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人教版九年级上学期英语期中测试卷D卷一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。It was a sunny winter day. I had gone down the tower when a blind man came toward me. He kept close to the wall, touching it lightly with his arm. I stood still and looked at him walking toward the tower.What does a blind man want to climb up the tower for? I wondered (疑惑). Not the view(景色) certainly, perhaps he wants to jump. Thinking of some terrible reasons, I thought I should1 him.He went up slowly and2 from time to time. I followed him a few steps behind. When he got to the first corner of the bell tower, I came close to him. Excuse me, I said as politely as I could, but I wonder3 you came up.He smiled, Perhaps climbing up the tower. You have noticed and yet, not being blind, perhaps you wont how the sun shines into the tower4 the windows here and there, so that one can5the cool steps suddenly become quite warm, even in winter. But behind the wall there is shade(阴影). There is no place so good as this for feeling the difference between light and darkness. Though Im blind, I also want to feel the6 brought by the sunlight. In fact, it isnt my first time to be here. He said and seemed as 7 as a child.I had never thought that even a blind man could have his way to8 the beautiful life. But we often paid no attention to its value because we never9 it.We went down the10 together and I left him. From then on, I began to treasure what life has given me.(1)A . stop B . follow C . watch D . protect (2)A . talked B . smiled C . stopped D . called (3)A . why B . how C . where D . when (4)A . by B . in C . through D . into (5)A . see B . feel C . know D . imagine (6)A . love B . peace C . happiness D . difference (7)A . pleased B . simple C . excited D . lovely (8)A . understand B . live C . enjoy D . have (9)A . noticed B . practiced C . had D . lost (10)A . street B . tower C . wall D . corner 二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共44分)2. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。American country music is very old. It came from the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain. Its a mixture (混合物) of music from all of these places.In West America, cowboys (牛仔) had to take care of the cattle. They had to watch them all day and all night because the cattle sometimes ran away. A cowboys life was lonely and dangerous. When he was alone in the desert (荒野) with the cattle, he drank strong coffee to stay awake at night. He sang about the stars and the moon, about his family and his friends. The cattle listened to the cowboy and went to sleep. They didnt run away if he sang beautiful songs.In South America, many people came from Ireland and England. Other people came from France and Canada. They enjoyed their own kind of music. When they visited their friends and families on holidays like Christmas, they usually sang and played country music.American country music describes (描写) life. It talks about love, jobs, home and money. People in many parts of the world like western country music because everyone knows something about these ideas.(1)The passage is about _.A . the cowboys lifeB . the life in AmericaC . American country musicD . the people who lives in America, Canada, Ireland, and Britain(2)The word cattle means _ in the passage.A . 牛B . 小羊C . 小马D . 鹿(3)What was a cowboys life like?A . LonelyB . Very interestingC . DangerousD . A and C(4)Why didnt the cattle run away when a cowboy sang beautiful songs?A . Because the cattle knew he didnt leave them.B . Because the cattle enjoyed the music so much that they went to sleep.C . Because he didnt let them go.D . Because he was very bad.(5)What does American country music describe?A . Love.B . Money.C . Jobs.D . Life.3. (6分)阅读理解Punctuation Marks(标点符号)Punctuation MarksWhen to use them?ExampleApostrophes()To show possessionwhen something belongs to someone.Use apostrophes in word contractions.Alans favorite color is blue.Its (It is) a hot and sunny day.Exclamation Marks(!)To express surprise, excitement, anger, admiration or to give orders.Stop! Dont move!Question Marks(?)Placed at the end of a question.How are you?(1)Where can the table above probably be found? A . A newspaperB . A Grammar bookC . A reportD . A guide book(2)Sentence 1: The youth worker has solved Alans problems.Sentence 2: Alans going over what he has learnt in class.Which of the statements is true according to the usages of punctuation marks?A . The“Alans”in sentence 1 has the same meaning as the one in sentence 2.B . The“Alans”in sentence 1 is used as a contraction for “Alan is”.C . The“Alans”in sentence 2 shows that something belongs to Alan.D . The apostrophes in the two sentences have quite different meanings.