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实用综合教程 1 教案 第 1 页 共 60 页 An Integrated Skills Course 1 Contents Unit1 Education 2 Unit2 Friendship 8 Unit3 Gifts 12 Unit4 Movies 18 Unit5 Our Earth 22 Unit6 Part time Jobs 30 Unit 7 Health 36 Unit 8 Festival 48 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 2 页 共 60 页 Unit1 Education Objectives 1 Read what Bill Gates says about education 2 Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life 3 Learn something from an ancient Greek educator 4 Study different types of nouns 5 Write an introduction of yourself Focuses 1 Build up your vocabulary relating to campus life 2 Write an introduction of yourself Outline 1 Warm up Discussion study of words and expressions in Text A Vocabulary Check B and C 2 Discussion of Text A and the follow up exercises A and B 3 Active Words and Vocabulary Check Grammar Tips 4 Discussion of Text B and the follow up exercises 5 Comprehensive Exercises Ask the students to do the translation exercises outside of the class beforehand 6 Practical Writing Procedures Classroom Activities I Warm up discussion Question Do you know anything about Bill Gates such as his life and his educational background Hint 1 birthday and birthplace October 28 1995 Seattle Washington 2 educational background Harvard University education not completed 3 career chairmen and chief software architect of Microsoft the word s largest and most profitable software company 4 main events in his life a beginning programming computers at age 13 b developing a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer in Harvard c founding Microsoft Corporation in 1975 at the age of 19 II Vocabulary in Text A 1 education n 教育 e g Children in poor areas receive free education educate v 教育 教导 educated adj 受教育的 e g a well educated man educator n 教育家 教育者 2 count v 派用场 点数 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 3 页 共 60 页 e g 1 Every seconds counts 2 What counts more is whether you have tried your best 3 to count from 1 to 100 4 Count these apples 3 advantage n 有利条件 好处 优点 优势 e g This product has many advantages advantageous adj 有利的 有益的 便利的 e g It is highly advantageous to us Phrase take advantage of 很好的使用 利用 e g take advantage of all educational opportunities Antonym disadvantage n 不利 不利条件 e g His bad health is a great disadvantage to him when he looks for work 4 lifetime n 一生 终生 e g 1 a lifetime guarantee 2 lifetime membership 3 In my father s lifetime there have been many changes in the village 5 part time adj a teacher several teachers 2 集体名词 指一群人或物的总称 有些可数 有些不可数 而有些总以复数形式出现 可数集体名词 如 class team family 不可数集体名词 如 furniture equipment machinery 复数形式的集体名词 如 people police clothes 3 物质名词 表示不能分为个体的物质 为不可数名词 如 meat milk gold cloth land 4 抽象名词 表示人或物的品质 状态等抽象概念 为不可数名词 如 friendship hunger 三 名词的计数 按照名词是否有复数形式 还可以把名词分为可数名词和不可数名词 可 数名词的复数形式构成有规则变化与不规则变化之分 1 规则可数名词复数形式的构成详见学生用书 2 不规则名词的复数构成主要有以下几种情况 1 通过内部元音变换成复数 如 foot feet mouse mice man men 2 通过加 en 变为复数 如 child children ox oxen 3 有些名词单复数同形 如 means means species species sheep sheep 4 外来词的复数形式 如 analysis analyses datum data criterion criteria 3 不可数名词的计数 不可数名词的计数须使用 单位词 如 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 7 页 共 60 页 A piece of news an article of furniture a bar of chocolate a bowl of rice V Language Points in Text B 1 Being a man of few words This is an ing participial phrase 现在分词短语 used as an adverbial to denote cause or reason which can be changed into an adverbial clause of cause or reason 原因状语从句 As he was a man who didn t speak a lot e g Not feeling well she asked for leave to go to the doctor Being poor in health and lacking in teaching experience she was dismissed 2 He with all of his clothes still on walked straight out into the sea with all of his clothes still on This is a prepositional phrase used as an adverbial denoting accompanying circumstances e g He left home with the door unlocked We stayed here for a whole week with nothing to do at all 3 The student followed him and joined him where the water was just below their chins join sb to be with sb to come into the company of sb e g I asked her to join me in a