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人教版)英语下册培优测试卷:Unit10测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、单选题1 . This zebra is an _ animal. It lives in _ now. AAfrica; Africa BAfrican; Africa CAfrica; African DAfrican; African2 . Our English teacher often tells us that success needs a lot of _.AcharmBcareerCeffortsDeffects3 . Football is my brothers _ sport.Afavourite BgoodCbestDwell4 . Is this his dictionary ?No, _.Ait isBit isntChe isntDthis isnt5 . Everyone should do more exercise,for poor health can _ our life quality.Abe good forBget in the way ofCbe helpful toDget along with6 . I always have _ at seven oclock in the morning.AdinnerBbreakfastClunchDsupper7 . If you want to be a basketball player,practicing hard is the key to _.AsuccessBsilenceCtreasureDdream8 . He _ milk and hamburgers for breakfast.Aonly hasBhas onlyChave only9 . -Is the library next to the classroom? -No, _.Athere isntBit isntCthey arentDthey isnt10 . _ does it take you _ to work from your home every day?AHow long; rideBHow long; to rideCWhen; rideDWhen; to ride11 . What about watching a horror movie after finishing the work? Are you kidding me? I dont want to get _ before going to sleep.AscaredBboredCrelaxedDworried12 . -Im going to take part in Good Voice of Xin Tai next month.-_ ! Im sure you will win.AWhat a pity!BGood luckCNo problem.DNever mind.13 . There_ a ruler and two pens in my pencil case.AisBareChaveDhas14 . Hello,Noodle House. What do you want to _,sir?A bowl of rice and some chicken.AorderBdrinkCsellDfind15 . The art show in town will be _ worth _, Im sure .Avery; being visitedBwell, being visitedCvery; a visitDwell , a visit二、补全对话7选5Waiter: Good evening, sir. Welcome to our restaurant.Mr Black: Good evening. I booked a table for three this afternoon. Im Mr. Black.Waiter: OK. 16 . Waiter: Here is the menu. 17 . Mr Black: Yes. 18 . Lucy: Id like dumplings with seafood.Mr Black: What about you, Susan?Susan: Er, 19 . Waiter: Beijing Duck in our restaurant is very delicious. Would you like some?Mr Black: OK. And some vegetables, too. 20 . AMay I take your order?BThis way, please.CIs that all?DId like noodles with beef.EWhat would you like, dear?FId like a table by the window.GThats all.三、完型填空Keeping traditions alive(继续存在) is never an easy thing.Chen Zunkai is the founder(创办者) of Baoyuan Dumpling House.She has spent over 17 years _ one of the most traditional Chinese foods:dumplings.Her dumplings are not the white ones simply filled with meat,_ colorful ones using more than 150 kinds of fillings(馅).“What I try to do is to make dumplings have a taste of _,”says Chen.“I hope every customernortherners or southerners,vegetarians(素食者) or nonvegetarians,Chinese people or foreignerscan _ something familiar(熟悉的)”Chinese dumplings are believed to be more than 2,000 years old._,they are made and eaten by people in North China at some _ such as the Spring Festival.For Chen,her idea came after she found that there were not many _ for those who prefer lighter fillings.Most vegetarian dumplings have a filling of only two kinds of ingredients(原料),and not one restaurant in Beijing has more than 10 kinds of vegetarian fillings.“I thought _ could do better,” says Chen.Baoyuan Dumpling House has _ done it.Customers not only find basic meat dumplings at this restaurant,they are also _ quite a lot of other choices with different colors and exciting taste.21 . AreportingBimprovingCcopyingDcomparing22 . AbecauseBbutCsoDif23 . AhomeBknowledgeCsuccessDhealth24 . AsmellBhearCtouchDtaste25 . ARecentlyBLuckilyCTraditionallyDFinally26 . ApartiesBmeetingsCopeningsDfestivals27 . AchoicesBsymbolsCsizesDmenus28 . AIBheCsheDthey29 . AagainBalsoChardlyDcertainly30 . AreturnedBofferedCtaughtDmailed四、阅读单选Peter is reading the following information about the Grand Gateway Plaza in Xujiahui, Shanghai. Read the information.The Grand Gateway PlazaThe largest mall in Xujiahui Address No. 1 Hong Qiao RoadXu Hui District Shanghai, Shanghai CN,200030When you enter the main entrance of this large and modern shopping center, youre swallowed up by the space that spans(横跨) _ floors of shops, wonderful facilities (设施) and restaurants. Shoppers will find entertainment places from the Bridge Street Dance Club to mini-golf. With its plentiful entertainment options, the Grand Gateway is a shopping mall for all ages - an ideal outing for the whole family.Guide:Sixth Floor - Restaurants & CinemaFifth