新课程版六年级英语下册Unit 4 Road safety 单元测试卷 A

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新课程版六年级英语下册Unit 4 Road safety 单元测试卷 A_第1页
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新课程版六年级下册Unit 4 Road safety 单元测试卷 A姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Do you have _ shorts?No,we dontBut we have some jeansAanyBsomeClittle2 . Its hot today. Can I _ my sweater?AwearBput onCtake off3 . _you _any bread? ( )AHave; gotBHas; gotCHad; got4 . There are two dolls and two bears. You can have toys. ( )AallBbothCall the5 . I cant do it. _ you help me? ( )ACanBAreCDoes6 . I canthere hours every morning. ( )Ato walkBwalksCwalk7 . Id like have a try. ( )AforBtoCon8 . 读一读,选出正确的图片。(_) 1. That is Johns jacket. Its new. A. B. (_) 2. We have an umbrella. Its blue. A. B. (_) 3. These are some potatoes. A. B. (_) 4. Time for music class. Lets sing and dance. A. B. (_) 5. I like those animals. A. B. 选出画线部分发音与其余不同的单词。9 . ArunBjumpCfruit10 . AbusBduckCcomputer11 . ApushBsunCcut12 . AstudentBTuesdayCpush13 . AfishBlikeCmilk14 . AcinemaBdoctorCjuice15 . I play football now? ( )ACanBWhatCShould16 . Oh, look! Some children are doing a _. ( )Adance dragonBdragon danceCdragon dancing二、完形填空完形填空。Li Ming comes out of the train station. He wants to see his friend, Lin Tao. Lin Tao is a _. He works in Haikou Hospital in this city. But Li Ming _ the way to the hospital. This is his _ visit to this city. Li Ming walks on the _. Soon he comes to a school. Some students _ out of the school gate. He comes over and_, “Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Haikou Hospital?” “Yes, I live near here. _ uncle works in that hospital, too. Its not_here. Go along this road to the end, and youll find the _on your right. You cant _ it,” a boy says. “Thank you very much!”17 . AstudentBfriendCdoctor18 . AknowsBknowCdoesnt know19 . AfirstBoneCtwo20 . AplaygroundBstreetCfarm21 . AwalksBto walkCare walking22 . AtellsBasksCspeaks23 . AMineBMeCMy24 . AfarBaway fromCfar from25 . AschoolBhospitalCstation26 . AmissBgetCtake三、填空题27 . 根据图片或中文提示补句子。1.There is a _(斑马线).You can cross it.2.You can _(右转)in front of the postoffice.3.There are _(汽车和自行车)on the road.4.You must _(小心,注意)cars.5.Look, the people are _(穿过马路)now.用所给词适当形式填空。28 . What _(a) interesting story!29 . _ he _(goes) to work by car?30 . He is going _(see) a film.31 . We should pay attention to the traffic _(light).32 . I like singing, but my sister _(do not ).四、英汉混合33 . 英汉词组互译。1.一座新房子_ 2. show me around _3. 去看一看_ 4. too hard _5. 在三楼_ 6.in the fridge_7. 我们的教室_ 8. between the two trees _9. 两间电脑房_ 10.find their cousin _五、句型转换34 . 按要求做题(1)The man in black is my partner. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ partner?(2)There is only one broom in my classroom. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ _in your classroom?(3)Danny is riding a bicycle in the street. (变为否定句) Danny _ _ a bicycle in the street.(4)My brother likes reading books very much. (改为一般疑问句) _ your brother _ reading books very much?(5)Is that a banana tree? (改为复数句)_ _ _ _六、匹配题35 . 给下列问句选择正确的答语,将序号填在题前括号里。(_)1. What does your father do?AThe green one.(_) 2.Whats wrong with you?BYes , please.(_) 3. Which dress is better?CI have a headache.(_) 4. When do you get up?DHe is a postman.(_) 5. Can I help you?EI get up at 7:30.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、2、四、英汉混合1、五、句型转换1、六、匹配题1、

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