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2017 2018 学年度第一学期期中学业质量检测 第一部分 选择题 共 75 分 二 单项选择 15 分 21 一 Who is man in a black Coat 一 It s Jim Brown We often play basketball together after school A a the B a C the a D the 22 一 Shall we go to Wanda Cinema this evening 一 No I m busy today Let s go there 7 00 Tuesday evening A at on B at in C on in D on on 23 一 Tom at home this afternoon 一 Yes He usually go out in the afternoon A Does doesn t B Does isn t C Is isn t D Is doesn t 24 Please we are waiting for him 一 OK A wake him up B wake up him C wake he up D wake up he 25 SunYang is a swimmer He swims very A good good B well well C good well D well good 26 一 does your brother play computer games at night 一 For an hour A How often B How much C How long D How many 27 morning exercises good for us A Do is B Doing are C Do are D Doing is 28 Running Man is a good TV show Nancy often it in her free time A looks B sees C watches D reads 29 Everyone in my family music at weekends A Enjoys listening B enjoys listening to C enjoy listening to D enjoy listening 30 She wants a red coat because red makes her warm A to buy feel B buy feels C to buy to feel D buy feel 31 一 Let s go to the reading room shall we 一 Good idea I know it from 1 p m to 4 p m A is opening B is open C opens D opening 32 一 Would you like to go swimming this afternoon Millie 一 Sorry I have homework to do A too many B too much C many too D much too 33 一 Is Mr Li nice his students 一 Yes He often plays ball games them A with with B to with C with to D to to 34 一 How does he look 一 A He is 12 years old B He looks like a worker C He looks strong D He is my brother 35 一 Dad I m going for Jim s birthday party I ll be back before 10 00 一 A Be careful B Come home early C Have great fun D This way please 三 完形填空 10 分 Mr Green has 36 children One of them is six and the other is four In the 37 the children like to play and they do not want to go to bed early Mr Green is always 38 when he comes back it is often after bedtime for the children Mr Green does not help his wife to 39 the children 40 Mrs Green is unhappy about that On 41 Mr Green doesn t work He gets a good idea He thinks he can 42 well If he sings to the children when they go to bed it will help 43 sleep very soon 很快 He does this many times Then one Saturday he 44 his son speaks to his younger sister Close your 45 Don t move When Dad sees we are sleeping he will stop his terrible 可怕的 singing 36 A no B two C three D four 37 A morning B afternoon C evening D night 38 A busy B free C kind D lovely 39 A look like B look after C look for D look at 40 A but B or C so D because 41 A Monday B Tuesday C Friday D Saturday 42 A dance B draw C sing D read 43 A us B him C them D her 44 A hears B learns C talks D feels 45 A mouth B eyes C bag D books 四 阅读理解 30 分 A Each team has three players The players are running and jumping in the hot sun Music is all around In just twelve minutes the game is over But a new one starts right away 立刻 How exciting This is streetball It s much like basketball But it s faster People play it outside and it s interesting Usually children play streetball on an open court 球场 They use only half of the court Children love lots of things about the game It s very nice to be outside in the sun And the music is great said Bai Xue fourteen a girl in Shenyang Some say streetball was from Europe 欧洲 others say it came from America But now boys and girls in many countries like to play it Streetball is a game for all 46 How many players are there in each streetball team A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 47 Streetball is much like A basketball B tennis C football D badminton 48 Which one is NOT right A They use only half of the court B Only girls like to play the game C The game is over in twelve minutes D People usually play a streetball outside 49 Where was the game from A Europe B America C China D A or B 50 What s the best title 题目 of this passage A Streetball An Exciting Game B Different Ball Games C How to Play Streetball D Streetball And Basketball B Every school has its rules 规定 Here are some school rules Japanese rules Most Japanese schools ask the students to wear school clothes In many Japanese schools if the schools don t know students can t go to the cinemas leave home in the evening or play computer games Different