(3)“What a heavy snow!” They rushed out screaming and playing happily. Here the exclamation mark is used to show they felt when they saw the big snow. A . excitedB . angryC . curiousD . scared4. (8分)阅读理解 Zheng He was an amazing man. He was born in 1371. Ten years later, he was caught by the army of a rich young man called Zhu Di and made to work for him. Over time the rich man saw that Zheng He was very clever and strong and they became close friends. In 1403 Zhu Di became the king of China and he asked Zheng He to join his government.The king wanted to learn more about the world and show other countries his power. He ordered many new ships to be built and made Zheng He their leader. Between 1405 and 1433, Zheng He led some sea trips to different parts of the world. He certainly travelled to India, Africa and the Middle East. A few people think his ships have even reached South America and Australia.Each trip lasted more than one year and it is believed he sailed more than 50,000 kilometres during the years of his travels. Zheng He led a fleet with about 28, 000 men and over 250 ships, such as boats for food, water and even soldiers horses.On these trips he took many Chinese goods like silk and medicine with him to give to foreign kings or to sell for local goods. He returned from each trip with boats which were filled with expensive things such as gold and treasures, foreign guests and strange animals like a giraffe.It is a pity that we may never learn everything about Zheng Hes travels. The Columbus of the East, Zheng He, died in 1433. After that. The new king had these trips stopped and he burned almost all the books about Zheng Hes travels, because he believed the trips were unlucky and too expensive. It is only in the last 50 years that historians have begun to carefully study the adventures of great Zheng He.(1)Why did Zhu Ii want Zheng He to sail to many different countries? A . To learn more about the world.B . To bring new countries under the control of China.C . To show other countries his power.D . Both A and C(2)What do we know about Zheng He from the passage? A . He travelled to India and Africa.B . Each trip lasted six years.C . When he died, he was 72 years old.D . He was a great king(3)Which of the following did Zheng He take to foreign countries from China? A . Gold.B . Treasures.C . Giraffes.D . Silk.(4)Whats the best title for this passage? A . The kings seven sea tripsB . Zheng Hes travels to Western countriesC . Zheng Hethe Columbus of the EastD . Zhu Di, the great king5. (20分)Close your eyes for a minute and imagine what life would be like if you couldnt see. Imagine having to read this page, not with your eyes but with your fingers. How do you feel, then?With medical knowledge and skills today, two-thirds of the worlds 42 million blind people should not have to suffer. Unluckily, rich countries have this knowledge, but developing countries do not.ORBIS is an international charitable (慈善的) organization. Its goal is to help fight blindness all over the world. Inside a DC-8 airplane, there is a teaching hospital with television room and classroom. Doctors are taught the latest technology of helping the blind get sight again here. ORBIS is always trying to keep a closer relation among countries.ORBIS helps those developing countries by providing sight-saving training. It has taught over 35,000 doctors and nurses. They continue to treat thousands of blind people every year. They have traveled around the earth 3 times, visited 76 countries and treated over 20,000 blind people. They need your help to continue their work and free people from blindness.For just $ 38, you can help one person see; for $ 380 10 people can see; $ 1,300 helps train a doctor new skills; and for $ 13,000 you can provide a training program for a group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see again. Your love can help them open their eyes to the world.(1)How many blind people should not have to suffer with medical knowledge and skills today?A . 14 million.B . 42 million.C . 28 million.D . 200 million.(2)How many blind people should not have to suffer with medical knowledge and skills today?A . 14 million.B . 42 million.C . 28 million.D . 200 million.(3)A lot of blind people in the world have to suffer because _.A . ORBIS didnt do its best to offer helpB . there is no good medical knowledge and skillsC . some countries cant afford medical knowledge and skillsD . developing countries dont pay much attention to the blind(4)A lot of blind people in the world have to suffer because _.A . ORBIS didnt do its best to offer helpB . there is no good medical knowledge and skillsC . some countries cant afford medical knowledge and skillsD . developing countries dont pay much attention to the blind(5)According to this passage, ORBIS helps fight blindness by doing the following EXCEPT _.A . writing this kind of articles to ask for helpB . providing sight-saving trainingC . treating thousands of blind people every yearD . trying to keep a close relation among countries(6)According to this passage, ORBIS helps fight blindness by doing the following EXCEPT _.A . writing this kind of articles to ask for helpB . providing sight-saving trainingC . treating thousands of blind people every yearD . trying to keep a close relation among countries(7)The last paragraph is mainly about _.A . how much a training program for a group of doctors costsB . why ORBIS needs your help to continue their workC . who can make thousands of blind people see againD . what you can do to help blind people open their eyes(8)The last paragraph is mainly about _.A . how much a training program for a group of doctors costsB . why ORBIS needs your help to continue their workC . who can make thousands of blind people see againD . what you can do to help blind people open their eyes(9)The writer writes this passage in order to _.A . introduce an international charitable organizationB . ask people to give the blind a handC . tell how you feel if you lose your eyes for a minuteD . explain why ORBIS helps fight blindness(10)The writer writes this passage in order to _.A . introduce an international charitable organizationB . ask people to give the blind a handC . tell how you feel if you lose your eyes for a minuteD . explain why ORBIS helps fight blindness三、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共15分)6. (5分)用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空,使句子正确通顺,每空限填一词。