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第 1 页 共 6 页 南昌市外国语学校 2017 2018 学年下学期 高二英语 短文改错专题练习 命题及审题人 邹乐铭 2018 4 14 A The Great Wall is a great military fortification project in China that was regarded as a miracle in the history of ancient architecture It went through more 2 500 years of the Chinese history but bestrides the vast terrain over a dozen of provinces in northern China Although it has lost the its military value for a long time it nevertheless reflects the dignity confident and independence of the Chinese people In 1987 UNESCO listed the Great Wall by a World Heritage Site The Great Wall is a must visit site for tourists worldwide where they come to China and Beijing More of them put on T shirts with Mao Zedong s poetry said You are not a man until you climbed up the Great Wall when they happily climb the step of the Great Wall The experience becomes unforgettable B Nowadays this is common to hear about a young person getting this or that kind of serious disease A couple of day ago a friend in her 20s asked me that I was familiar with some health products She tells me that during the past two years she got tired easily and seemed to be in state of sub health Twenty is the age in where one should feel filled with strong and energy And some people at that age have started to worry about their health Since we now have more access to information about keeping healthy we should start to act responsible and pay special attention to improve our health C 2018 届全国 26 省 3 月联考 In my opinion my father can always give me advices because he has experienced a lot When he graduated in college his first job was to work as an office clerk Later he found life was boring to sit in office so he decided to quit and then starts his travels to many places Having been traveled a lot my father broadened his vision great and then went back home While he met my mother she thought it was time to settle down Interesting in his life experience I can t help thinking that if I go with him I will meet many new persons with who I can make friends I want to live like my father D The good news is whether there ll be a men s basketball match between China and Korea at the stadium of our city in this Sunday It s reported that a number of well known basketball star will appear in the game so it s a good chance for you to watch them playing live I like basketball very much but I know basketball is also your favorite sport so I was inviting you to watch the game If you are interesting please let me know as soon as possibly In that case I can t buy the tickets ahead of time Remember match will start at nine o clock on Sunday morning E Lending a hand to people make me happy One day I saw Sally my assistant cried I asked her about my problem and she said that her mom was sick She didn t have enough money to have her mother fully examining so I decided to give her one of my diamond ring It didn t cost as many as the others but I knew that it would be in great help if she sold it I recommended an online shop that I often bought jewelry Sally sold it and used the money to let her mother to be hospitalized It is great feeling that you can help other people 第 2 页 共 6 页 F People celebrate the Lantern Festival across China every year About two weeks before I went to Yuyuan Garden Lantern Fair one of busiest and grandest lantern fairs in China I enjoyed locally snacks and traditional performances Craftsmen at different stand sold their delicate handicrafts in reasonable prices That impressed me most was various types of lanterns I also learn to make a paper lantern Although it wasn t very beautiful but it brought back my childhood memories Today many lantern fairs are still well preserving It is a good way for us Chinese to know about my traditional culture G 2018 届江西省临川二中高三 1 月考试 Everyone tends have many problems while gaining knowledge Therefore your willingness to deal with these problems will eventually enable you to work it out What I d like to share is my approaches to solve the problems First you must focus on which you are faced with There seems to be a lot of attractive things like computers or game To stay focused you can list these things and tell yourself you should touch them after finishing your work Second believe to yourself Though there is no doubt that each of us might make mistakes or come across some tough problems in learning but it can never be a reason for the loss of confidence Last keep modest Never fee1 embarrassing to turn to your teachers or classmates Everyone