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Module 1单词:met (meet的过去式)遇见above 在上方,在之上ground 地面those那些ice cream冰激凌us (宾格)我们finish吃完,喝完,用尽wait 等待,等候hurry 赶紧,匆忙hurry up 赶紧,赶快dropped (drop的过去式)(无意中) 使掉落send 发送,寄email 电子邮件ran (run)的过去式 跑love 爱你的短语:1. come back 回来 2. come back from+某地 从某地回来 3. look at sb/sth 看某人/某物 4. wait for sb 等候某人 5. hurry up 赶紧,赶快 6. by bus 乘公交车 7. phone sb=call sb 给某人打电话 8. 动词过去式:go-went meet-met see- saw come-came buy-bought run-ran drop-dropped句子:1.Did you come back yesterday? No,we came back last Sunday. 2. Lets buy some. (Lets+动词原形 我们做去吧。) 3. Wait for me. 4. I dropped my ice cream. 5. We bought ice cream. 6. We went home by bus.语法:一般过去时 1.动词过去式(动词+ed)规则: 1)直接加-ed 2)e结尾直接 加-d 3)变y为i 加-ed 4)双写加-ed 2.不规则变化 肯定句:Sb +动词ed. 否定句:Sb +didnt+动词原形. 一般疑问句:Did+sb +动词原形? Yes, sb did./ No, sb didnt.Module 2单词:list 清单need需要first 首先,第一;最先的,can 可以lost (lose的过去式) 丢失any 一些,一点,若干use 使用bottle 瓶子;一瓶的容量half 一半kilo千克短语: 1.buy some fruit 买一些水果 2.make a shopping list 制定一个购物清单 3. how much 多少(接不可数名词)4.half a kilo 半公斤5. over there 那边6. a lot of=lots of 许多的(接可数名词复数或不可数名词)7.also也(放句中) too也(放句末) 8.some:一些(接可数名词复数或不可数名词,用在肯定句中) any:一些(接可数名词复数或不可数名词,用在否定句中) I have some apples.I dont have any apples. Do you have any apples? 9.动词过去式:buy-bought eat-ate drink-drank 句子: 1. What did you buy? I bought some apples. 2. How many bananas did you buy? We didnt buy any bananas. 注:How many +可数名词复数+一般疑问句? 3. How much cheese did you buy? Half a kilo. 注:How much +不可数名词+一般疑问句? 回答用half a kilo / 数词+kilo(s) / 数词+bottle(s) 语法:特殊疑问句 构成:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?回答时,根据具体情况回答。 特殊疑问词: what (什么) who(谁) how(怎样)whose(谁的) why(为什么)where(哪里) when(什么时候)Module3单词:weekend 周末place 地方British 英国的,英国人的;英国人museum 博物馆how 如何,怎样best 最took (take的过去式) 搭乘,乘坐(交通工具);需要花费(一定时间)trip 旅行,旅程along 沿着river 河,江hour 小时twenty 二十minute 分钟of 关于的,表明的wall 墙,城墙arrive 到达for 达,计mountain山with 拥有,具有plant 植物短语: 1. at the weekend 在周末 2. visit lots of places 参观许多地方 3. take a boat trip 坐船旅行 4. have a good day 度过愉快的一天 5. one hour and twenty minutes一小时二十分钟 6. the Great Wall 长城 7. at ten oclock 在十点钟 (at+ 时间点 在.点钟) 8. take a photo of sb/sth 给某人/某物拍照 9. 动词过去式:tell-told go-went take-took have-had 句子:1. Where did you go? We went to the British Museum. 2. How did you go to these places? We went by bus. 3. What did you do at the weekend? 4. They arrived there at ten oclock. 5. Da Ming took a photo of his father.Module4单词:pair 一套,一双,一副shorts (常复) 短裤matter 问题,麻烦took (take的过去式) 拿 (走),取(走)wear穿sports 体育运动的,体育运动用的hey 嘿,喂短语: 1. buy sth for sb=buy sb sth 给某人买某物 2. a pair of+复数 一双 a pair of shoes/socks 一双鞋/一双袜子 a pair of shorts 一条短裤 3. want to do 想要做某事 4.动词过去式:buy-bought take-took lose-lost find-found fly-flew eat-ate ride-rode meet-met 句子: 1. Whats the matter? 怎么啦? I lost my cap. 2. Thats OK 没关系。3. Lets go and fly it. Lets+动词原形。 4. Did you wash Linglings T-shirt? 5. Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. 6. Im sorry. 语法:物主代词表示“某人的”,后面跟名词。 my我的 our我们的 your你的 your你们的 his他的 her她的 its它的 their他们的 Module5单词:nineteen 十九crayon 蜡笔fifteen 十五begin 开始thirteen 十三fourteen 十四sixteen 十六seventeen 十七eighteen 十八floor 地面,地板forty 四十number 数字thirty 三十fifty 五十sixty 六十seventy 七十eighty 八十ninety 九十happily 幸福地,愉快地many 许多,很多短语: 1. give out 分发 2. all right 好的 3. child-(复数)children 4. in your class 在你班上 5. so many+可数名词复数 如此多. 6. but 但是 7. thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen句子: 1. How many faces can you see? 2. There are only nineteen crayons. 3. How many pupils are there in your class? There are fourteen. 语法:There be句型: 表示“某地有某. .”。常用结构:There is/are+某人/某物+地点。 There is+a/an+可数名词单数+地点。 There is+a/an+不可数名词+地点。 There are+可数名词复数(s)+地点。