新人教版四年级英语下册Unit 1 Home sweet home Lesson 2练习卷

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新人教版四年级下册Unit 1 Home sweet home Lesson 2练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、填空题1 . 选择恰当的词语或短语填在横线上使句子完整。have says got.from sandwiches an 1. My mother had _ egg.2.He _ its good.3.Emma had two _.4. What did you _ for lunch?5. Ive _ an English email _ Lingling.根据汉语提示选择单词补全英语句子。work sky noodles T-shirt bike live favourite Heres rice their2 . 这儿有一件T恤衫给你。_ a _ for you.3 . 她骑自行车去上班。She goes to _ by _.4 . 我不喜欢面条,我喜欢米饭。I dont like _. I like _.5 . 它是他们最喜欢的。Its _.6 . 我住在天空中。I _ in the _.7 . 看图,选词填空。1. Look at these _.2. How many _ do you see?3. I see many _ in the sky. 4. Can you see the _?选词填空。autumn Fathers Day winter Childrens Day New Years Day8 . It is very cold. We can play in the snow. Which season is it?It is _.9 . It is cool. The leaves fall and fall. Which season is it?It is _.10 . Its a special(特别的) day for every child. On this day,they can play games.It is _.11 . It means a new year begins.It is _.12 . Its a special day for our fathers.It is _.根据图片提示,选出合适的单词。13 . He is _ (tall; fat).14 . He is _(fat; funny).15 . He is _ (smart; kind).16 . Shes _(beautiful; active).17 . He looks _(friendly; serious).根据首字母或中文提示填空。18 . We all like_ (夏天). Because we can swim in the river.19 . Lets go and have a_ (野餐), Mike.20 . Leo is too_ (胖的). He cant eat snacks at all.21 . Mike and I often play b_at weekends.22 . My grandparents like w_TV.23 . Lucy often c_with her friends on the Internet.24 . C_out and play basketball, Billy!看图片,写单词完成句子。25 . I _ short before. But now I am so_. 26 . I _ like playing football, but now I like it very much. 27 . I _ short hair before, but now I have _ hair. 28 . I _ ride my bike before, but I can ride it very_. 二、单词拼写29 . 看图写出英文单词_三、连线题30 . Read and match.(我会连。)1. sit downA2. chairB3. deskC4. windowD5. stand upE第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、单词拼写1、三、连线题1、


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