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2018 年春学期高一期末考试 英 语 时间 120 分钟 分值 150 分 第一部分 基础知识 一 听力部分 10 分 听下面一段独白 请填写出文章中所缺的单词 读三遍 听力结束后 请 把答案写在答题卡的相应位置 Yuan Longping was born in 1930 And he 36 from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953 Since then finding ways to grow more rice has been his life 37 As a young man he saw the great need for 38 the rice output In 1974 he became the first 39 pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output 40 to his super hybrid rice farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before Although Dr Yuan is one of China s most famous scientists he lives a 41 life Dr Yuan would rather keep time for his 42 He enjoys listening to 43 music playing mah jong swimming and reading Dr Yuan used to hope to produce a kind of rice that could 44 more people And now he has another dream to 45 his rice to the rest of the world 二 根据汉语意思写出下列单词或短语 共 10 分 Part 单词 46 讨论 辩论 争论 vt vi 47 谈到 查阅 参考 vi 48 斗争 拼搏 努力 vi n 49 输出 出口 vt vi 50 评论 议论 n 51 满足的 满意的 adj 52 令人信服的 adj 53 耳语 低语 n 54 代表 象征 vt 55 保护 保卫 vt Part 短语 56 过着 的生活 57 蔑视 瞧不起 58 偶然 遇见 碰见 59 幸亏 由于 因为 60 使 摆脱或除去 61 集中 注意力 精力 于 62 直到现在 63 挑出 辨别出 64 很可能 有希望 65 舒适 快活 自由自在 三 根据汉语意思或首字母 用相应单词的正确形式填空 10 分 66 She spent years 观察 and recording their daily activities 67 Please give the matter your careful 考虑 68 I was 幸运的 to have overcome financial problems with their support 69 They had to 斗争 拼搏 against all kinds of difficulties 70 His theory about the origin of life is very 令人信服的 71 Her research showed the c between chimps and human beings 72 We must r ourselves of these old ideas 73 Judging from his f expression he is content with the result 74 Each classroom in our school is e with a computer which is helpful to our study 75 John was asked to d a speech on the graduation ceremony 四 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 10 分 76 Only in this way the problem 只有这样我们才能解决这个问题 77 he should have been absent from such an important meeting 真奇怪 这么重要的会议他居然缺席了 78 He is the first person the top of Mount Qomolangma 他是第一个到达珠穆朗玛顶峰的人 79 With the final exam many students spend more time going over their lessons 随着期末考试的接近 很多学生花更多的时间来复习他们的功课 80 Hope Project for many poor children to go to school 希望工程使得很多贫穷的孩子上学成为可能 81 I all day play computer games for a long time 我宁愿整天睡觉也不愿玩很长时间电脑游戏 82 we won t go to the party 我们不会去参加聚会 她也不会去 83 I m longing to studying in Peking university 我渴望在被叫做是 所谓的 北京大学的地方学习 84 The news shocked the public great concern about teachers safety at school 这个消息震惊了公众 导致了老师在校安全的更多担忧 85 We find to see running man coming to Taiyuan 我们 发现 看见跑男来太原很激动 五 语法填空 共 10 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 10 分 Animal welfare is a growing concern in today s 86 social Many people think that it is cruel to remove animals from their 87 nature habitat and keep them in cages for the public to look at An animal 88 keep in a zoo will lead a different life from an animal that 89 live in the wild What s more some animals become unhappy in zoos 90 there isn t enough space On the other hand a trip to the zoo can be 91 educational experience When students learn about endangered species and are able to see them in a zoo they are more likely to support projects designed 92 save these animals from extinction Due to some illegal actions there are many species which would die out if they weren t kept in zoos Every zoo has a 93 slight different approach to animal care and welfare but overall I think zoos are good places 94 see animals in their natural habitat isn t always possible and I think zoos offer a good alternative A trip 95 the zoo is both educational and fun I ll surely continue to visit zoos 第 2 部分 能力提升 1 阅读理解和七选五 第一节 共 10 小题 每小题 3 分 满分 30 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑 A Riding School You can start horse riding at any age Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 a m and 8 30 p m 3 30 p m on Saturdays There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country You will need a riding hat Opening Hours Monday through Friday 9 00 a m 8 30p m Phone 412 396 6754 Fax 412 396 6752 Sailing Club Our Young Sailor s Course leads to the Stage Sailing qualification You ll learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aid Have fun with other course members afterwards in the clubroom There are 10 weekly two hour lessons Tuesdays 6p m 8p m Opening Hours Tuesdays 6 00p m 8 00p m Phone 412 396 6644 Fax 412 396 6644 Medical Center The staff of the Medical Center aim to provide convenient and comprehensive medical care to students and staff of the university The center is well equipped and the staff here are trained to deal with a broad range of medical problems Both female and male doctors as well as nursing staff are available for consultation Also all kinds of medicines are sold here and are cheaper for students than other drugstores Opening Hours 24 hours from Monday to Sunday Phone 412 396 6649 Fax 412 396 6648 Watersports club We use a two kilometre length of river for speedboat racing and water