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外研版(三起)四年级上册第一次月考(M1-M3)英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Please out the pencils. ( )AgiveBgivesCgave2 . Winter is _.AcomeBcomesCcoming3 . I do not understand the story, so I ask Miss Li _. ( )Ato helpBfor helpCwith help4 . It often _. Its _now. ( )Arains; rainingBrains; rainsCrainy; rainingDrainy; rainy5 . The train goes _ a tunnel. ( )AintoBinCto6 . Please _ a message in my book. ( )AwritingBwriteCwrote7 . What _he_? ( )Hes playing with his dog.Adoes;doingBis;doingCdoes;do8 . Thank you for _ me with Chinese. ( )AhelpingBhelpChelped9 . Should we invite strangers _ our house? ( )AtoBonCat根据汉语意思,选择正确的单词。10 . Now, its _ (黄色的). ( )AredBblackCyellow11 . Point to the _ (门)! ( )AwindowBdoorCchair12 . It is a _ (绿色的) dog. ( )AblueBorangeCgreen13 . I _ (是) a panda. ( )AamBisCare14 . That is my _ (教师). ( )AschoolBteacherCclassroom15 . Look, the studentsan English party. ( )AhadBare havingChave二、填空题选词填空Asweep my roomBdoing choresCchoresDbreakfastEonce a weekMy name is Sam. I live inAmerica. I do many 16 . . I take out the rubbish 17 . . I also 18 . twice a week. Sometimes I cook 19 . , too! My parents give me five dollars a week for 20 . , so I like doing them!三、任务型阅读根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Every day we have a lot of things: used(用过的) paper, old newspapers, used plastic bags, cans bottles and so on(等等). It is important to make good use of the waste things. There are some ways to reuse the wastes. We can use the used plastic bags to contain(装) our family rubbish. We can make the empty tins into ashtrays(烟灰缸). We can also make the used bottles into different kinds of handwork(手工艺品). That will make our rooms more beautiful. If we dont know how to reuse the wastes, we can sell them to the recycling station. There are many other ways to reuse the wastes. There will be less waste(少浪费) and less pollution(少污染) in our life.21 . It is not important to make good use of the waste things.(_)22 . We can use the used plastic bags to contain our family rubbish. (_)23 . We can not make the used bottles into different kinds of handwork. (_)24 . We can sell the wastes to the recycling station. (_)25 . There are many other ways to reuse the wastes. (_)四、英汉混合英汉互译。26 . 看一本旅行书_27 . 游览许多地方_28 . 想成为一名旅行者_29 . 乘出租车_30 . 到达英国_31 . be excited about. _32 . go to Australia _33 . travel around the world _34 . talk about _35 . travel plans _五、改错选出错误的一项, 并在横线上改正。36 . My father wants to go to Hong Kong so its beautiful A BC(_) _37 . Where do they want to goof holiday?AB C(_) _38 . There are a beautiful lake and some tall trees. ABC(_) _39 . There is lots of mountains and lakes in Guilin. ABC(_) _40 . We want to visit all this places. AB C(_) _六、匹配题选出相应的短语,并将其序号填入括号内。AOK, let me try.BYes, I can.CHow nice!DI have twelve.EThey have some pineapples.41 . Look at our fruit salad!(_)42 . Have a try, Mike.(_)43 . Can you play table tennis?(_)44 . What do they have?(_)45 . How many balls do you have?(_)七、连词成句46 . 连词成句。(1)the, what, is, matter (?)(2)T-shirt, Sam, my, took (.)(3)it, he, wants, wear, to(.)(4)I, for, washed, you, them (.)(5)T-shirt, Linglings, did, was, you (?)第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、英汉混合1、五、改错1、六、匹配题1、七、连词成句1、

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