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人教版(PEP)2020年(春秋版)小升初考试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . There are three bedrooms onfloor.Athe thirdBthirdCfirst2 . Whats the weather like? ( ) Its hot and.AwindyBsunnyCcloudy3 . We use wood _ paper and we also reuse paper. ( )AmakeBmakingCto make4 . _ Amy _ you English tomorrow? ( )AWill; teachBDid; teachCAre; going teach5 . Please _ the lights. ( )AcloseBturn off6 . Im Amy _ School TV. ( )AforBfromCin7 . I do the housework a month. ( )AtwiceBthreeCfifth8 . That bike is not _. Let _ ask him.AI; myBmine; ICmine; me9 . An apple _ day keeps the doctor away. ( )AaBtwoCseven10 . What did you _ last night? ( )AdidBdoesCdo二、阅读选择阅读短文,完成下列各题。Hello! Im Jim.We are going to have a Sports Day next week. I can run fast. Im going to run the 200 metres. Im going to run every day. Im going to be the winner. My friend Amy can jump far. She is going to do the long jump.11 . Jim can .( )Ado the long jumpBdo the hight jumpCrun fast12 . Jim is going to run the metres. ( )A100B200C40013 . Amy is going to do the. ( )Along jumpBhigh jumpCrun fast三、完形填空14 . 完形填空。Hello. Im Amy. This is my new class. There are forty _1_ in our class. Mr. Li _2_ our English teacher. _3_ is 30 years old. The boy _4_ me is Tony. _5_ are good friends. He is _6_ a storybook. _7_ is my English book? Its _8_ the desk. ( ) 1. A. teachers B. pupils C. boys( ) 2. A. am B. are C. is( ) 3. A. He B. She C. It( ) 4. A. in B. on C. behind( ) 5. A. They B. You C. We( ) 6. A. reading B. read C. reads( ) 7. A. Where B. What C. When( ) 8. A. between B. under C. at四、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空15 . Let_(I) have a look at_(she) nice green skirt.16 . Many small_(box) are on_(Mike) desk.17 . Do you have_(some) pies? No. I have_(some) cakes.18 . I can_(see) a mango. I like yellow_(mango).19 . Father_(have) two balls for his two_(fun) boys.五、任务型阅读20 . 阅读理解。对的“T”,错的“F”。YesterdayIt was Saturday yesterday. It was sunny. I got up at 7:30. After breakfast, I went to the supermarket with Ann. There were many people in the supermarket.We bought some fruits and vegetables. They are healthy. And I bought a new skirt. Ann bought a pink dress. We had a good time .We were tired, but happy.( )1.Yesterday was Saturday( )2.The weather was sunny.( )3.I got up at 7:00.( )4.I went to supermarket with Lucy.( )5.We werent tired and happy.六、汉译英21 . 翻译下列短语1. 放风筝_2. 在树上_3. 骑自行车_4. 在公园里_5. 在雪上_6. 去钓鱼_7. 踢足球_8. 生日快乐_七、填内容补全对话22 . 补全对话。根据首字母提示在空白处填入一个适当的词语,使对话内容完整、正确。A: Excuse me, could you 1. t_ a photo of us? We want to have a nice 2. f_ photo.B: Sure. Everybody gets closer. Keep the pose and say “cheese”. One, two, three! OK, one more, please!A: Thank you. Oh, my boys, say “thank you”, please.C&D: OK, Dad. Thank you, sir.B: My pleasure! By the way, where are you from?A: We are from London. I came to Hangzhou to attend the “G20 Leaders Summit” on 3. S_ 4th and 5th .My boys came to China to look around. Oh, by the way, whats “G20 Leaders Summit” in Chinese?B: “二十国集团领导人峰会”。Welcome! And look! This is for you. Its the logo (徽标) of the “G20”. It 4. l_ like a bridge. The designer Yuan Youmin 5. g_ the idea from the old arched (拱形的) bridges. Bridges link people and 6. p_ in many different ways, just as the “G20” brings east and 7. w_ together.A: So beautiful! Thank you.B: Not at all. What do you like about China?A: Chinese delicious 8. f_! It also pleased us with 9. i_ interesting culture. At the welcome 10. d_ for foreigners there was one famous dishin Chinese “Dongpo Rou”. Yummy!B: Ha-ha! Have a nice time in China!八、匹配题给下列单词或词组选择合适的中文意思。A.你的影子B. 骑自行车C. 感冒了D. 看望我的爷爷奶奶E. 网络F. 做一些其他的事情G. 呆在家里H. 整理床铺I. 上个周末J. 更高而且更强壮23 . rode a bike(_)24 . internet(_)25 . visited my grandparents(_)26 . made the beds(_)27 . last weekend(_)28 . have a cold(_)29 . stay at home (_)30 . do something else(_)31 . taller and stronger (_)32 . your shadow(_)九、看图题33 . 看图回答问题1. (1)Is he reading a letter?_(2)What is he doing?_2. (1)Who is he?(friend)_(2)Is he cute?_3. (1)Can a robot do housework?_(2)What will he do?_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、任务型阅读1、六、汉译英1、七、填内容补全对话1、八、匹配题1、九、看图题1、


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