in your surroundings can be your teacher H On line voting becomes increasing popular Many competitions get people involving in it It is beneficial to some people but it puts the others into a dilemma over if to vote or not In my opinion on line voting should be welcomed since it is just a way to participate public life It is similar to ordinary voting events which candidates go around to seek vote In addition the Internet make voting easy and convenient regardless of time and space Things will turn much good if we can work out some rules for people to obey Therefore I hold a positive attitude of it I 2018 届安徽六校教育研究会高三第二次联考 Stockholm the capital of Sweden hopes to stop using fossil fuel 化石能源 completely by 2040 Now the city wants larger lorries what cause more pollution to use bio fuel which are produced from waste Stockholm is also working with Fortum an energy company to take advantage a city wide heating system use waste heat from supermarkets and stadiums to supply heat for homes However the city is trying to change people behavior step by step On one newly built estate 庄园 people are providing with tablets that show its real time energy usage This is to help them good understand how they use and waste gas water and electricity 第 3 页 共 6 页 短文改错专题练习参考答案 A B C 第 4 页 共 6 页 D Whether 改成 that In this Sunday 去掉 in star 改成 stars you 改成 us but 改成 and was 改成 am interesting 改成 interested possibly 改成 possible can t 改成 can 在 match 前加 the 解析 小题 1 考查表语从句引导词 句意 好消息是在我市体育场有一场中韩男子篮球比赛 Be 动词 后是表语从句 从句中不缺成分 不缺翻译 用 that 引导 故 whether 改成 that 小题 2 考查介词 this Sunday 是时间状语 有指代词 this 前面不用介词 故 In this Sunday 去 掉 in 小题 3 考查名词 a number of 许多 修饰名词复数 故 star 改成 stars 小题 4 考查代词 根据下文我也喜欢篮球 得知指代词错误 表示对于我们来说是个好机会 故 you 改成 us 小题 5 考查连词 前后是并列关系 故 but 改成 and 小题 6 考查动词时态 通篇是一般现在时 这里用过去时是错误的 故 was 改成 am 小题 7 考查形容词 表示人感兴趣 用 ed 形式 故 interesting 改成 interested 小题 8 考查形容词 as soon as possible 是固定短语 表示尽可能快的 故 possibly 改成 possible 小题 9 考查情态动词肯定形式 根据句意得知 是表示我可以提前买票 故 can t 改成 can 小题 10 考查冠词 表示特指中韩之间的这场男子篮球赛 故在 match 前加 the E F G 解析 本文主要讲了每个人在获得知识的过程中都会遇到许多问题 然而 你处理那些问题的意愿 最终能够让你解决它们 作者针对这一问题 给出了自己的建议 考查固定短语 每个人在获得知识的过程中都会遇到许多问题 tend to 常常 是固定短语 考查连词 然而 你处理问题的那些意愿 最终能够让你解决它们 表示 然而 所以 Therefore 改成 However 考查代词 指代 these problems 是复数 所以 it 改成 them 考查固定用法 approach to 后面接 v ing 所以 solve 改成 solving 考查宾语从句 what you are faced with 是一个宾语从句 引导词在从句中作宾语 所以 which 改成 what 第 5 页 共 6 页 考查主谓一致 a lot of attractive things 是复数意义 所以 seems 改成 seem 考查名词单复数 被 a lot of 修饰 所以用名词复数 game 改成 games 考查固定短语 其次 要相信你自己 believe in 相信 是固定短语 所以 to 改成 in 考查固定用法 though 与 but 不能连用 所以去掉 but 考查 v ed v ed 修饰人 v ing 修饰物 这里修饰人 所以 embarrassing 改成 embarrassed H 答案 第一句 increasing 改成 increasingly 第二句 involving 改成 involved 第二句 去掉 some 第三句 if 改成 whether 第三句 public 前面加上 in 第四句 which 前面加上 in 第四句 vote 改成 votes 第五句 make 改成 makes 第六句 good 改成 better 第七句 of 改成 towards 解析 第 1 题 考查副词 副词修饰形容词 故 increasing 改成 increasingly 第 2 题 考查非谓语动词 参与其中是 be involved in get somebody 宾补 用过去分词表示被 动 故 involving 改成 involved 第 3 题 考查冠词 泛指其他人前面不用定冠词 故去掉 the 第 4 题 考查连词 whether or not 是固定结构 表示是否 故 if 改成 whether 第 5 题 考查介词 participate in 是固定短语 表示参加 故 public 前面加上 in 第 6 题 考查介词 voting events 是先行词 表示在这些投票赛事中 用介词 in 故 which 前 面加上 in 第 7 题 考查名词 voting events 得知在投票赛事中 候选人寻找多个选票 故 vote 改成 votes 第 8 题 考查主谓一致 主语是 Internet 谓语动词用单数 故 make 改成 makes 第 9 题 考查形容词比较级 much 修饰比较级 故 good 改成 better 第 10 题 考查介词 attitude towards 表示对 态度 故 of 改成 towards I 解析 第一处 考查冠词 句意 斯德哥尔摩 瑞典的首都 希望到 2040 年完全停止使用化石能源 the capital of Sweden 是 Stockholm 的同位语 做同位语时 capital 前不加冠词 故应将 the 去掉 第二处 句意 这座城市想让造成更多污染的大卡车使用生物燃料 分析句子结构 what cause more pollution 是定语从句 修饰 larger lorries 引导词在从句中做主语 指物 故该从 句要用关系代词 which that 引导 what 不能引导定语从句 第三处 考查主谓一致 which are produced from waste 是定语从句 修饰 bio fuel which 指代 bio fuel 根据主谓一致原则 谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式 is 第四处 考查介词 take advantage of 意为 利用 是固定短语 故要在 advantage 和 a 之间加 of 第五处 考查非谓语动词 句意 斯德哥尔摩和一家名为 Fortum 的能源公司合作来利用全市供 热系统 利用来自超市和体育馆的余热为家庭供暖 use waste heat from supermarkets and stadiums to supply heat for homes 是方式状语 主句主语和 use 之间是主动关系 故要用现在 分词作状语 第六处 考查副词 句意 这座城市正在努力地逐步改变人们的行为 该句和上一句 斯德哥 尔摩和一家名为 Fortum 的能源公司合作来利用全市供热系统 利用来自超市和体育馆的余热为 家庭供暖 之间是并列关系 不是转折关系 故应将 However 改为 Besides Moreover 第七处 考查名词所有格形式 句意 这座城市正在努力地逐步改变人们的行为 根据句意 修饰 behaviour 要用名词所有格形式 故应将 people 改为 people s 第八处 考查被动语态 句意 在一个新建的庄园里 给人们提供了平板电脑 tablets 和 provide 之间是被动关系 故该句应用被动语态 将 providing 改为 provided 第九处 考查代词 在一个新建的庄园里 给人们提供了平板电脑 这些平板电脑可以显示人 们实时的能源使用情况 该处指人们的能源使用情况 故应将 its 改为 their 第十处 考查比较级 句意 这有助于他们更好地了解他们如何使用水 电 气 结合句意 应将 good 改为 better 第 6 页 共 6 页


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