Module6单词:well 好,熟练地team 运动队,球队really 很,非常catch 抓住,接住think 想,认为fantastic极好的fan 狂热仰慕者,迷past 过去swam (swim的过去式)游泳slow 慢的healthy 健康的短语: 1. run fast 跑得快 run really/very fast 跑得真快,跑得很快 2. pass the ball well 传球传得好 3. catch the ball well 接球接得好 4. play football well 踢球踢得好 5. jump high 跳高 jump really/very high 跳得真高,跳得很高 6. be good at 擅长7. in the past 过去 8. 动词过去式:run-ran swim-swam 句子: 1.Can you pass the ball well? Not very well. 2. You are very good at basketball. 3. You can play football well. 4. In the past, he ran very fast. 5. The black horse ran really fast. 语法:can “能,能够,可以,会”,后面跟动词原形 肯定句:Sb+can+动词原形。 否定句:Sb+cant+动词原形。(can后加not,其余不变) 一般疑问句:Can+sb+动词原形?(can提前,其余不变) Yes,sb can. / No,sb cant.Module7单词:useful有用的show (电视或广播)节目blind 失明的,瞎的deaf 失聪的,聋的hear听到her (宾格) 她fire 火灾,失火hot dog 热狗kind 友好的,善意的,体贴的短语:1. help a lot 帮助很大 2. help sb 帮某人 3. a TV show about dogs 一个关于狗的电视节目 4. sit down 坐下 句子: 1. This man is blind.He cant see. 2. Can we have a dog? No,we cant. 3.This little girl cant walk. 4. Her father helps her. 5. Sb+be(am/is/are/was/were)+表特点的词语。 语法: 代词宾格:表示某人,作宾语用。 me我 us我们 you你 you你们 him他 her她 it它 them他们Module8单词:time 时刻,时候,时间school 上课时间;上学时间start 开始,发生past 晚于,过(几点)late 迟到的exercise 运动,锻炼playground操场before在前join 加入,参加skipping rope 跳绳coffee 咖啡tea 茶always 总是,一直bell 钟;铃rang (ring的过去式) 鸣,响into 进入里面短语: 1. what time 几点钟 2. go to bed 上床睡觉 3. be late for school 上学迟到 4. in the morning 在早上 5. at half past seven 在七点半 at+时间点 在.点 half past+数字 .点半 6. do exercise 做操 do morning exercises 做早操 7. in the playground 在操场上 8. want to do 想要做某事 9. play with sb 和某人玩句子: 1. What time is it now? Its half past eight. What time is it now? Its +时间点。 2. I dont want to be late for school tomorrow. 3. What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven. 4. What time does your school start? My school starts at nine oclock in the morning.5. She always wants to walk. 语法:一般现在时 一般现在时:表示经常发生的动作或目前的状况。1. 第三人称单数做主语,动词词尾加“s”。 动词词尾加“s”规则: 1)直接加+s 2)以o、s、x、sh、ch结尾,加es 3)辅音字母+y结尾”,变y为i加es 肯定句:Sb(三单)+动词s+其它。 否定句:Sb(三单)+doesnt+动词原形+其它。(句中加doesnt,动词还原,其余不变) 一般疑问句:Does+某人+动词原形+其它?(句首加does,动词还原,其余不变) Yes,sb does./ No,sb doesnt. 2. 其它人称做主语,动词用原形 肯定句:Sb+动词+其它。 否定句:Sb+dont+动词原形+其它。(句中加dont,其余不变) 一般疑问句:Do+某人+动词原形+其它?(句首加do,其余不变) Yes,sb do./ No,sb dont.Module9单词:feel 感觉,觉得bored 厌烦的,厌倦的sad 伤心的,难过的miss 想念angry 生气的,愤怒的ill 有病的,不健康的told (tell的过去式) 告诉better 痊愈的,恢复健康的farm农场tired 累的,疲劳的won (win的过去式)赢,获胜ruler 直尺smell 闻出,嗅出短语: 1. feel bored(无聊)/angry(生气)/sad(难过)/happy(高兴)/tired(疲倦)/hungry(饥饿) 2. feel cool(凉快)/warm(暖和)/cold(寒冷)/hot(热) 3. of course 当然 of course not 当然不 4. be ill in hospital 生病住院 5. call sb =phone sb 给某人打电话 6. win a chess game 赢了围棋比赛 7. on the farm 在农场 8. all day 整天 9. 动词过去式:win-won lose-lost句子: 1. Whats the matter? Whats the matter with sb? 2.Are you feeling bored? No./Yes. 3. Is she feeling sad? Yes,she is. 4. He is happy. 5. I won a chess game last week. 6. How does he feel? He feels hungry.7.表达感受: Sb+be(am/is/are)+feeling+表感受的词。 Sb+be(am/is/are)+表感受的词。 Sb+feel/feels+表感受的词。Module10单词:kitchen 厨房toilet 厕所,卫生间room 房间now 好,哦last 最后hide 躲,躲藏sofa 沙发shout 呼喊,大叫grass 草,草地baby 婴儿dangerous危险的短语:1. living room 起居室,客厅2. in the kitchen 在厨房里 3. in the bedroom 在卧室里 4. in the toilet 在厕所里 5. play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏游戏 6. on the grass 在草地上 7. in the zoo 在动物园里 8. climb the tree 爬树句子: 1. Where is Sam?He is in the bedroom. Sb+be(am/is/are/was/were)+地点。 某人在某地 2. Where did you find John? I found John in the kitchen. I found+某人/某物+地点。 我在某地发现某人/某物。 3. Lets go. Lets+动词原形. 我们. .吧。 4. Dont walk on the grass. 5. Dont climb the tree. Dont+动词原形. 不要. . 6. You can watch TV. You can+动词原形。 “你可以做.”7

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