2019年人教精通版英语六年级上册Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Lesson 33 练习卷(3)B卷

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2019年人教精通版英语六年级上册Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Lesson 33 练习卷(3)B卷_第1页
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2019年人教精通版英语六年级上册Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Lesson 33 练习卷(3)B卷_第2页
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2019年人教精通版英语六年级上册Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Lesson 33 练习卷(3)B卷_第3页
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2019年人教精通版英语六年级上册Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Lesson 33 练习卷(3)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . In summer, schools _ and children have their holidays. ( )AclosesBclosedCclose2 . 选出每组中不同类的一项:( )AsitBeatCfirefighter3 . 给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。(_) 1.class A. 同学 B.班级(_) 2.heavy A. 重的 B.轻的(_) 3.around A.围绕 B.操场(_) 4.hottest A.热 B.最热(_) 5.trip A.旅行 B.假期4 . The Changjiang River is _ longest river in China. ( )Athe firstBthe secondCthe thirdDthe fourth5 . Jackie Chan is my _ film star. ( )AlikeBbestCfavouriteDgood二、填空题用所给单词的正确形式填空。6 . Su Hai _ ( like ) _ ( read ) storybooks.7 . There _ ( not ) _ ( some ) pencil on the desk.8 . There is _ ( a ) art room on _ ( one ) floor.9 . We all like _. Lets go _ today. ( climb )10 . _ ( do ) Mike _ ( watch ) TV every day?11 . There _ ( be ) three bears behind _ ( she ).12 . My mother _ ( have ) two rabbits. Theyre very cute. They _( have ) red _ ( eye ) and long _ ( ear ).三、判断题13 . 判断下列图片与句子是()否()相符。1. ImChenJie.ImfromChina. (_)2.ImAmy.Imagirl. (_)3.This isMr.White.Heisateacher. (_)4.Boysandgirls, wehavea newfriendtoday. (_)5. ImfromtheUK. (_)第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、填空题1、三、判断题1、

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