Floor - Bookstore & RestaurantsFourth Floor - Ready-to-wear ShopsThird Floor - Ready-to-wear ShopsSecond Floor - Ready-to-wear ShopsGround floor - Food & beverage, Ready-to-wear Shops & Watch ShopsB1 Floor - Supermarket & Sports Clothes StoreNearest underground: Xujiahui StationOpening hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. daily31 . The B1 Level is probably NOT _.AundergroundBthe lowest levelCfor you to have mealsDconnected to the underground station32 . If you want to send a fax to the Grand Gateway Plaza, Shanghai, you will probably dial _.A6407 1111B6407 3598C6407 2800D20003033 . Which word will you choose to fill in the blank in the passage?Aquite a lot ofBsevenCfewDsix34 . The sentence you are swallowed up by the space that spansrestaurants in the passage shows the Grand Gateway Plaza is _.AemptyBlargeCfullDhigh35 . The sentences Shoppers will find entertainment places from the Bridge Street Dance Club to mini-golf in the passage shows _.Athe Grand Gateway is not only a place for the shopper but also a place for entertainment.Byou can find the Bridge Street Dance Club and mini-golf at the Grand Gateway.Cthe Grand Gateway is a place for shoppers to dance and play mini-golfDthe Grand Gateway is an entertainment center with a lot of facilities, such as the Bridge Street Dance Club and mini-golf.My name is Helen and I have two sisters, Sonia and Silvia. We like hamburgers for lunch. Sonia and I like French fries, but Silvia doesnt .I dont like eggs for dinner, but Sonia and Silvia do. I really like chicken and salad.I think its good to eat healthy food every day. We eat good food every day. But sometimes(有时) we dont eat good food .For example, we all need oranges and bananas, but we dont need ice cream. So we can eat more oranges and bananas and less (较少的) ice cream. Please write a list of the food you eat and make sure(确信)you eat well every day.36 . How many sisters does Helen have?A. One sister. B. Two sisters. C. Three sisters.37 . Who likes French fries?A. Silvia and I. B. Sonia and Silvia. C. Sonia and I.38 . Do Sonia and Silvia like eggs for dinner?A. Yes, they are. B. No, they dont. C. Yes, they do.39 . What do the sisters like for lunch?A. French fries. B. Chicken and salad. C. Hamburgers.40 . Do the sisters always(总是)eat good food?A. Yes, they are. B. No, they dont. C. Yes, they do.Here is a notice(告示) about a healthy programme. Nancy reads it in the school and tells it to her parents. They all want to go to the Sun Star Programme.41 . The Sun Star Programme is about_.AshopsBsportsCjobsDhealth42 . The Sun Star Programme lasts for _ hours.A6B5C4D343 . 24th November 2018 is_.AMondayBTuesdayCSaturdayDSunday44 . Nancy cant _ at the Sun Star Programme.Asee any photosBmeet any actorsClisten to talksDeat healthy food五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示补全单词45 . Eddie is a very l_ dog. He is sleeping all the time.46 . There are sixty m_ in an hour.47 . I am d_ up as a ghost.48 . Dogs dont w_ clothes.49 . Eddie can s_ ten more minutes in bed.50 . Miss Zhao wears different dresses every day. She is f_.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空51 . My hometown _ (develop)so quickly that most families own cars now.52 . -Can you hear some students singing in the hall?Yes. Our school_ (hold)a competition for China Best Voice there.53 . I hear you studied in Sunshine Middle School last year. Who_ (teach)you English there?54 . When something _ (worry)me, I always go to my teacher for help.55 . A new car_ (test) many times before it comes into the market.56 . _ a talk on health_ (give) in the school hall every Monday?57 . Tom_ (miss) the last bus. He has to walk home.58 . Bad weather_ (cause) natural disasters from time to time.59 . Tom _(not have) breakfast yesterday morning.60 . I didnt catch what you said because I_ (read) the evening newspaper at that moment.七、完成句子61 . 埃里克晚饭总是吃得很好。Eric always has _.62 . 运动有益于健康。Doing sports _ the health.63 . 珍妮每天吃大量的水果。Jenny has _ fruit every day.64 . 我弟弟太小了,他不会自己穿衣服。My brother is too young. He cant _ himself.65 . 明天要么我要么他去开会。_ going to the meeting tomorrow.八、材料作文66 . 书面表达Lucky Hat Store的商品正在进行大减价销售,请根据下表及参考词汇,为他们写一则广告。不少于50词。Womens hatsall colors$12Mens hatsbrown, white, black$18Childrens hatsall colors$10参考词汇: welcome, beautiful, cheap, each, only第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、材料作文1、


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