六年级英语上册 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building课件 外研版.ppt

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六年级英语上册 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building课件 外研版.ppt_第1页
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六年级英语上册 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building课件 外研版.ppt_第2页
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六年级英语上册 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building课件 外研版.ppt_第3页
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NSEBook11 Module9Unit1 DoyouwanttovisittheUNbuilding It samapofthe world Therearemanycountries intheworld Doyouwanttoguessmyfavouriteplace It soneofmyfavouriteplaces It saveryimportantbuilding It sabigbuilding It sinNewYork Itwantstomakepeaceintheworld Whatisit 其中之一 theUNbuilding United Nations 联合的国家 联合国 inside里面 DoyouwanttovisittheUNbuilding TheUNwantstomakepeaceintheworld DoyouwanttogoinsidetheUNbuilding Listenandfind wantto Listenandrepeat thenanswerthequestions 1 WhereistheUNbuilding It sinNewYork 2 WhatdoestheUNbuildinglooklike It sbeautiful It sverybigandverytall IsChinaintheUN Yes ChinaisoneofthefirstcountriesintheUN AmericaisthefirstcountriesintheUN oneof EnglandisoneofthefirstintheUN countries Therewere5firstcountriesintheUN 首批成员国 PRCUSAUKFRRU ChinaisoneofthefirstcountriesintheUN 其中之一 oneof 名词复数形式 其中之一 oneof 名词复数形式 其中之一 Evaisoneofthebeautiful teacher teachers Questions WhatdoestheUNwanttodo TheUNwantstomakepeaceintheworld i please tea meat Thereisn tpeace Peopleneedpeace TheUNwantstomakepeaceintheworld DoyouwanttovisittheUNbuilding TheUNwantstomakepeaceintheworld DoyouwanttogoinsidetheUNbuilding wantto表达想要做某事 后面接动词原形 Let sreadthemagainandfind visit make go A wantB wantsC wanttoD wantsto1 IvisittheChinatownthissummer 2 Samtakesomephotos 3 Wesomebananas Doyouwantto play playing theflute 选择 C D A read Doyouwanttofillintheblanks TheUNbuildingisaveryimportantbuildinginNewYork It sbeautiful It sverybigandtall It sabout167metreshigh TheUNbuildingwasbuiltin1947 TheUNwantstomakepeaceintheworld ManycountriesareintheUN ChinaisoneofthefirstcountriesintheUN beautiful big important tallmakepeace world oneof 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 思 Yes wehave Haven twegotbuildingslikethisinChina No wehaven t 否定疑问句 根据实际回答 在我们中国没有像这样的建筑物吗 不 我们有 是的 我们没有 Doyouwanttogoto Doyouwantto Doyouwanttotalkto Doyouwantto It sinBeijing It sverylong It smorethantwothousandyearsold It sanimportantbuildinginAmerica It sbeautiful bigandtall It s167mhigh It sabeautifulparkinDalian Thereisabigfootballbuildinginsideit It sanisland ThereistheFiveFingerMountains Shewantstovisit It sinNewYork TherearelotsofChineseshopsandrestaurants TheGreatWall It soneofourEnglishteachers flat It sneartoSikuaishiPrimarySchool Hainan Chinatown Eva shome TheUNbuilding theLaborPark It sa an very buildingin It s and Iwanttogotherewith Iwanttogothereby AndIwantto TheGreatWallChina 2000yearsold10000kmlong Eva sflatChanghai about20mtall TheEiffelTower France 324mhigh Therearerestaurantsinit TheUNbuildingAmerica Makepeaceintheworld TheLaborParkDalian oneofthebiggestpark Lotsofanimals abigfootballbuilding Homework 必做 背写核心词 功能句 背诵课文 学案 P33 一 二完成一篇有关UNbuilding的小练笔 选做 向家人 朋友介绍UNbuilding 或介绍自己的假期计划 Thankyou Oneworld onedream 同一个世界 同一个梦想 Theworldneedspeace Welovepeace

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