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专题二 首字母填词 VII 2017 贵州六盘水 首字母填空 根据短文的大意及首字母提示 写出各单词的完全形 式 使短文意思完整 共 5 小题 每小题 2 分 共 10 分 Pandas are now a symbol of China Many people around the world l 81 pandas too Scientists say there are now fewer than 2 000 pandas living in the forests Another 300 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries Pandas do not have many babies maybe only one every two years The babies often d 82 from illnesses and do not live very long Adult pandas s 83 more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo Many years a 84 there were a lot more bamboo forests and pandas in China but then humans started to c 85 down these forests As the forests get smaller and other human activities cause more problems pandas cannot find enough to eat and they are having fewer babies Luckily Chinese government is taking action to protect pandas 题材 大熊猫 主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文 文章介绍了目前大熊猫的数量 分布情况 繁衍情况 寿命 食物以 及因人类的活动而造成熊猫难以生存的事实 文章最后说 很幸运 中国政府正在采用措 施保护大熊猫 81 love like 解析 分析句子结构知 本句缺少谓语动词 句意 大熊猫现在是中国的符 号 世界上很多人也喜欢大熊猫 再首字母提示知填 love like 82 die 解析 分析句子结构知 本句缺少谓语动词 从 do not live very long 推知句意为 小熊猫经常因疾病死亡并不会活太长时间 再根据首字母提示知填 die 83 spend 解析 分析句子结构知 本句缺少谓语动词 根据语境理解句意 成年大熊猫 每天要花费超过 12 个小时的时间吃 10 公斤竹子 再根据首字母提示知填 spend 84 ago 解析 分析句子结构知 many years 与所填词构成时间短语作状语 句意 很多 年前 中国有很多竹林 再根据首字母知填 ago 85 cut 解析 分析句子结构知 本空应填一动词不定式作 started 的宾语 根据前后分句 理解分析 很多年前 中国有很多竹林和大熊猫 而现在森林日渐减少 由此推知 这 里说的是人们开始砍伐这些森林而使得森林减少 cut down 意为 砍伐 故填 cut D 2017 黑龙江齐齐哈尔 Complete the passage according to the first letters or with the proper forms of the words given Recently Chongqing Three Gorges University has 71 hold an activity named Cell Phone Ninja 手机忍者 They would like their students not 72 use cell phones for 21 days It is a challenge 挑战 73 f most students The activity started on April 12 74 E of the students who volunteered to join in this activity got a bracelet 手环 If the students did not use their cell phones there would be a photo on the screen of the bracelet to show that If they used their cell phones a different photo would 75 a on the screen of the bracelet After the last class of every day the students sent these 76 photo to the school s public WeChat More than 800 students wished to join in this test and 400 were chosen After seven days only 103 students were left The test lasted for 21 days 77 b some scientists believe that 21 days is long enough to help form 形成 a habit According to the teachers in the university the activity was not a competition it depended on students 78 they to make the 79 decide The teachers hoped their students could form better study habits through activities 80 1 this one 题材 热点话题 主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文 文章讲述了重庆一所大学举办的 手机忍者 的一项活 动 旨在通过活动引导大家合理使用手机 养成良好习惯 71 held 解析 考查动词时态 根据前面的助动词 has 可知构成现在完成时 用 hold 的过去分词 held 72 to use 解析 考查动词的非谓语形式 根据前面的 would like 可知构成 would like not to do sth 填 to use 73 or for 解析 考查介词 句意 它是为了大部分学生而进行的一项挑战 for 强调 目的 74 ach Each 解析 考查代词 根据句子成分分析可知此处用代词 结合句意 志 愿参加这项活动的每一名学生可以得到一个手环 each 每一个 75 ppear appear 解析 考查动词 根据前面的情态动词 could 可知后面接动词原形 结合后面的在屏幕上 可知此处填 出现 appear 76 photos 解析 考查名词 根据前面 these 可知后面用 photo 的复数形式 photos 77 ecause because 解析 考查连词 根据句子成分分析可知此处填连词 结合句意 可知测试持续 21 天是 因为 科学家认为 21 天足够长可以去形成一个好习惯 78 themselves 解析 考查反身代词 结合句意可知 依赖学生自身 用反身代词 themselves 79 decision decisions 解析 考查名词 make a decision 做决定 80 ilk like 解析 考查介词 结合句意可知 像这样的活动 like 作介词 像 一样 五 2017 江苏镇江 短文填空 共 10 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 10 分 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词 使短文意思完整 每空一词 One day when a boy named Ted returned from school in a hurry her mother complained It is six o clock and your school c 46 at four where have you been Oh mom said Ted when we play ball games we f 47 everything else We don t think of the time Is supper ready The boy s mother believed him Ted s a 48 led her to think that he had been playing with his classmates But he hadn t been playing at all He had been kept it by the school librarian because he had made the l 49 in a complete mess He didn t like to tell his mother about that He wished her to think that he had been playing What a s 50 it is for you to try to deceive 欺骗 your mother said something in Ted s heart as he q 51 sat down to his supper I don t care said the boy to h 52 I don t care I didn t tell a lie I didn t say that I was playing But said the voice you used words which m 53 your mother think that you had been playing and that was s 54 to what you had said so I didn t tell a lie said Ted Did Ted tell a lie or did he not What do you think If we use words which can deceive others we tell a lie and Ted s lie was a bad one for it sounded so like the t 55 A lie that sounds true is the worst kind of lie 题材 人物故事 主旨大意 短文通过 Ted 和自己内心的对话 叙述了 Ted 对妈妈说谎后内心的挣扎 46 closes 解析 主语 school 提示指 在 4 点放学 用动词一般现在时表示客观事实 主语 school 提示用第三人称单数形式 47 forget 解析 下文 我们没有想到时间 提示用动词 forget 符合句意 当我们打球时 我们忘记了其它的一切 48 answer 解析 承接上文是 Ted 的回答 用名词 answer 作主语 符合句意 Ted 的 回答导致她认为他和其它同学一起玩了 49 library 解析 上文 他被学校的图书管理员 扣留 了 提示用 library 图书馆 符合句意 因为他把学校图书馆搞得一团糟 50 shame 解析 用名词 shame 表示 羞耻 耻辱 符合句意 对你来说 欺骗你的妈 妈是多么令人羞耻 51 quietly quickly 解析 副词 quietly 或 quickly 修饰动词短语 sit down 表示 安静或迅 速地坐下 52 himself 解析 say to oneself 意为 自然自语 主语 the boy 提示用 himself 53 made 解析 下文的动词原形 think 提示用省略动词不定式符号 to 的 make make sb do sth 意为 让某人做某事 54 similar 解析 be similar to 意为 和 相似 相近 符合句意 和你说的相似 55 truth 解析 根据下文 A lie that sounds true is the worst kind of lie 一个听起来像真的 的谎言是最糟糕的谎言 提示用定冠词 the 修饰名词 truth 表示 真相 真实

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