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沪教版2020年中考英语专题复习情态动词(真题)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分)Linlin is often in a red skirt. She _ like red very much.A . mustB . canC . wouldD . will2. (2分)The green dictionary _ be _.Her name is on it. A . mustnt;CarlasB . must;CarlaC . mustnt;CarlaD . must;Carlas3. (2分) Who is the man over there? Is it Mr. Li? No. It _be him. Mr. Li is much taller. A . mustntB . may notC . cantD . neednt4. (2分) Finally, they came back. They be hungry after such a long walk.A . cantB . mustC . neednt5. (2分) Must I finish my homework now? No, you _. A . may notB . mustntC . cantD . neednt6. (2分)You can contact your doctor from the bathroom of a Forever Green House.A . connectB . communicateC . communicate with7. (2分)Our team in the final match. Weve got the first place. A . lostB . beatC . wonD . hit8. (2分)I didnt _ the sound of the car. A . listenB . listening toC . hearD . heard9. (2分)Mei Ping eats a lot every day. She has _ five pounds these days. A . put upB . turned onC . put onD . washed away10. (2分) When did the factory develop the new machine? Last year.A . wantedB . orderedC . produced11. (2分)The shop _ a lot of presents.A . sellB . sellsC . buysD . buy12. (2分)How is your father going to Naning? Im not sure. He _ drive there.A . mayB . canC . mustD . will13. (2分)This book _ Lucys. Look! Her name is on the book cover.A . must beB . may beC . cant beD . mustnt be14. (2分)一I cant stop smoking, doctor.一For your health, Im afraid you .A . mayB . have toC . canD . need15. (2分) Can Zhang Hong play the piano? Sorry, she_.A . dontB . doC . cantD . can16. (2分)Have you ever _ to bring your homework to school?Yes. I _ it at home once last term.A . left; forgotB . forgotten; leftC . forgotten, forgotD . left; left17. (2分)People now can know what is happening in the world quickly. Youre right.With the help of computers,news can _every corner of the world.A . getB . reachC . returnD . arrive18. (2分)Must I dress up as the Monkey King? No,you .You can choose whatever you like.A . cantB . mustntC . shouldntD . neednt19. (2分)Johnny, you _ play with the knife, you _ hurt yourself. A . wont; cantB . mustnt; mayC . shouldnt; mustD . cant; shouldnt20. (2分)I think some rules in our school should .Perhaps you are right.A . be changingB . be changedC . changeD . to be changed21. (2分)I dont _ the heat, for Im used to hot weather.A . likeB . mindC . knowD . stand22. (2分)Our class won the English speaking contest.Congratulations! You_ be very proud of it.A . canB . wouldC . must23. (2分)Can they swim in the lake?_.A . Yes, they doB . No, they dontC . Yes, they canD . No, they didnt24. (2分)You _ drive on when the traffic light is red.A . cantB . needntC . mustntD . may not25. (2分)I _ speak English in class because Im afraid of making mistakes.Dont be shy. Believe in yourself and everything will be OK.A . dare toB . dareC . dare notD . dont dare26. (2分)John _ come to see us tonight,but he isnt very sure. A . mayB . canC . has toD . must27. (2分) You _ hand in your homework now. You _ give it to me this afternoon. Sure, thank you.A . cant; needB . mustnt; needC . neednt; canD . neednt; must28. (2分)The baby is sleeping. You _ make so much noise. A . wontB . mustntC . may notD . neednt29. (2分) Miss Wang, must I post the letter now? No, you _. You can do it after school.A . cantB . needntC . mustnt30. (2分)Must I hand in my homework now. Miss Wang?No,you .You give it to me tomorrow.A . neednt; mayB . mustnt; mayC . cant; mayD . may not; must31. (2分)- Sorry, Miss Liu. I left my workbook at home. Must I hand it in today?- No, you _. You _ bring it here tomorrow.A . mustnt; shouldB . cant; mustC . mustnt; mayD . neednt; can32. (2分) Its too hot. _. I swim in the lake? No, you _. Thats too dangerous!A . Should; cantB . Need; mustntC . Must; needntD . Could; cant33. (2分)Must I send my uncle an e-mail now, Dad?No, you _.You_ do that after you finish your homework.A . couldnt; mayB . cant; canC . neednt; canD . may not; must34. (2分)【2015贵州六盘水】23.You are supposed to type quickly when talking with others on QQ.A . mustB . canC . shouldD . would35. (2分)-Who will give us the speech on public manners?-Mr. Brown_,but Im not sure。A . canB . needC . mustD . might36. (2分)Its raining, so I_ stay at home. A . cantB . have toC . has toD . am37. (2分)You spend much time on the Internet, its bad for your eyes. A . canB . mayC . cantD . neednt38. (2分)Look, Jim is talking to his friend under the tree.It _ be him. He has _ back to Canada.A . cant; goneB . cant; beenC . may not; beenD . mustnt; gone39. (2分) Look! Is it Sally playing under the tree? No, it _ be her. She has gone to Xian.A . cantB . couldntC . may notD . might not40. (2分) _ I sing here, Jim? Sorry, Im afraid you _.A . Could; cantB . Can; couldntC . Can; may notD . Could; couldnt41. (2分)Can I watch TV now?No, you _. Its 10 oclock. You _ go to bed.A . cant; canB . cant; mustC . may not; canD . neednt; must42. (2分)Have you decided where to spend your holiday ?Not yet . I _ go to Britain .A . mayB . needC . mustD . have to43. (2分)Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over. So we _ stay in our classroom.A . shouldB . mustC . had to44. (2分)I _ make a home page three years ago, but now I am good at it.A . canB . cantC . couldD . couldnt45. (2分) It seems that Mr. Wu is standing there. It _ be him because he called me from Canada just now.A . mustntB . cantC . needntD . shouldnt46. (2分)May I take photos in the museum?No, you . You obey the rules here.A . may not; canB . mustnt; mayC . cant; canD . mustnt; must47. (2分)一 I think the girl by the river must be Alice.一 No. it be her. She is in the library now.A . mustntB . cantC . shouldntD . wouldnt48. (2分)I like this room. You _ see the mountains from the window.A . canB . shouldC . mustD . need49. (2分)I think _ English is not easy. You should _ it often. A . to learn; to practiceB . learning; practiceC . learn; practicingD . learns; to practice50. (2分)You can do lots of things in a science museum, but you _ obey (遵守) the rules. A . canB . mayC . have toD . could第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、


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