人教版(PEP)三年级英语上册Unit 6 Let’s sing! 单元测试卷

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人教版(PEP)三年级英语上册Unit 6 Let’s sing! 单元测试卷_第1页
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人教版(PEP)三年级上册Unit 6 Lets sing! 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Is this a boat? ( ) _ .AYes, it isBYes, this isCYes, it isnt2 . Eating too much is _ for your _.( )Agood; healthBbad; healthyCgood; healthyDbad; health3 . What can you do? I can _ raw.( )AgBhCfDd4 . These are our books. Please look after . ( )AthemBtheyCit5 . Is he _ water?AdrinkBdrinkingCeating6 . 选出不同类的词:( )AspoonBmeatCsoupDfish二、匹配题看一看,选一选.ABCD7 . Put the cat near the chair. (_)8 . Put the eraser on your nose. (_)9 . Put the book under the bag. (_)10 . Put your English book on your head. (_)11 . 找出相对应的句子。AIts about two kilometres away.BId like a cake, please.CYou can take a bus.DI feel better now.EYes, Id love to.FIts on the first of June.GLiu Tao is.H. Theyre Helens.I. Me, too. J. I live in Nanjing.1. When is Childrens Day? (_)2. How far is the park from here? (_)3. Whos shorter than Helen? (_)4. What would you like? (_)5. Whose keys are these? (_)6. How can I get there? (_)7. I like collecting stamps. (_)8. How do you feel now? (_)9. Where do you live? (_)10. Would you like to join them? (_)12 . 根据句意,选词填空。drank need use bought Let【小题1】We _ a bag for the picnic.【小题2】Can I _ your pen?【小题3】We _ some water, but we are thirsty. .【小题4】I _ some food in the supermarket.【小题5】_ us buy some fruit for the dinner.选择配伍。A.Thank you.B.Im sorry.C.No, it isnt.D.Its over there.E.Ita a robot.13 . Is this your crayon? (_)14 . Wheres your pencil? (_)15 . This is for you. (_)16 . What is it? (_)17 . Dont shout, Liu Tao. (_)18 . 选出所给单词的对应词。A. sisterB. sheC. grandpaD. that【小题1】he(_)【小题2】brother(_)【小题3】this(_)【小题4】grandma(_)三、看图题19 . 根据图示,填入恰当的介词把下列句子或对话补充完整。1. Whats on the desk?Some _.2. Can you_?Yes, I can.3. The cup is _the table.4. Can you _?Yes, I can.5. The cat is _the box.四、字母题20 . 小朋友快来写一写吧。(正确抄写下列单词)第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、匹配题1、2、3、4、5、三、看图题1、四、字母题1、

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