walk Please join me in a toast to the health of our host 4 Looking deep into his student s eyes This is an ing participial phrase denoting accompanying circumstances which can be changed into a coordinate clause e g She telephoned me telling me that she had got a promotion He came downstairs singing softly to himself 5 Just before a life was taken away Socrates freed the student take away to cause to lose e g No one can take away what is destined to belong to you The man was courageous enough to save the girl from the fire even though it might have taken away his life 6 When you want wisdom and knowledge as badly as you wanted to breath then you will have them as as 像 一样 和 一样 e g She is my favorite singer In my eye there is no one as good as her The new campus is twice as big as the old one VI Focus on Writing 人们初次见面往往要做自我介绍 而书面的自我介绍主要见于求职信或自我推荐信 一般 来说 自我介绍应包括姓名 性别 年龄 出生地 家庭背景 教育情况 工作经历 兴 趣爱好等 如果是交友目的的自我介绍 也可以适当加入相貌描写 自我介绍内容上要真 实准确 表达上应清楚礼貌 Expressions for description of a person 1 Forehead A person s forehead can be large high low broad narrow flat etc 2 Face A person s face can be round square oval thin long big etc 3 Eyes A person may have dark eyes deep set eyes clear and bright eyes watery eyes etc 4 Hair Hair may be short long thin thick straight curly wavy unkempt etc And hair may have the colors of black red brown grey silver white fair blond golden etc 5 Figure A person s figure may be slender slim fat plump stout thin lean etc 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 8 页 共 60 页 6 Height A person may be tall short of medium average height etc 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 9 页 共 60 页 Unit2 Friendship Objectives 1 Basic vocabulary operator neighborhood discover device amazing hammer sympathy mouthpiece moment sob bleed fridge comfort pet belong land airport dial hometown plan pause mean 2 Speaking and discussion talking about friendship and the stories between students and their friends 3 Grammar pronoun 4 Writing writing personal letters Focuses 1 The usage of words and expressions 2 Grammar pronoun 3 Writing a letter how to write a letter practice writing a letter 4 Listening pay attention to the listening skills and contents Outline 1 Vocabulary and expressions 2 Reading text A 3 Grammar 4 Exercises and writing 5 Listening and speaking Procedures The first period Step1 warm up 10minutes Ask the students to talk about the meaning of friendship or introduce their friends to us and tell us some interesting stories between them Step2 vocabulary and expressions 35minutes 1 operate v 操作 运转 e g Do you know how to operate the machine Operator n 电话接线员 2 neighborhood n 附近地区 近邻 e g The whole neighborhood came to see what happened neighbor n 邻居 neighboring adj 附近的 3 discover v 发现 e g New oil fields have been discovered discovery n 探索 4 device n 装置 e g He designed a device to water the garden 5 amazing adj 令人惊奇的 amazed adj 吃惊的 惊奇的 e g Her performance was amazing e g I was amazed at her performance 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 10 页 共 60 页 6 hammer n 锤子 v 用锤子敲 打 e g The hammer hit his foot 7 sympathy n 同情 in sympathy with 同情 同意 e g I am in sympathy with those who are rich in material life but poor in spiritual life sympathetic adj 同情的 有同情心的 e g When I told her why I was worried she was very sympathetic 8 moment n 瞬间 片刻 at the moment 目前 现在 e g He is not in the office at the moment nobody knows where he has gone In a moment 一会儿 立即 马上 e g Dinner will be ready in a moment The very moment when 一 就 e g The moment he appeared on the stage the audience stood up 9 sob v 呜咽 啜泣 e g At the news that she hadn t passed the exam she sobbed loudly 10 bleed v 流血 e g The cut in my head bled a lot The second period Step1 vocabulary and expressions 15minutes fort n 安慰 舒适 e g He lived in comfort e g A friend is someone who can comfort you when you need it comfortable adj 舒服的 舒适的 e g She feels comfortable in her new shoes 12 belong vi 属于 e g I don t belong to their group because we have little in common 13 land v 登陆 到达 e g The plane landed on time 14 dial v 拨电话号码 e g I may have dialed the wrong number since