六年级英语上册《Unit 2 Around the world》(Lesson 7)课件 人教新起点.ppt

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六年级英语上册《Unit 2 Around the world》(Lesson 7)课件 人教新起点.ppt_第1页
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六年级英语上册《Unit 2 Around the world》(Lesson 7)课件 人教新起点.ppt_第3页
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StartingLineStudents Book11 Unit2Aroundtheworld Lesson7 Africa thecontinents Europe Asia NorthAmerican SouthAmerica Oceania China countries Egypt Russia Spain Japan Thailand Australia French Japanese Chinese Pyramid koala kangaroo Continent洲 大陆Asia亚洲Europe欧洲Africa非洲NorthAmerican北美洲SouthAmerican南美洲Oceania大洋洲Egypt埃及Spain西班牙theunitedStates美国Thailand泰国Australia澳洲 澳大利亚Russia俄罗斯Chinese汉语French法语Russian俄语Japanese日语pyramid金字塔koala树袋熊kangaroo袋鼠 Words Doyouknow Thailand Egypt Spain Australia Russia Doyouknow Thailand Egypt Spain Australia Russia Doyouknow Thailand Egypt Spain Australia Russia Doyouknow Thailand Egypt Spain Australia Russia Doyouknow Thailand Egypt Spain Australia Russia Doyouknow Thailand Egypt Spain Australia Russia Whataretheyfamousfor Wherewouldyouliketogothiswintervacation I dliketogotoBarcelona Whereisit It sinSpain SpainisinEurope I dliketogotoPairs Wherewouldyouliketogothiswintervacation Whereisit It sinFrance FranceisinEurope Hello Lily Wherewouldyouliketogothiswintervacation I dliketogotoMoscow WhereisMoscow It sinRussia RussiaisinAsiaandEurope Wherewouldyouliketogo I dliketogoto Whereisit It sin Let stry Let stry Thanks

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