skiing A beginners course consists of ten 20 minute lessons You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently but must be able to swim The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9 a m to 4 p m with lessons all through the day Opening Hours Monday through Friday 9 00a m 4 00p m Phone 412 396 6899 Fax 412 396 6890 1 If you want to experience a new activity in the countryside in the mornings you may fax A 412 396 6752 B 412 396 6644 C 412 396 6648 D 412 396 6890 2 If you want to do an activity one evening a week and get a certificate in the end you can go to A Sailing Club B Medical center C Watersports Club D Riding School 3 Which is NOT the convenience that the Medical Center provides A Good equipment B Nursery for newly born babies C Various less expensive medicines D Well trained staff members B When I was about 12 I had an enemy a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings 缺点 Week by week her list grew I was very thin I wasn t a good student I talked too much I was too proud and so on I tried to hear all this as long as I could At last I became very angry I ran to my father with tears in my eyes He listened to me quietly then he asked Are the things she says true or not Janet didn t you ever wonder what you re really like Well you now have that girl s opinion Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true Pay no attention to the other things she said I did as he told me To my great surprise I discovered that about half the things were true Some of them I couldn t change like being very thin but a good number I could and suddenly I wanted to change For the first time I go to fairly clear picture of myself I brought the list back to Daddy He refused to take it That s just for you he said You know better than anyone else the truth about yourself But you have to learn to listen not just close your ears in anger and feeling hurt When something said about you is true you ll find it will be of help to you Our world is full of people who think they know your duty Don t shut your ears Listen to them all but hear the truth and do what you know is the right thing to do Daddy s advice has returned to me at many important moments In my life I ve never had a better piece of advice 4 What did the father do after he had heard his daughter s complaint A He told her not to pay any attention to what her enemy had said B He criticized 批评 her and told her to overcome her shortcomings C He told her to write down all that her enemy had said about her and pay attention only to the things that were true D He refused to take the list and have a look at it 5 What does Week by week her list grew mean A Week by week she discovered more shortcomings of mine and pointed them out to me B She had made a list of my shortcomings and she kept on adding new ones to it so that it was growing longer and longer C I was having more and more shortcomings as time went on D Week by week my shortcomings grew more serious 6 Which do you think would be the best title for this passage A Not an Enemy but the Best Friend B The Best Advice I ve Ever Had C My Father D My Childhood C From the earliest times man has been interested in art People have often worked together to collect and save the world s art treasures Fine art treasures from many countries are kept in an art museum called the Louvre in Paris France The works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuries The Louvre has not always been a museum The first building was a fort 炮台 In 1190 it was the king s castle with high walls and a round tower It had a moat to prevent his enemies from walking in Over the years the number of buildings around the castle grew By 1350 the castle was no longer needed as a fort The Louvre became a palace home for French kings and queens During times of peace new treasures were brought in During days of war many treasures were stolen and the buildings were damaged When Francis I became king of France in 1515 he brought in artists from many countries One of the artists was Leonardo da Vinci from Italy Da Vinci s Mona Lisa is the best known painting in the museum today In 1793 the Louvre became a public museum just as it is now It is a place where art treasures have been saved for everyone to enjoy 7 On the whole this passage is mainly about A an art museum called the Louvre B an Italian artist named Leonardo da Vinci C a king of France named Francis I D the best known painting in Louvre 8 Why is it good for great art to be kept in public museums A It helps people remember who the King of France is B It keeps people out of the palaces C It gives everyone a chance to enjoy good art D It helps people to know who is the greatest artist 9 From the passage we know that A it is not possible for treasures to be stolen B old forts always make the best museums C great art should be shared with all the people D king Francis I of France brought in artists from an old fort 10 In the third paragraph the word moat probably means A a high tower built