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人教新起点版三年级上册期中测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、情景交际1 . 你想询问“我的小汽车在哪儿?”应该这样问:( )AWhere is my car?BWhat is my car?2 . 当你和Jenny告别时,你会说_, Jenny. ( )AHiBGoodbye3 . 你想帮助别人,你说:_ALet me help you.BLet you help me.CLets help each other4 . 当别人介绍自己的妈妈:( )AThis is your mother.BThis is my father.CThis is my mother.5 . 当说它是免费的,应说:( )A Its free. B Its money. C Its open. 二、任务型阅读阅读并完成相应练习。The animals are hungry. They go to a new restaurant. They are looking at the menu.(森林里开了一家新餐厅,小动物们正在自己的餐桌上点餐哦!): Im Number 5. Id like some eggs and milk, please.: Im Number 9. Can I have some noodles and juice?: Im Number 6. Id like some fish and rice, please.: Im Number 2. Can I have some eggs and water, please?: Im Number 7. Id like some ice cream and cake, please.6 . 读一读,选一选,填写小动物们餐桌号码。AsevenBfiveCtwoDsixEnine1. _2. _3._4. _5._7 . 小动物们都点了什么?填写所点的食物代码。ABCDEFGH.I.1._2. _3. _4. _5. _8 . 该结账啦!请输入验证码,完成付款哦!找一找下列验证码中的字母,将字母规范漂亮地书写在横线上,注意大小写。_任务型阅读。下面是本学期的新同学Oliver发布的朋友圈,请认真阅读,完成以下两项任务。朋友圈Happy Teachers Day! Im in China now. This is my new music teacher, Mr Young. He is old, but he is very funny. Great! I like funny teachers.(1)( )朋友圈The robot Robin is very helpful. He can cook and clean the room. And he is clever. He can speak English and Chinese. He can do kung fu, too. I can t do it. Maybe Robin can help me. Haha!(2)( )朋友圈This is my class schedule. I like Fridays. We have PE, music, science and English on Fridays. I like PE very much. On the weekend, I often play football with my friends.(3)( )朋友圈Today we go to a nature park with Miss White. The park is very big. There is a lake, a river and a forest in it. There arent any cars or tall buildings. We row a boat there.(4)( )9 . 你知道Oliver是怎样给这四条朋友圈配图的吗?请将序号填入( )里。ABCD(1) (_) (2) (_) (3) (_) (4) (_)10 . 判断以下评论是T否F与以上朋友圈内容相关?1. Sarah: We all like Robin. He is funny, too. (_)2. Amy: Your bedroom is so good. (_)3. Mike: How much is this T-shirt? (_)4. John: The park is really beautiful and quiet. I like boating. (_)三、判断题判断下列两项是(T)否(F)为同类。11 . ship /bike(_)12 . dictionary/word(_)13 . wrong/hospital(_)14 . doing/playing(_)15 . angry/worried(_)四、匹配题选择正确的答语A.Yes, there are. B.Sure. C.Yes, he does. D.Thank you.E.I like playing basketball. F.Theres a parrot. G.No, there isnt.H.Theyre in the fridge. I.Fifteen. J.Thats a great idea.16 . What do you like doing?(_).17 . Lets go skiing this afternoon.(_)18 . Where are the cakes, Tina?(_)19 . Are there any computer rooms?(_)20 . How many desks are there?(_)21 . You can skate very well.(_)22 . Is there a cap on the bed?(_)23 . Does he like swimming?(_)24 . Can I have an ice cream?(_)25 . Whats in the tree?(_)五、看图题26 . 根据下图,描述下列蔬菜的特征。例如:Look at the green beans. They are short._六、字母题写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(大小写与所给字母一致)27 . o28 . G29 . l30 . Y31 . u第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、二、任务型阅读1、2、三、判断题1、四、匹配题1、五、看图题1、六、字母题1、

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