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人教版(PEP)四年级下册期中模拟测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题根据句意及图片,选择正确答案1 . Oh, there are so many _.( )ATVsBcomputerCcomputers2 . There are _ minutes in an hour. ( )AsixteenBsixtyCseventy3 . ( )My sister is a _.ApupilBdoctorCteacher4 . Look!They are _. ( )AsingingBdanceCdancing5 . I can see _ birds. ( )AsixBsixtyCsixteen6 . I have bought a new watch because my old _ doesnt work. ( )AitBoneCthatDthis7 . Before you cross the street, you have to _ left and right. ( )AlookBseeCwatchDturn8 . -Can you talk about the man? ( )- _.AWhat?BHe has blue eyes.CHe like the girl.9 . Do you know what happened _ him?( )AwithBtoCon10 . I am tall and fat. _am I? ( )AIsBWhoCHow11 . Look at the picture _ our school. ( )AatBofCon12 . The library is next_the cinema. ( )AinBonCto13 . There _muchnicefoodinhisshop. ( )AareBamCis14 . This is my aunt. Shes very nice. ( )ABC二、排序题15 . 为下列句子排序。( ) Hi! Where are you going?( ) Hi! We are going to Lilys home.( ) OK!( ) Lets go to her home together.( ) Today is Lilys birthday.三、任务型阅读阅读理解并判断对(T)错(F)。Do you know the big cities in the world? Beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world. It is an old city. And it is the capital of China. There are many famous places to visit. If you go to Beijing, you can go to visit the Great Wall. It is the longest wall in the world. The capital of the U.S.A. is Washington D.C. The White House is there. It is the home and office of the president of the United States of America.When you go to Canada, you can go to Toronto. The CN Tower is there.Im sure youll like New York. Its one of the biggest cities in America.16 . New York is the capital of America. (_)17 . The longest wall is in China. (_)18 . The passage is about the big cities in China. (_)19 . Toronto is the capital of Canada. (_)20 . The CN Tower is Sydney, Australia. (_)四、判断题21 . hot home _22 . 看图片,读句子,判断句子的正误(正T错F)1. Wu Yifan is from China.(_)2. Mike is from the USA.(_)3. Sarah is from Canada.(_)五、选内容补全对话看图,选词填空,补全短文。(有两个词多余)read, study, behind, sofa, on, five, homework, bedroom, computer, beside, kitchen, thereLook! This is a picture of my home. There are 23 . rooms: a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a study and a 24 . . My father is sitting on the 25 . . My mother is cooking in the 26 . .27 . is a big bed in my bedroom. I like my bed. I often 28 . books and do 29 . in the study. You can see a 30 . on the desk. There is a big shelf 31 . the desk. Where is my cat? Its sleeping 32 . the chair.六、匹配题读一读,选择正确的答语。A. Yes, Im OK now.B. Yes, I did.C. I hurt my leg.D. I went to Mt. Huangshan.E. I rode a horse there.33 . Where did you go over your holiday? (_)34 . What happened? (_)35 . What did you do there? (_)36 . Are you all right? (_)37 . Did you go to the Great Wall? (_)第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、排序题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、判断题1、2、五、选内容补全对话1、六、匹配题1、

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