nobody answered 15 plan n Ours 2 myself 3 you 4 Which 5 all C 1 much 2 anyone 3 another 4 Few 5 All The fifth period Step1 Fast reading 10minutes Give students 5 minutes to go through the text then do the exercise comprehension partA Key BDCAD Step2 Text B 35minutes Language points 1 in reply 回答 答复 e g He said nothing in reply and just nodded instead 2 go through 经历 经受 e g She has gone through much hardship in her lifetime 3 turn into 变成 e g There used to be a park here bur now it has turned into an apartment complex 4 thousands of 数以千计 e g She received thousands of letters from her fans every month 5 come to 逐渐开始 达到 某种状态 e g He came to realize that health was more important than anything else 6 get off 走下 e g I saw her as soon as I got off the train 7 face to face 面对面的 e g We sat quite face to face 8 lose heart 灰心 丧气 e g Don t lose heart You still have a chance Homework Comprehensive Exercise part B Vocabulary Check B and C 2 Discussion of Text A and the follow up exercises A and B 3 Active Words and Vocabulary Check Grammar Tips 4 Discussion of Text B and the follow up exercises Procedures Part 1 Vocabulary 2 periods 1 Read the new words aloud 2 A brief introduction of the new words Gift present interviewer n 面试官 会见者 interviewee n 被访问者 被接见者 Occasional adj 偶尔的 不妙的 occasionally adv 偶尔 有时 Invite v 邀请 host v 做东 hostage n 人质 抵押品 hostess n 女主人 旅店女老板 Introduce v 传入 介绍 引进 modesty n 谦逊 谨慎 优雅 Requirement n 需要 需求 require sb to sth 要求某人做某事 require sth of sb 对某人有 要求 Attentive adj 注意的 关心的 有礼貌的 ly adv ness n Pay attention to 关心 关注 you should pay attention to your studies Give attention to 关心 关注 give you whole attention to what you are doing 全心做你所 做的事情 Call draw one s attention to sth 促使某人注意某事 alcohol n 酒精 Person n 人物 人称 人格 personally adv 亲自 本人自己 personnel n 全体人员 职员 staff Personalize v 人格化 拟人 personify v 看作人 拟人 personality n 个性 人格 人物 Wrap up 穿的暖和 结束 完成 be wrapped up in 埋头于 全神贯注于 She was wrapped up in her book and didn t notice me at all 她沉浸于书本中 完全没有注 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 14 页 共 60 页 意到我 3 Explain the important words 1 give n 1 给予 2 弹性 弹力 可变性 适应性 3 take 交换 互让 妥协 4 卖与 交换 I will give it for 5 dollars 五美圆我就卖了 I will give 5 dollars for it 五美圆我就买了 5 产生 产出 发生 引起 trees give fruit 树结果子 6 give one s lift to do sth 献身于某事 he gave his lift to study 他一辈子献身学问 7 give off 放 发 散发 烟 光 气 味 热等 the fish bad and gives off a terrible smell 8 give oneself over to sth 贪 酒等 her uncle gives himself over to all kinds of liquors 2 last adv 最后 上一次 last of all 在最后 I haven t seen you for ages since I saw you last last time Last n 最终 结局 周末 月底 at long last 好容易才 breathe one s last 断气 死 From first to last 自始至终 look one s last 临死的一看 last but one 倒数第二 He thought every moment would be his last 他时时刻刻都以为他要完 死 了 3 show v show sb round a place 带领某人参观某地 She showed us round the beautiful school yesterday 他昨天带领我们参观了那个美丽的学校 Show concern for sb 关心某人 our teacher often shows concern for us Show up 揭穿 显出 the mark shows up only in the strong sunshine 那斑痕只在强烈的阳光下才显现出来 The deceptions of revisionism have been shown up by its own deeds 修正注意的欺骗已被它自己的行动所揭露 Make a show of oneself 出丑 出洋相 Show a guest in out 领客人进来 出去 give the show away 露出马脚 泄露内幕 Do a show 去看戏 电影 4 add v adder n 加法 addition n additional adj 附加的 另加的 additionally adv additive adj 附加的 添加的 n 添加物 剂 addible adj 可添加的 additament n 附加物 additive reaction 加成反应 chemical additives 化学添加剂 add up 加起来 合计 Would you please add up these figures 你能把这些数字加起来吗 In addition 此外 a In addition we have invited the teachers 此外 我们还请了老师 b In addition to the books I also bought a dictionary 除了那些书 我还买了一本字典 c It will take an additional two weeks to finish the work 还得花两周才能完成这项工作 5 present v 给 赠送 介绍 引进 n 赠品 赠送 礼物 现在 adj 出席的 在场的 当今的 当面的 presence n 存在 出席 当面 见面 presentation n presentable adj 拿的出去的 中看的 有礼貌的 可介绍的 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 15 页 共 60 页 a he present a book to me me with a book yesterday 他昨天送我一本书 b allow me to present MR Brown to you 请允许我把布朗 介绍给你 c samples are presented free 样品免费赠送 up to the present 至今 到现在为止 d new year s present 年礼 make a present of sth to sb make sb a present of sth 把某物送给某人 Will you make me a