to Beijing. Its the capital (首都) of China. Mr Green is going to Chongqing. The food is very delicious there. He likes Chinese food. But Mrs Green is going to Hangzhou. She is going to see the West Lake. How beautiful China is!40 . The Greens are going to have a picnic. (_)41 . Jim is going to Beijing. (_)42 . Mr Green is not going to Chongqing. (_)43 . Mr Green likes Chinese food. (_)44 . Mrs Green is going to see the West Lake. (_)阅读理解,完成下列各题A fox is looking for food. He is very hungry. Now he is stopping . He sees a lot of fine grapes at the top of the wall. “How nice they are! I want to eat them.” The fox jumps and jumps, but the wall is too high. He cant get the grapes. The fox goes away and says, “I dont like those grapes. They are not good to eat.”45 . The fox is playing near the wall.(_)46 . There are many nice grapes at the top of the wall.(_)47 . The fox doesnt like those grapes.(_)48 . The fox goes away because the grapes are not good to eat. (_)49 . The fox is looking for . ( )A. grapes B. fruits C. food50 . The fox wants to eat them, so he . ( )A. runs and runs B. jumps and jumps C. goes away51 . The wall is too for the fox to get the grapes. ( )A. high B. low C. far52 . The fox goes away because . ( )A. the grapes are not good B. he cant get them C. he isnt hungry六、填内容补全对话用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。Lingling 53 . (go) to a concert yesterday. It54 . Chinese music. Her mum and dad55 . (play) in the concert. Linglings mum56 . (play) the pipa. It 57 . (look) like a guitar.58 . 根据上下文,完成下列对话A: Whats【小题1】your bedroom?B:【小题2】a desk, a chair and a bookcase.A: Whats【小题3】the desk?B: Some books and a telephone. A: Theres a telephone in my bedroom, too. And there【小题4】some storybooks.B: May I【小题5】one?A: Sure.七、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子补全对话。A. There are many rooms in it.B. Where are you going?C. May I go with you?D. How old is the Palace Museum?A: It is Saturday. And the weather is good. 59 . B: I am going to the Palace Museum.A: Great. 60 . B: Certainly.A: 61 . B: Its about 600 years old.A: Cool. Whats in it?B: 62 . A: Great. Lets go.63 . 情景交际。选择恰当的句子补全对话, 将序号写在横线上。A. And there are many sweets, too.B. Great! Lets go.C. I cant lift it.D. Oh! What a big supermarket!E. Let me help you.Amy: Come on, Lingling. Were going to go to the supermarket.Lingling: 【小题1】Amy: 【小题2】Lingling:Yes, it is. There are many biscuits over there.Amy: 【小题3】Ms Smart: Please help me put the bag in the car.Lingling: This bag is so big!【小题4】Sam: 【小题5】Ms Smart: You are helpful children. Have some sweets.Amy, Sam, Lingling: Thank you.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、填内容补全对话1、2、七、选内容补全对话1、2、

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