人教(PEP)版英语六年级上册专题练习: 词汇专项

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人教(PEP)版英语六年级上册专题练习: 词汇专项_第1页
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人教(PEP)版英语六年级上册专题练习: 词汇专项_第3页
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人教(PEP)版英语六年级上册专题练习: 词汇专项姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Look! The twins _ a toy plane at home. ( )Ais playingBplayCare playing2 . Let_clean the board. ( )AmeBmyCI3 . did your mother do yesterday? ( )AWhatBHowCWho4 . I usually play _ violin after school. ( )AtheBaC不填5 . 选择与下列中文对应的单词。(_)1.风扇A.fanB.fish(_)2.灯A.deskB.light(_)3.地图A.mumB.map(_)4.书包A.schoolbagB.pencilbox(_)5.黑板A.blackB.blackboard6 . My brother can play _ football.ABtheCa7 . I live in Shanghai. My brother lives in Beijing. So we _ postcard to each other each year. ( )AgiveBsendCbuy8 . SuYang and Su Hai are _.( )Aa twin sisterBtwin sisterCtwin sistersDtwins sisters9 . Goodbye,. ( )AMiss WhiteBmiss WhiteCWhite Miss选出不同类的单词。10 . AwallBorangeCfan11 . AnotebookBpandaCdog12 . Amaths bookBEnglish bookCkey13 . AcandyBcuteCshort14 . AfriendBtallCthin15 . Can I write to her? Yes, you can. Here_address. And there_her photos.( )A、is, areB、are, isC、is, is16 . _ your brother _ well? Yes.ADo; playBDoes; playsCDoes; play二、填空题17 . 看图选择适当的单词,把所选单词写在横线上。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.Look! The girl is_(take,taking ) a bath.2.The man usually_(have,has) breakfast at 6:30.3.My father and mother like_(play,playing) chess after dinner.4.Are there_(any,some) pens in the box?5.Its half past seven. Its time_(for,to) go to school.6.The children_(is,are ) playing games.介词填空。18 . What do you have_ lunch today?19 . Lets go _a restaurant.20 . We have noodles _ Tuesday.21 . You can go there _ car, _ bike or _ foot.22 . Lets meet _2 oclock.23 . 读读,按要求写出下列单词的变化形式east(反义词) _south(同类词) _study(复数) _Miss(同音词) _them(主格) _bedroom(同类词) _face(动词) _live(现在分词) _根据所给词的适当形式填空。24 . What will you_(do)?25 . What about _(you)?26 . Ill buy _ (she)a box of chocolates.27 . She _ (like) roses.28 . I will make a card for_(she).29 . 填上合适的单词。1. This is my _ .2. _ is it?Ten yuan.3. 填上合适的介词。Look _ the blackboard, please.4. 根据提示填单词。I have _ apples.(六个)30 . 选择正确的单词填空。1. Its five _(clock,oclock). 2. Its time _(for,to) math class. 3. Its time to go to bed, Mike. Just _(an,a)minute,mum. 4. Hurry _(up,on). Im late. 5. I play football on the _(playground,library).第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、答案:略8、9、10、11、12、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、


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