in former times where soldiers watched out for enemies B a long and deep ditch 沟 dug round a castle and was usually filled with water C a cart pulled by horses on which soldiers fought D a long and high wall around castle 第 2 节 共 5 小题 每小题 3 分 满分 15 分 根据短文内容 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 选项中有两项 为多余选项 Questions to Ask Before Getting Your Child a Cellphone At what age should you get your child a cellphone 11 However before you decide to add your child to your family plan ask yourself these questions 12 If you and your child are not often apart beyond school hours a cellphone may not be a serious necessity but if he is independent or involved in extracurricular 课外的 activities outside your home a cellphone could be useful especially during emergencies as a convenient means of communication with you Does your child understand the cost Make sure your child understands the cost of having a cellphone 13 Some options to help control costs include prepaid and postpaid phones setting a monthly budget for your child How can you keep your child s phone usage safe and under control Before you get your child a phone you should discuss what it can be used for rules he is expected to follow and consequences if he fails to follow them 14 15 If you prefer to take an extra step towards monitoring his phone use these application programs allow you to track your child s mobile activity A Who needs a cellphone B How can you determine whether or not to buy a cellphone for your child C You ask your child to make use of his cellphone for learning D Also be sure that he can be trusted to stay within his limits from month to month E Also educate yourself on what social media apps are popular with teens F According to Pew Research Center the average age is between 12 and 13 G For example is the phone only to be used to call family or can it be used socially 二 完形填空 每空 2 分 共 40 分 A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill Usually she 16 play in the small garden She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden windows high on another hill 17 she loved her parents and her family she desired to live in such a house and 18 all day about how wonderful and exciting 19 must feel to live there At the age when she gained some 20 skill and sensibility 识别力 she 21 her mother for a bike ride 22 the garden Her mother finally allowed her to go 23 her keeping close to the house and not 24 too far The day was beautiful The girl knew 25 where she was heading 26 the hill and across the valley she rode to the 27 of the golden house 28 she got off her bike and put it against the gate post she focused on the path 29 to the house and then on the house itself She was very disappointed when she 30 that all the windows were 31 and rather dirty So 32 and heart broken she didn t go any further She 33 and all of a sudden she saw an amazing 34 There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden Looking at her little home she 35 that she had been living in her golden house filled with love and care Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose 16 A might B should C would D must 17 A Unless B Although C Since D But 18 A dreamed B worried C asked D shouted 19 A this B that C it D which 20 A different B scientific C musical D basic 21 A begged B blamed C invited D paid 22 A inside B outside C through D along 23 A insisting on B relying on C arguing about D wondering about 24 A travelling B running C riding D walking 25 A madly B rapidly C exactly D possibly 26 A Over B Down C Around D Beside 27 A windows B steps C center D gate 28 A Until B As C While D Because 29 A getting B introducing C leading D moving 30 A felt B learned C concluded D found 31 A transparent B bright C plain D wide 32 A anxious B angry C serious D sad 33 A turned around B cheered up C settled down D dropped in 34 A hill B valley C background D sight 35 A imagined B decided C realized D guessed 三 书面表达 15 分 高中阶段正是一生中刻苦勤奋 立志成才的黄金时间 然而 最近在我们 高一年级部分学生中却出现了找对象 沉溺网络 玩手机 化妆 买名牌衣裳 买名牌自行车等不良风气 请你根据上述内容 写一篇不少于 100 字的文章 高一期末考试英语答案 第 1 部分 基础知识 一 听力 36 graduated 37 goal 38 increasing 39 agricultural 40 Thanks 41 simple 42 hobbies 43 violin 44 feed 45 export 2 单词短语 46 argue 47 refer 48 struggle 49 export 50 comment 51 content 52 convincing 53 whisper 54 represent 55 defend 56 lead a life 57 look down upon on 58 come across 59 thanks to 60 rid of 61 focus on 62 up to now 63 pick out 64 be likely to 65 at ease 3 句子 66 observing 67 consideration 68 fortunate 69 struggle 70 convincing 71 connections 72 rid 73 facial 74 equipped 75 deliver 4 句式 76 can we solve 77 It was strange that 78 to reach 79 approaching 80 makes it possible 81 would rather sleep than 82 nor will she 83 what is called 84 leading to 85 it exciting 5 语法填空 86 society 87 natural 88 kept 89 lives 90 because 91 an 92 to save 93 sightly 94 Seeing 95 to 第 2 部分 能力提升 阅读理解 1 5 AABCA 6 10 BACCB 11 15 FBDGE 完形填空 16 20 CBACD 21 25 ABACC 26 30 BDBCD 31 35 CDADC 书面表达 略


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