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牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册期末专项训练:阅读姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、阅读选择阅读理解。Tickets for the NBA basketball game are going on sale (出售). Lots of people like to go to watch basketball. Most of them are going to cheer for their teams. However, there are never enough tickets for everyone. So some people come the day before and sleep in front of the ticket office. At night, when they are waiting, some people play music, others dance and sing, and still others talk about their favorite players. Sometimes they argue (争论) because they like different teams. After waiting all night to buy tickets, they will be too tired to enjoy the game.根据短文内容选择正确答案。1 . Why do many people like to go to basketball games?( )A. Its easy to buy tickets. B. They have free tickets.C. They like to see their favorite teams play.2 . Why is it hard to buy tickets? ( )A. The ticket office is far away. B. The tickets are very expensive.C. There arent enough tickets for everyone.3 . What do some people do to buy them?( )A. Ask a basketball player for help. B. Wait in front of the ticket office.C. Go to the ticket office right before the game.4 . What do they do when they are waiting for the ticket office to open?( )A. Sing, dance, and talk. B. Play basketball. C. Cheer for their teams.5 . Which is the best title?( )A. Tickets Office B. NBA Basketball Game C. Tickets on Sale根据短文或对话内容,选择正确答案。I like the circus(马戏团). It is very exciting. I usually go to the circus with my friends on weekends.It is in a large tent(帐篷). We see the lions and tigers first. The lions and tigers sit on benches(长凳). Then they jump through the fire.Next a lady rides a horse. She rides round and round and does comic dances(滑稽舞) and tumbles(翻跟斗) on the horseback. Then we see the clown(小丑). He runs round and round and plays funny tricks.Finally a girl walks across a rope(绳).We eat popcorn and drink Coke. We all enjoy the time at the circus.6 . The writer likes _. ( )AanimalsBcircusCtricks7 . They see _ first. ( )Atigers and lionsBa lady and a horseCa clown8 . _ rides a horse and does comic dances. ( )AA girlBA clownCA lady9 . The writer and his friends _. ( )Adont enjoy the timeBeat popcorns and drink CokeCwalk across a rope二、完形填空完形填空。Three things are necessaries (必需) for us to keep alive (活着). They are air (空气),_ and food (食物). We eat food twice (两次) or three times a day. We drink water several times (几次) a day. We breathe (呼吸) day and_. If (假如) a man doesnt have any food and doesnt drink_, he can live (活) about three_. But if a man doesnt breathe, he can keep alive for only about three minutes (分钟). So we see that breathing is even more important than drinking, and drinking is more important (重要) than_.10 . AcoffeeBmilkCwater11 . AnightBeveningCafternoon12 . AsomethingBanythingCeverything13 . AdaysBmonthsCyears14 . AplayingBeatingCworking三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。Im Amy. Im a student. Im in Grade 5. I like learning English very much. My father is my English teacher. Hes a strict man. Hes tall and thin. Hes thirty-five years old. My classmates and I all like him. Hes a good teacher.15 . Is Amy a university student? _16 . Whos Amys English teacher?_17 . Is Amys father strict?_18 . Is Amys father strong or thin?_19 . How old is Amys father?_四、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据短文内容完成句子。Childrens Day comes in summer. It is on the first day of June. Mike and Amy always get up early on Childrens Day. They can get many gifts at school.They like their gifts very much. They have a big party at school. They sing and dance happily. In the afternoon, they play computer games and have a good time. In the evening, Mike is very tired, so he goes to bed at about eight thirty.20 . June 1st is C_ Day.21 . Mike and Amy wake up e_ on Childrens Day.22 . Mike and Amy can get g_ at school.23 . Mike and Amy play c_ games and enjoy themselves.24 . Mike feels very tired, so he goes to sleep at eight t_.阅读短文,写单词完成句子。Sanya is on Hainan Island. It is in the south of China. It is warm in winter. Sanya is a great place for families. You can visit the Sea World and you can play on the beaches.Harbin is in Heilongjiang Province. It is in the north of China. It is very cold in winter. Many people living in the south like to visit Harbin in winter. You should wear warm coats and gloves. There is an Ice and Snow Festival that lasts about six weeks.Beijing is not very cold in winter. It sometimes snows. You can visit the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. You can also have delicious food in Beijing.25 . It is very_in Harbin in winter.26 . Harbin is in the_of China.27 . We can_the Great Wall in Beijing.28 . Sanya is on Hainan Island. It is in the_of China.29 . You can play on the_in Sanya.阅读短文,完成下列各题。Heres my uncles farm. It is very big. There are lots of animals and vegetables on the farm. There are eighteen sheep, fifteen hens, ten horses and twenty cows. The cows are black and white. I like them. I can drink some milk every day. The sheep are white. The horses are brown. The cows and horses often eat grass. There are some tomatoes, green beans and potatoes. The tomatoes are very beautiful. I like them. Theyre yummy!30 . 根据短文,补全短语。1. ten brown _2. eighteen white _3. twenty black and white _31 . 根据短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。1.My uncle has a big farm. (_)2.There are 18 sheep, 14 hens and 12 cows. (_)3.I can drink some juice every day. (_)4.The tomatoes are yummy. (_)5.The horses often eat grass. (_)阅读短文,完成表格。Andy is from America. He has got some pen friends. Writing to his pen friends is his hobby. Lisa is Andys pen friend from Canada. Her hobby is collecting kites. She has got some kites from China. Bobby is Andys pen friend from England. His hobby is collecting stamps. Andy sends some letters to Bobby. He has got many beautiful stamps. NameCountryHobbyAndy32 . 33 . Lisa34 . 35 . BobbyEngland36 . 五、填内容补全对话37 . 填空。A: Excuse me.B: (1) _ the problem?A: Is this your pen?B: No, its not my pen. I (2) _ its Li Leis.A: (3) _ Li Lei?B: Hes my good friend. Look! Hes over there. Hello, Li Lei!C: Hello, Bill!B: Li Lei, (4) _ is Lin Tao.C: Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too. Li Lei, is this your pen?C: Oh, yes, (5) _ is.A: (6) _ you (7) _.C: Thank you (8) _ (9) _A: Youre (10) _.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、阅读选择1、2、二、完形填空1、三、阅读回答问题1、四、任务型阅读1、2、3、4、五、填内容补全对话1、

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