外研版(三起)英语三年级下册Module 10 Unit 1 Here's a red hat. 练习卷

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外研版(三起)英语三年级下册Module 10 Unit 1 Here's a red hat. 练习卷_第1页
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外研版(三起)英语三年级下册Module 10 Unit 1 Here's a red hat. 练习卷_第2页
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外研版(三起)英语三年级下册Module 10 Unit 1 Here's a red hat. 练习卷_第3页
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外研版(三起)英语三年级下册Module 10 Unit 1 Heres a red hat. 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 找出不同类的单词:( )AafterBbeforeCjoke2 . What are you going to do? ( )I am going to write a _.ApaperBideaCreport3 . I _ got a yellow sweater.AhaveBhasChad4 . My mother is a doctor. She works in a big _. ( )AofficeBschoolChospital根据所给图片选择相应的句子。5 . ( )AHi, Im a boy.BHi, Im a girl.6 . ( )AIm from Canada.BIm from the USA.7 . ( )AGoodbye!BWelcome!8 . 选出下列单词中与其它三项不同类的一项。(_)1.A. friend B. desk C. chair D. blackboard(_)2. A. light B. fan C. chair D. bread (_)3. A. student B. teacher C. boy D. blackboard (_)4. A. Chinese B. maths C. chair D. English (_)5. A. study B. bathroom C. chair D. kitchen (_)6. A. father B. mother C. uncle D. milk (_)7. A. aunt B. fork C. spoon D. knife (_)8. A. bread B. hamburger C. rice D. picture (_)9. A. rice B. chopsticks C. chicken D. beef (_)10. A. parents B. farmer C. driver D. nurse二、填空题补全句子9 . Do you want to _(玩我的洋娃娃吗)?10 . Its a _(秘密).11 . Im _(准备)make you a _(惊喜礼物)for Christmas.12 . 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My father is _ (thin) than my mother.2. Yesterday Mary _ (watch) TV.3. Where _ (be) you going?I _ (be) going to Hangzhou.4. _ you _ (clean) your room last night?Yes, I _.5. She _ (fly) kites last Sunday.6. Do you like _ (go) to the park with me?7. What is Amy doing?She _ (draw) pictures.8. When is your birthday?Its on March _ (one)9. When is _ (teacher) Day?10. Its not _ (she) bike._ (she) is under the tree.用所给词的适当形式填空。13 . Mary _(make) many cakes for her friends yesterday.14 . She _ (draw) pictures every week.15 . She likes _ (go) to the cinema with her classmates on Sundays.16 . -What _ (do) Mike do last Sunday morning?-He _ (go) for a walk in the park.17 . It often _ (rain) in summer.18 . There _ (be) any water in the pool last night.19 . I want to buy some _ (mango) and some bread.20 . Mike _ (brush) his teeth every morning.选出合适的单词填入横线上。friends meet you back from21 . Welcome _ to school.22 . Nice to _ you.23 . We have two new _ today.24 . Im _ China.25 . What about _?26 . I liked_(swim) when(当的时候) I was seven years old.27 . My shoes _ (is / are ) black and white.三、选内容补全对话28 . 读一读,选择合适的选项补全对话。AHa ha! They are funny.BYes, I have.CWhat clothes have you got?A: _B: Ive got a brown shirt.A: Have you got yellow trousers?B: _A: Look at my big green shoes.B: _A: Oh, I cant walk.四、匹配题29 . 看图,选择相应的单词写在横线上。AsnowBrainCwindyDcoldEsunny1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _五、其他30 . 圈出表格中表示颜色的单词,并写在四线三格上。omb1ueoryye11owredivakphawgPgcoqinqjdnkhwtgfzsbcgreenc第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、三、选内容补全对话1、四、匹配题1、五、其他1、

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