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2020年(春秋版)人教PEP版四年级上册期末测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Did you want _ else? ( )AanythingBsomethingCnothing2 . That little dog _ a big bone. ( )AhasBhaveCis3 . The air has no color _ shape. ( )AsoBorCbut4 . 选出不同类的一项:( )ApigBbearCplane5 . Whats your _ job? ( )AfathersBfatherChe6 . Lucy went _a school trip. ( )AonBatCin7 . -Mum, may I have _cola?-No, you should _ to bed now.Afew, goBany , goCsome, go二、阅读选择读一读,选择正确的答案。Amy and Lingling are going to study in Middle School in September.Amy: Im going to Lake Middle school. Im going to study Physic, Chemistry and Chinese. Im also going to study History and Geography. But Im not going to study French.Lingling: Im going to Park Middle School. Im going to study History, Science, French, and Geography.8 . Amy is going to _. ( )APark Middle SchoolBLake Middle School9 . Lingling is going to _. ( )APark Middle SchoolBLake Middle School10 . Amy will study_. ( )AFrenchBGeography11 . Lingling will study _. ( )AFrenchBMaths12 . When are Amy and Lingling going to Middle School? ( )AOctober.BSeptember.三、判断题读句子,判断下列图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符。13 . I often have some zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival. (_)14 . Its in April. (_)15 . Its in September. (_)16 . Well go to Grape Valley in July. (_)17 . We will go to the Great Wall next weekend. (_)四、填内容补全对话18 . 根据图片提示补全每组对话。1.Do you like _?Yes, I _.2.What subjects do you like?I like _ and _.3._ you like _?No, I _.4. _ do you like?I like _ and Chinese.五、选内容补全对话Read, choose and write. 选择正确的单词,补全对话。Who How What Whats19 . _are you? Im fine. Thank you.20 . _are you? Im Tim.21 . _are we? You are soldiers.22 . _that? Its a mouse.六、匹配题23 . 选出下列句子对应的答语(_)1. Whats wrong with you?(_)2. Where is Tom going?(_)3. Whats the weather like today?(_)4. May I speak to Tom?(_)5. Would you like to swim with me ?AHes going to his school. BYes, Id love to. CI have a headache. DIts cold.ESpeaking.七、看图题看图写单词24 . _25 . _26 . _27 . _第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、阅读选择1、三、判断题1、四、填内容补全对话1、五、选内容补全对话1、六、匹配题1、七、看图题1、


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