shoes in the USA In some schools students must wear indoor shoes at school every day So the students can t fall down and they are safe 安全的 on the floors They can keep the schools clean too Students can t eat gum 口香糖 because it is hard to clean No strange hair in the UK Students can t have strange 奇怪的 hair in some British schools But the students can have certain hairstyle 发型 in the World Cup years 51 The students can t leave home in the evening in if they don t tell their schools A Japan B the USA C the UK D China 52 Why can t the students eat gums at school in the USA A It is not safe B It s hard to clean C They have no time D They aren t cheap 53 When can the students in the UK have certain hairstyle A After school B When they have no lessons C At night at the weekends D In the World Cup years 54 The underlined phrase 划线短语 fall down means A 摔倒 B 落下 C 攀爬 D 享受 55 The passage is about A school clothes B school shoes C strange hair D interesting school rules C The Volleyball Club The school volleyball club wants new members We have good players from the school team They can help you enjoy the game We practise 练习 for an hour every afternoon from Wednesday to Friday Go to your PE teacher and buy sports shoes if you want to be with us Girls Volleyball Match Team No 1 Middle School vs No 2 Middle School Time 2 30 p m 4 30 p m October 21st Place Jiangyin Sports Centre Come for our school team We have twenty tickets 票 for every class Go to your PE teacher for the tickets before Friday Please wear your school clothes at the sports centre 56 Members of the Volleyball Club practise a week A once B twice C three times D four times 57 What must you buy if you want to join the Volleyball Club A B C D 58 What time does the volleyball match start A At 2 40 in the afternoon B At 2 30 in the afternoon C At 5 in the afternoon D At 2 20 in the afternoon 59 Students can go to their for tickets A PE teachers B classmates C parents D grandparents 60 Students can t get a ticket on A Tuesday B Wednesday C Thursday D Saturday 第二部分 非选择题 45 分 五 词汇运用 10 分 A 根据句意 汉语提示或英文释义写出单词 每空一词 61 His hobby is keeping 日记 62 Do you know the famous singer Justin Bieber He is one of my 偶像 63 一 May I come in 一 当然 Come in please 64 Suzhou is a 现代的 city with many beautiful parks 65 Eddie not often goes out so he is very fat B 根据句意 用所给单词的适当形式填空 66 Are you ready tell us a story 67 I think the shoes are those play 68 Do you know how make a model plane 69 How much time does Sandy practise swim every day 70 Let us be good friends and help each other 六 句型转换 10 分 根据括号中的要求改写下列句子 并将答案写在答题卷上 71 Mary is in the school team 同义句 Mary is the school team 72 It s 3 November today 划线部分提问 today 73 He does well in playing table tennis 改为一般疑问句 he well in playing table tennis 74 We go home on foot in the afternoon 同义句 We in the afternoon 七 任务型阅读 10 分 Dear Nancy I am happy to tell you my school and my life Every day my father drives me to school My school is very big and beautiful I like my school very much The desks and chairs are new There are lots of pictures on the walls You can also see some flowers on the teachers desk We clean the classroom every day I don t go to school on Saturday and Sunday I get up at six on Saturday I play basketball with my father in the park near my home for half an hour Then I eat my breakfast I help my mother water the trees and flowers in the garden At seven I begin to do my homework My parents and I have lunch in the KFC In the afternoon I have Art lessons Sometimes I play computer games or chat with my friends on the Internet in the evening I like my weekend very much Yours Li Hua A 75 to Nancy from Li Hua School It s big and 76 Life on weekdays He goes to school 77 days a week and he goes to school by 78 with his father every day Morning He often 79 basketball with his father and helps his mother water the trees and flowers in the 80 He 81 his homework at seven o clock 83 He has Art lessons Life at 82 Evening Sometimes he likes chatting 84 his friends on the Internet 八 书面表达 15分 假设你的朋友叫李兵 按下列表格中要点提示向全班作介绍 不少于 80 字 要求 1 要点齐全 表达完整 2 书写工整 卷面整洁 3 省略号处需适当发挥 4 开头已经给出 不计入总词数 姓名 李兵 性别 男 籍贯 上海 班级 八 1 相貌 高大强壮 不戴眼镜 性格 待人友好 生活 跑步上学 耗时 15 分钟 每天 7 节课 学习 努力学习 擅长数学 爱好 喜欢运动 课后练习篮球 愿望 在圣诞节 My Best Friend Hello everyone I have a good friend called Li Bing

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