2019年人教PEP版英语五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season Part B 练习卷D卷

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2019年人教PEP版英语五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season Part B 练习卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Wego_northandwecanplay_thesnow. ( )Aup,inBon,withCto,on2 . What_youliketodo?( )AareBwouldCam3 . Hello! ILiShan. ( )AisBamCare4 . I like best. I often plant flowers. ( )AspringBautumnCwinter5 . ( )Afly a kiteBride a bike选出下列单词中不同类的一项。6 . AfreshByoungCoftenDhealthy7 . AeveryBfrontCbehindDbeside8 . AdrawBsingCdanceDbike9 . ASundayBkindCTuesdayDWednesday10 . AhouseBbuildingChelpfulDvillage11 . - Whats your _? ( )- I want to travel around the world in the future.AideaBdreamCjobDname12 . The Chinese cartoon Shaolin Kids is_ TV at 8 oclock. ( )AatBinCon二、填空题根据句意和首字母提示,将句子所缺单词补充完整13 . log not hot d_g14 . What do you want to be in the_(将来)?15 . Are there any _(u l d b i i g n s)in our city?16 . A:What _ do the children often have Chinese?B:At _ oclock.17 . Can you fly?No, I_.18 . My friend Leo is tall and s_.19 . I like ice cream. May I b_?20 . Welcome to my _.21 . 选择合适的疑问词填空How What WhereWho When Why1.-_are you going?-We are going after dinner.2.-_do you go to school?-Take the bus.3.-_are you going to Shanghai by plane?-Because it is fast.4.-_are they going to read a magazine?-In the library.5.-_are your parents going to visit?-My grandfather and grandmother.6.-_are you going to do this weekend?-Im going to clean the room and watch TV.三、判断题读一读,判断句子和图片是(T)否(F)相符。22 . Hello, Im Sarah.(_)23 . This is a pencil box.(_)24 . I have a pencil.(_)25 . Colour the bag red.(_)26 . Look at me! This is my nose.(_)27 . 读一读,句子是否符合图意,相符的打T,不符的打F:Hes playing with his toys.(_)四、选内容补全对话28 . 选择正确的选项补全对话。Amy:I have a new friend. Her name is Lily.Tom:1._Amy:She likes spring best.Tom:2._Amy:Because there are lots of beautiful flowers.Tom:3._Amy:Its warm.Tom:4._Amy:She often plants flowers.Tom:5._Amy:She is in the classroom.A. Why? B. Whats her favourite season?C. Where is she now? D. Whats the weather like in spring?E. What does she often do in spring?A. Why? B. Whats her favourite season?C. Where is she now? D. Whats the weather like in spring?E. What does she often do in spring?五、匹配题29 . 从栏中选出栏的正确应答,将其序号填在括号内。I II(_) 1. Lets go to the cinema this Sunday.AYes, its five-one -two.(_) 2. Where is the bookshop?BNo, there isnt.(_) 3. I have a bad cold.CIm sorry to hear that.(_) 4. This present is for you.DIts on Park Street.(_) 5. Do you know the password?EGood idea.(_) 6. Whats Yang Ling doing?FThank you. (_) 7. Are the students having a picnic?GYes, they are.(_) 8. Is there any milk in the fridge? H. Shes sweeping the floor.六、看图题30 . 根据所给图片填写正确的动词短语,使句子完整。1. I like winter because I can_.2. We always _in autumn.3.I _on my uncles farm in autumn.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、填空题1、2、三、判断题1、2、四、选内容补全对话1、五、匹配题1、六、看图题1、

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