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人教精通版六年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(不含听力材料)新版 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 Listen and choose听录音,选出你听到的句子。 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分) 听句子,选出句子含有的信息( ) A . exciteB . excitedC . exciting2. (1分) I like Saturdays. 3. (1分) (2019四下深圳期末) 听录音,选择你所听到的句子( ) A . Kitty has breakfast at a quarter to seven.B . Kitty has lunch at a quarter past eleven.C . Kitty has dinner at a quarter past six.4. (1分) Look at the picture of our school. 5. (1分) 听录音,选择相应的答语( ) A . It lives in a tree.B . It has many colours.C . It cant fly.二、 听问句选答句,听答句选问句。(共5小题,每小题2分) (共5题;共10分)6. (2分) 听句子,选出句子含有的信息( ) A . quarterB . upC . oclock7. (2分) (2018五下上海期中) 选出你听到的单词( ) A . windowB . weatherC . world8. (2分) 听句子或对话,选择句子含有的信息( ) A . haveB . headC . has9. (2分) 10. (2分) 三、 听对话选择问题的答案。(共5小题,每小题2分) (共5题;共10分)11. (2分) (2019三下上海期中) What can Mary see? A . Mary can see a drill.B . Mary can hear a drill.C . Yes, Mary can hear a drill.12. (2分) (2019三下沂源期末) 听对话,选出你所听到的单词( ) A . chicken B . kitchen13. (2分) 听录音,选择相应的图片( ) A . B . 14. (2分) Where is the school? Go along the street. Its_.15. (2分) (2019三下嘉陵期中) 四、 Listen and judge. 听短文,判断句子正误。( (共1题;共5分)16. (5分) Are they monkeys? A . Theyre monkeys.B . Yes, they are.C . No, they arent.五、 听录音,补全短文中所缺的单词。(共5小题,每小题1分) (共1题;共5分)17. (5分) 听短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。 (1) Linda is from the UK. (2) Linda is 12 years old. (3) Yellow and black are Lindas favourite colours. (4) Linda likes dancing and swimming. 六、 Read and write找朋友,请在句子中找出一个含有与 (共5题;共5分)18. (1分) (2019四下枣庄期中) girl bird third birth 19. (1分) 判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。 _ bag fan maths_ window picture Chinese_ book floor door_ no so OK_ key they monkey20. (1分) (2018绍兴) Which flower do you like best? The yellow one.21. (1分) (2018绍兴) Whose book is this, John? Oh, its Miss Whites.22. (1分) (2019四下成武期中) 认真读一读,判断每组单词划线部分读音是否一致。 _A. music B. lunch C. sunny_A. arm B. warm C. farm_A. first B. nurse C. hamburger_A. ball B. tall C. world_A. sister B. dinner C. computer七、 Read, choose and write根据内容,选词填 (共5题;共5分)23. (1分) _ (What/When) day is it today? 24. (1分) I dont like _ at all. (mouse/mice) 25. (1分) These flags are from different _. A . countriesB . countryC . countrys26. (1分) (2019六下黔东南期末) I play _ (the/a) piano every day. 27. (1分) My friends and I enjoy _ (plant/planting) trees. 八、 Look and complete看图,完成句子。(共6小题 (共6题;共12分)28. (2分) 读一读,写一写 Chinese English art math science_29. (2分) 根据汉语写单词 欢迎_钢笔_铅笔盒_尺子_30. (2分) Its time for P _ .Lets go to the p_. 31. (2分) This is a pink _(连衣裙). 32. (2分) Dont play ping-pang _(在上) the street. 33. (2分) You should _ (iytd) your toys. 九、 单项选择题(共10小题,每小题1分) (共10题;共10分)34. (1分) She loves _ a bike. A . rideB . ridesC . riding35. (1分) The girl cant wait to _ her new dress. A . triesB . tryC . trying36. (1分) (2019四下尖草坪期末) Do you like Maths _ Science? I like Science. Its fun.A . andB . orC . to37. (1分) (2019六下吴忠期中) Shes buying things _your birthday. A . inB . atC . for38. (1分) I swam _ the sea. A . in B . of39. (1分) (2019三下吴忠期末) The dog _ small ears. A . hasB . haveC . are40. (1分) Now they are _ the cinema. A . going toB . goingC . to going41. (1分) I _ got a yellow sweater. A . haveB . hasC . had42. (1分) I had _ fun there. A . a lot ofB . manyC . a lots43. (1分) I _ like to travel by plane. A . willB . wouldC . could十、 Read and choose补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分 (共1题;共5分)44. (5分) 选句子补全对话 A: Hello, Alice. You look sad.B: My grandma was ill. _A: Im sorry to hear that.B: _ She is better now. _A: I played football and went to the zoo.B: _A: Yes, I did. It was interesting.B: _A. It doesnt matter.B. I looked after her in the hospital.C. Sounds great.D. What did you do last weekend?E. Did you have a football match?十一、 Read and answer阅读理解(20分) (共3题;共20分)45. (10.0分) (2019六下吴忠期中) 判断下列句子是否正确。 Miss Li: How did you spent your Sunday, children?Sam: I stayed at home and watched TV. I saw a baseball game.Simon: I went to the bookshop and bought some books.Lingling: I went to the cinema and saw an interesting movie.Daming: I played football with my friends.Children: How did you spent your Sunday, Miss Li?Miss Li: I went to the park with my son.