present of your photograph 把你的相片送一张给我好吗 e at present 现在 目前 I didn t need the book at present 我现在还不需要这本书 f for the present 暂时 暂且 I can t remember it for the present 我一时记不起来了 g present to 出现在 A vivid picture is present to his eyes 一幅生动的画面出现在他的眼前 h The present international situation is excellent 当前国际形势一片大好 i MR Wang was present at the meeting yesterday 昨天王先生出席了会议 j We shall be very glad to have your present 你如能出席 我们将感到很高兴 4 Homework A read text A by yourself and try to understand the text and learn the new words by heart B do the comprehension exercises on page 39 and 40 A B Part 2 Text A 2 periods 1 check and correct the exercises an page 39 and 40 2 explain the text sentence by sentence 3 language point 1 be careful in doing sth We need to be careful in preparing the report no mistake is allowed 我们要小心准备报告 不许出错 小心作某事 be careful of sth He was careful in decorating the Christmas tree 他小心翼翼地装饰圣诞树 be more careful of your spelling in your writing there are so many spell mistakes 2 on occasions something occasionally 有时 on one occasion 曾经 有个时候 On occasion 时不常 on several occasions 屡次 好几次 on the occasion of 在 时 A On occasions she goes to the nursing house to spend a with the elderly 有时她会去敬老院陪那里的老人过一天 B He usually stays at home on weekends but on occasions he goes to the cinema 周末他一般呆在家里 但有时也会去看电影 3 in order approriate organzed 恰当 整齐 按顺序 A It ll be quite in order for you to leave now 你现在可以走了 B She keeps everything in her room in order 她房间里一切都井井有条 4 once as soon as 一 就 Once printed the book become bestseller 那边一出版就极为畅销 5 Only when 只有在 某个特定的 时候 该短语位于句首时 谓语动词要部分倒装 A Only when you are asked to can you go You can go only when you are asked to 让你走你才 能走 B Only when one fall ill does he know the value of health 只有生病了才知道健康的可贵 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 16 页 共 60 页 C Only in this way can you study well 只有用这种方法才能学好 D Only he can do it well 只有他才能干好 因为 only 后无 adv 或 adverbial clause 所以没 倒装 6 make certain 确保 确定 A please make certain that all the lights have been turned off before you leave 离开前请确保所 有的灯都关了 B I checked the letter twice to make certain that there was no spelling mistakes 我把信检查了两 遍以确保没有拼写错误 7 make O Pron O C adj n pre p prep phr A Her intelligence I wonder if sth has happened to him 我很长时间都没有受到朋友的来信了 4 Do Ex s on page48 49 or do the exercises one by one orally then the teacher correct it if necessary 5 Homework 1 Review the whole unit 2 Do the exercise on page 49in your exercise book 3 Try your best to do practical writing by yourself 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 19 页 共 60 页 Unit4 Movies Objectives 1 Enlarge students vocabulary 2 Improve students reading ability 3 Improve students ability of pronunciation 4 Make students know more English grammar 5 Review some old Knowledge of grammar and words Focuses 1 Master the useful words and expressions 2 Students ability to hold the main meaning of an article 3 Grammar points 4 Improve students writing ability Outline t 1 Warm up discussion study of words and expressions 2 Text A discussion of text A and the follow up exercises A and B 3 Exercises D Text A exercises C grammar tips 4 Discussion of text B and the follow up exercises 5 Translation exercises practical writing Procedures Text A Walt Disney and his Disney world I Background information Walt Disney 1901 1966 American cartoon artist and producer of animated films He left school at 16 and studied briefly at art schools In 1923 he began to produce animated motion pictures in Hollywood His main works include Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Pinocchio II Vocabulary 1 found faund vt 建立 创办 e g He intended to found a school in his hometown 2 character n 人物 角色 性格 e g Which character do you like best in the novel He has a strong but gentle character 3 dwarf n pl dwarves dwarfs 矮子 矮人 4 amusement n 娱乐 消遣 e g I will find some amusement during my weekend amuse v 使愉快 e g His story is amusing amused adj 愉快的 amusing adj 有趣的 e g The story is amusing I was amused at his story 5 laughter n 笑 笑声 phs burst into laughter 笑 e g Laughter is good for our health 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 