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7A 期末作文复习1. 春节是中国最重要的节日之一,请根据下面的中文提示,写一篇短文 (80字左右)(1.)今年的春节是在1月31日,星期五。(2.)我们总是得到许多礼物,和一些红包(packet),里面通常有些钱。(3.)我们都很激动,因为我们可以看到精彩的舞狮和漂亮的焰火。(4).我们还能吃到传统的中国菜。(5).谈一谈你的新年感受。 The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. The Spring Festival this year is on January 31th, Friday. We always get many presents and some red packets. There is usually some money in them. We are all very excited because we can see the wonderful lion dance and beautiful fireworks. We can also eat traditional (传统的) Chinese food. I think we will have a good time during the Spring Festival. I like it very much._ 2.你们班本周就中学生体能素质的现状进行了一次调查访问,发现越来越多的学生体能素质呈现下降趋势。请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇调查报告。主要原因饮食不健康:肉类多;甜食、零食和快餐吃得多生活方式不健康:缺少锻炼;长时间玩电脑游戏等着装赶时髦:有些服装太紧,不利于健康个人看法多吃健康食物:常吃水果、蔬菜、米饭;每天喝足够的水等经常锻炼:坚持做早操和眼保健操多穿宽松 (loose)、舒适的衣服注意: 词数不少于80词。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Now, more and more students bodies are getting worse. There are many reasons. First, most students dont eat healthy food. They eat too much meat. They often eat sweet food, snacks and fast food. Second, they dont have a healthy lifestyle. They dont often do exercise. And most of the students watch TV or play computer games for a long time. Third, most students like to wear modern clothes. Some clothes are too tight. Theyre not good for their health._ _ I think we should eat fruit, vegetables and rice often. We should drink enough water every day. We should exercise more. We should keep doing morning exercises and eye exercises. We should often wear loose and comfortable clothes._ A good diet and a healthy lifestyle can make us live longer._ 3.本校将举办校园健康小达人活动,要求参加者在表演节目前用英语介绍:1.自己及健康的生活方式;2.所穿的服饰。七(3)班的李霞想要参加这次活动,请你用以下信息为李霞写一篇演讲稿。可以参考以下的信息: 外貌:个子不是很高,但看起来健康; 生活方式健康:妈妈告诉她身体健康很重要,常给她做健康的饭菜,并且要求她每天锻炼半个小时,因此她通常步行上学; 衣着:喜欢穿色彩艳丽的衣服,今天穿了灰色和红色相间的毛衣,认为灰色的短裙和红色的长筒皮靴很配这件毛衣。 要求:1.不要逐句翻译,可根据演讲的需要作适当的发挥;2.语法正确,书写认真,词数不少于80(开头已给出,不计在其内)。Good afternoon, teachers and friends! Glad to be here with you. I am Lixia from Class 3, Grade 7. I am not very tall. I look healthy because I have a healthy lifestyle. I usually go to school on foot. And my mother often cooks healthy meals for me. She asks me to exercise for half an hour every day._ I like colourful clothes. So I am wearing a white cotton blouse, a grey and red sweater. I am also wearing a grey skirt and a pair of long red leather boots today. I think the grey skirt and the red leather boots match this sweater very well. They look nice on me._ Thats all. Thank you!_ 4.我们与北京阳光中学的同学们成了朝夕相处的朋友,其中Daniel更是给我们留下了深刻的印象。 请根据课本内容及下面的提示,用英语写一篇My Friend Daniel的短文。中文提示:(1)年龄:12 (2)外貌:带眼镜 (3)服装:常穿运动服和运动鞋,看起来时髦又神气。(4)爱好:爱学习,是一位尖子生。也爱玩电脑游戏。(5)不擅长:体育(6)饮食:喜欢可乐和汉堡,并总是午饭吃汉堡。他计划改变他的日常饮食因为他没有健康的日常饮食(7)个性:既有礼貌又乐于助人,常把他的零花钱用于帮助平困地区的孩子们。要求:1. 词数80字左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。2. 所写短文必须包括以上内容。3. 短文最后用一到两句话表达你对他的看法。 My friend Daniel My friend Daniel is from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. He is 12 years old. He wears glasses. He often wears sports clothes and trainers. And he looks smart and modern. He likes studying. He is a top student at school. He loves playing computer games, too. But he isnt good at sports. He loves Coke and hamburgers. And he always has hamburgers for lunch. He plans to change his diet because it isnt healthy.He is a polite and helpful boy. He often uses his pocket money to help the poor children in poor areas. I think he is a good boy. I like him very much. 5.新来的交流生想了解一下本地的购物点,请根据下面的提示,用70词左右的篇幅简单向他介绍本地最大的New Times Shopping Mall。Location: Near the centre of the cityF1: Supermarket F2: Shoes shops F3: Clothes shops and a toy shop F4: A cinema and a sports shopNew Times Shopping Mall I think the best place for shopping here is the New Times Shopping Mall. Its near the centre of the city. There are lots of shops in it. It is a supermarket on the ground floor. There are many shoes shops on the first floor and clothes shops on the second floor. You can also buy toys on the second floor. Some sports shops are on the third floor. If you want to see a film in your free time, go to the third floor, too. This shopping mall is really nice. I think you can have fun there.6.简单介绍你们学校附近的一家超市,内容包括以下方面: 我们学校附近有一家超市里面有许多好东西。你可以买到学习用品。你也可以买饮料、水果、蔬菜和各种食品,在二楼,你可以见到各种各样的服装。这家超市每天营业12小时,从上午9:00到晚上9:00。里面的工作人员很热情。那是一个购物的好地方。 There is a supermarket near our school. There are a lot of things in it. You can buy school things. You can also buy drinks, fruit, vegetables and other kinds of food. On the second floor, you can find different kinds of clothes. The supermarket is open for twelve hours every day.It is from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p. m. The workers in the supermarket are very friendly. That is a good place to go shopping.7.你的美国笔友非常想了解中国人是怎样过中秋节的,请你给他写一封信(不少于60个词),介绍一下有关中秋节的情况,并告诉他你家通常是怎样过中秋节的.提示: 1. 中秋节: 九月或十月2. 中秋食品: 各类月饼3. 家人团聚的情景,自己的感受.4. 邀请对方到中国过中秋节Dear friend Thanking you for telling me about Halloween. We dont celebrate it in China. We celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival in China. It is usually in September or October. At Mid-Autumn Festival, we eat different kinds of mooncakes. All the family members come home. We have dinner together. We all feel happy. Would you like to come here at Mid-Autumn Festival?第 4 页 共 4 页

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