(1) Miss Li went to the park with her son. (2) Lingling saw an interesting game. (3) Sam watched TV. (4) Simon bought some books. (5) Daming played baseball with his friends. 46. (5分) (2019六上韶关期末) 根据短文,判断句子对错 One Sunny day, a rich old businessman in a small town meets a factory worker, a coach and a fisherman. He gives them three seeds and says Bring me the flowers in three months. The man with the most beautiful flower can have my much money!After 3 months, the factory worker brings a big red flower. The coach brings a small purple flower. But the poor fisherman bring nothing. He is very sad, I dont know why, I watered it every day.The businessman says, You are honest! The seeds are bad and will never sprout! The much money is yours.Finally the fisherman is very very happy. The other two men feel quite ashamed and sad.(1) The rich businessman is young. (2) The rich old businessman lives in a small factory. (3) He gives three seeds to 3 people-a worker, a teacher, a coach. (4) The worker brings a big purple flower to the rich businessman. (5) The coach brings a small red flower to the rich businessman. (6) The fisherman brings nothing to the rich old businessman. (7) The fisherman is the honest and very very happy finally. (8) The factory worker and the coach feel very very ashamed and sad. 47. (5分) (2019五下广州期末) 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 I like the weather in Hangzhou. Its not too hot or too cold. In spring, it often rains but its very warm. People should take their umbrellas with them. In summer, its hot. Children often eat ice-cream and go swimming. In autumn, its windy and cool. Children can fly kites in the park with their friends. In winter, its not so cold. Sometimes it snows. Children can make snowmen.(1) The weather is often _ in spring in Hangzhou. A . windyB . rainyC . snowy(2) Its hot in _. We can go swimming. A . springB . summerC . autumn(3) We can fly kites when its _ A . rainyB . cloudyC . windy(4) When it snows, we can _ A . make kitesB . make snowmenC . go swimming(5) The article(文章) is about_. A . the weather in GuangzhouB . the weather in HangzhouC . the people in Guangzhou十二、 书面表达(8分) (共2题;共8分)48. (3分) 根据图片提示介绍Mike的一天。开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 要求: 1)语法正确,语句通顺,书写规范,注意人称和时态,40词左右;2)可适当拓展,恰当使用then,after that,next,finally。Saturday was a busy day for Mike. In the morning, he got up early.49. (5分) (2018沧州模拟) Robin想交朋友,他做了如下自我介绍。 Do you want a new friend? Try me! I am Robin-a robot! I am ten. Im 158 cm tall and 50 kg. Im friendly and funny. I can play ping-pong. I like doing kung fu. I love beef noodles.请你认真读下面的表格,从John和Lily中选择一个人物(将人物的名字写在方格内)介绍给Robin做朋友。可适当发挥,要求不少于5句话。NameAgeHeightWeightCharacter(性格)HobbyFavouritefoodJohn13168 cm60 kghelpful/ hard-workingswimmingchicken and breadLily12152 cm56 kgactive/cleverdancingtomato soupHello, Robin. This is. She/He 第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 Listen and choose听录音,选出你听到的句子。 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听问句选答句,听答句选问句。(共5小题,每小题2分) (共5题;共10分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 听对话选择问题的答案。(共5小题,每小题2分) (共5题;共10分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、四、 Listen and judge. 听短文,判断句子正误。( (共1题;共5分)16-1、五、 听录音,补全短文中所缺的单词。(共5小题,每小题1分) (共1题;共5分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、六、 Read and write找朋友,请在句子中找出一个含有与 (共5题;共5分)18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、七、 Read, choose and write根据内容,选词填 (共5题;共5分)23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、八、 Look and complete看图,完成句子。(共6小题 (共6题;共12分)28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、九、 单项选择题(共10小题,每小题1分) (共10题;共10分)34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、十、 Read and choose补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分 (共1题;共5分)44-1、十一、 Read and answer阅读理解(20分) (共3题;共20分)45-1、45-2、45-3、45-4、45-5、46-1、46-2、46-3、46-4、46-5、46-6、46-7、46-8、47-1、47-2、47-3、47-4、47-5、十二、 书面表达(8分) (共2题;共8分)48-1、49-1、

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