sweet child tooth eye good(1)There are five_in the room. (2)I dont like _food. (3)Her_are big and nice. (4)The boy can speak English_. (5)Too much sugar is not good for your_. 7. (10分)根据短文内容和所级中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。A ceremony(仪式)where boys become crocodile(鳄鱼)menWhen does a teenager grow up and become an adult? In many countries, it happens on your 18th _(生日), but in some parts of the world, you have to do something special to _(进入)the world of grown-ups.On an Oceanian island, some people live near the Sepik River, which is _(充满的)of crocodiles. They believe that crocodiles made the _(地球)and its people. When it is time for teenage boys to become men, a crocodile ceremony takes place.The boys are taken to small house _(叫作)the Crocodile Nest. In the house, the boys are told to think of their crocodile fathers and mothers. Old people in the village say that if the boys think of their crocodile parents, they will be stronger and _(勇敢的)because the ceremony will cause great pain. To take their minds off the pain, the boys tell jokes in the house, rather than just stay _(沉默的). Surprisingly, some of the boys even sleep _(在期间)the most painful parts of the ceremony! It will be _(八)weeks before they leave the house.When the boys _(最后)leave the crocodile house, there is singing and dancing in the village to welcome the new crocodile men.四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)语法填空Bill is my cousin. He _(be) from Canada. He likes China very much. He thinks its a great _(国家). And he knows there are many_(interest) places in China. So last month he went to Beijing on vacation. First he went to the Palace Museum. There he _(see) lots of old things. He liked them very much. And he _(学习) a lot about Chinese history. Then he _(visit) the Great Wall. On the Great Wall he met his _(最喜爱的) singer, Jolin Tsai. She had a new look. She 83._(have). long blonde hair. She looked very_(beauty). Bill took some _(照片) with Jolin Tsai and he felt very excited that day.五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)阅读下面短文。请从AF选项中选出符合各段(第3135题)意思的最佳小标题选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。 ATalk to people. DTry to be interesting. BKeep in touch. EJoin an organization or a club. CBe a good listener. FAsk people out for lunch or coffee. Meeting new people and making friends can be overwhelming, but with a little effort and willingness to step outside of your comfort zone, you can easily make friends. Here are some good ways to make friends. _This is a great way to find other people who have common interests. If you enjoy something, try searching for a place where you can meet people who share that interest. If you play instruments or sing try joining a band or choir. 1fyou are good at sports, join a sports team. _You can go to school, join a club, or go to church, but you still wont make friends if you dont actually talk to people. Any time you talk to someone, you have a chance at making a lasting friend You can talk to anybody:the clerk at tile video store, tile person sitting next to you on public transit, or the person in front of you in the lunch line. Dont be too picky. _That will give you a better opportunity to talk and get to know each other a little bit better. Invite them to join you for lunch or coffee sometimes and give them your email address or phone number. This gives the person the opportunity to contact(联系) you;they may or may not give you their information in return, but thats fine. _Many people think that interesting people are easy to make friends. Far more important than this, however, is the ability to show that youre interested in others Listen carefully to what people say, remember important details about them(their names, their likes and dislikes), ask questions about their interests, and just take the time to learn more about them. _Many people lose contact with their friends because theyre either too busy, or just dont value their friends enough. When you lose connection with a friend, tile friendship may fizzle out. And when you do try to contact them again, it can be hard to gain the friendship again. 六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Amy下周将要来柳州旅游,你打算带她参观柳州的一些景点。请根据下列表格信息给她写封邮件,介绍你的计划。时间地点活动星期一马鞍山(Maan Hill)爬山,欣赏大自然的美景.星期二龙潭公园(Longtan Park)去划船,照相星期三五星街(Wuxing Street)逛街,品尝美食,购物注意:1).词数70词左右,可适当发挥;2).邮件的开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数;3).文中不得出现真实的人名与校名。 参考词汇:爬山(climb the hill) 欣赏大自然的美景(enjoy the beauty of nature) 去划船(go boating) 照相(take photos)逛街(walk along the street) 品尝美食(taste delicious food) 购物(do some shopping)Dear Amy,Id like to see you in Liuzhou soon. Ive made a plan for our trip next week.What do you think of my plan? Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共44分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、5-6、5-7、5-8、5-9、5-10、三、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共15分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、7-1、四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)8-1、五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)9-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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