20 页 共 60 页 6 alike adj 同样的 相似的 e g The two books are alike in content Antonym different 7 favorite adj e g Pizza is my favorite food 8 create vt 创造 e g Genesis in the Bible tell how God creates the world creation n 创造物 e g The world is God s creation creator n 创作者 creative adj 有创造能力的 9 complete vt 10 phs have fun 玩的开心 享乐 bring to an end 使终结 in real life 在现实生活中 e g The boy played with the cat to have fun The hardship in life didn t bring his dreams to an end He is a hero on the screen and also in real life III Language points 1 One of these little mice became his particular friend and gave him the idea for the famous cartoon character Mickey Mouse a clean mouse in a clean world One of these little mice became his special friend and made him think of creating the famous cartoon character Mickey Mouse who s a lively mouse in a pure and lovely world give sb the idea for sth 给某人想法 a clean mouse in a clean world this is appositive to Mickey Mouse for a further statement and explanation 2 When sound was starting tope used in movies Disney immediately made his Mickey Mouse talk on the movie screen Sound was not used in movies until 1926 and Walt Disney was among the first group of filmmakers to use the4 sound technology in his movies start to do doing sth 开始做某事 make sb do sth 让某人做某事 Synonym let sb do sth have sb do sth get sb to do sht ask sb to do sth 3 Mickey has since won the hearts of millions Since then Mickey has been loved by millions of people 4 One of Disney s favorite dreams was to create a new kind of amusement park a place where parents and children could all go and have fun together to create a new kind of amusement park this is an infinitive structure used as the predicative More examples 1 The next step is to know what you should do 2 You are not to speak loudly in the reading room IV Focus on Grammar 一 形容词的用法 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 21 页 共 60 页 1 作前置或后置定语 1 由前缀 a 构成的形容词作定语要求后置 如 afraid awake asleep alive alone e g The man was the only one awake at that time 2 由 no some any every 等构成的复合不定代词的形容词后置 如 something important noting wrong 2 作表语 用于系动词 后 I feel sick 2 It is possible that he will come 3 作补语 1 The man was knocked senseless 2 He died young 3 The news made him very sad 4 作状语 1 Large or small all countries are equal 2a0Breathless she rushed into the classroom 3 She tiptoed to the bed careful not to wake her mother 5 作主语或宾语 1 Rich and poor meant the same to her 2 The young shouls respect the old 二 形容词与副词的比较等级 1 形容词与副词的比较级与最高级构成规则详见学生用书 2 表示 完全 特别 极限 处所 方位 时间 状态 性质 材料 国籍 独一无二 等意义的形容词与副词没有比较级与最高级 如 absolute ly complete ly here now there deaf dead naked economic wooden only unique barely junior superior etc Text B Christopher Reeve 超人的扮演者 克里斯托夫 里夫 I Vocabulary 1 graduate from v 毕业 physical fitness 身体健康 6 foundation n 基金 基金会 建立 创办 基础 根据 实用综合教程 1 教案 第 22 页 共 60 页 e g 1 The old man stated in his will that he would like to donate all his money to the foundation 2 The foundation of the company started in the early 1920s 3 He laid the foundation of his success by hard work foundational adj 基本的 基础的 knowledge 基础知识 7 medical adj 医学的 e g free medical care 公费医疗 a medical examination 医学检查 medicinal adj 医用的 e g medicinal alcohol 医用酒精 medicinal herbs 药草 8 suffer v 经历不幸 遭受痛苦等 e g the army suffered heavy losses in the battle When is cat died he suffered a lot phrase suffer for 为 受苦 suffer from 患 病 受 苦 e g 1 Sooner or later people suffer for their wrongdoings 2 She suffers from stomachache 9 Phrases at the age of work as right in time take part in throw off with the help of give up II Language points 1 After graduating from Cornell University he went on with his dream of becoming an actor and appeared in many screen and television roles After he graduated from Cornell University he still wanted to realize his dream of becoming an actor and acted in many movies and television plays go on with sth continue without stopping or changing e g We are waiting for you to go on with the story 2 Till the end of his life he Till can be used both as a preposition and as a

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