牛津版英语八年级上册Module 3 Unit 5 同步练习(1)A卷

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牛津版英语八年级上册Module 3 Unit 5 同步练习(1)A卷_第1页
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牛津版英语八年级上册Module 3 Unit 5 同步练习(1)A卷 一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Do you think Sonia will pass the math exam? Sure. Shes _ so much time on it.A . costB . paidC . spent2. (2分)Dad,my teacher said I had made a lot of progress recently .Im glad to hear that,But I think you still _A . have a long way to goB . have funC . have a restD . have a good time3. (2分)Can you give me some advice on how to keep_?You can do morning exercise every day and eat healthy food.A . fitB . quietC . secret4. (2分)A forest fire _ at the end of March in Liangshan, Sichuan Province. Firemen rushed into the mountains but 27 of them never came back. A . turned outB . carried outC . put outD . broke out5. (2分)Please and run with me.A . get up earlyB . early get upC . get early upD . early gets up6. (2分)Sixty dollars for such a T-shirt! You _ be joking! Im serious. Its made of silk from Hangzhou. A . mustB . needC . willD . can7. (2分)-Hi, Lily. Our class won the basketball match yesterday. -_!A . CongratulationsB . What a pityC . No problemD . Never mind8. (2分)Will you choose to live with a local family in Britain?Yes. It is a good way to improve my English and know more about British _ in a short time.A . cultureB . weatherC . nature9. (2分)We call a person who is invited to another persons home a _. A . hostB . guestC . tourist10. (2分)Jerry _ the film three times, but he still wants to see it again. A . will watchB . has watchedC . watchedD . watches11. (2分) Who often goes swimming with you? ? I cant hear you clearly.A . WhatB . PardonC . My fatherD . I dont know12. (2分)So far we lots of English words.A . will learnB . have learnedC . are learningD . has learned13. (2分)Do you like reading articles on the Wechat or reading books? Reading books. Because sometimes the information on the Wechat is .A . impressiveB . interestingC . incomplete14. (2分)I feel very cold in winter, so I _ an air conditioner(空调) in my bedroom A . put upB . put awayC . put inD . put out15. (2分)Eating a lot of hamburgers is harmful to your health. A . helpful forB . good forC . bad for二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空 Hello! I am Bill. I have one sister Lucy and one brother Leo. This is my1, Leo and I often play it.2is that? It is a box. It is blue. Is it mine? No. Its my 3Lucys box. What are in the box? Some of her books are in it. Leo 4his ID card and he cant find it now. Oh, I see5ID card in an English book. The name Leo is on this ID card. It must be (肯定是)6.I found a red watch in the 7of my school. Is this yours? Please8me at 798-6859.(1)A . baseball B . watch C . schoolbag (2)A . What B . Who C . How (3)A . father B . cousin C . sister (4)A . found B . help C . lost (5)A . a B . an C . the (6)A . mine B . yours C . his (7)A . library B . computer C . family (8)A . ask B . call C . meet 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)17. (8分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。AZeb Hogan is always traveling around the world to save endangered fish.This famous ecologist(生态学家) grew up in a city in Arizona, America, but he had a big backyard with lots of trees. He spent his free time climbing trees and catching animals with his brother. They each had their favorite places in the biggest tree and they worked out ways to climb from tree to tree without ever touching the ground. Their family went camping in the summer and they would usually visit zoos and aquariums(水族馆) on their family vacations. His clearest memories as a child all had to do with animals and the outdoors. As he was older, he became interested in animal shows on TV and he would wake up early to watch Wild, Wild World of Animals before the other family woke up.One day when we talked about fish, he said, “As an ecologist, Mr. White, you should know that fish in most parts of the world have a hard life, such as the Mekong giant catfish, the Chinese paddlefish, taimen, and the Murray cod. They are all in danger and have to do with all kinds of challenges all by themselves. Water pollution is one of them. So these fish really need our help.(1)Zeb Hogan travels a lot_.A . to find funny animalsB . to save fish in dangerC . to do businessD . to know more about animals(2)When Zeb was young,he often played with his brother_.A . in water near his houseB . on the street in the cityC . in a city in ArizonaD . in a backyard with lots of trees(3)From Paragraph 3 we know that Mr. White is_.A . an ecologistB . Zebs brotherC . a famous swimmerD . a reporter(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?A . Zeb Hogan thinks fish need help because they are facing all kinds of challenges.B . Water pollution is the biggest problem for fish.C . In fact, fish in most parts of the world are having an easy life.D . When Zeb grew older, he began to become interested in animals.18. (8分)阅读理解Good books are like wise friends. They support you to walk forward, and help you understand the world. TIME and AMAZOR listed some of the best books of 2014 for young adult readers. Teens have picked out three of them. Have you read all of them?This One SummerJillian Tamaki & Mariko Tamki, CanadaEvery summer, Rose goes with her mom and dad to a lake house in Awago Beach. Its their relaxing time. Roses friend Windy is always there, too. But this summer is different. Roses mom and dad keep fighting. Rose and Windy want to seek a distraction(注意力分散) from it, but they find themselves with a whole new set of problems. They meet a local teen. But later he is caught up in something badIts really a summer of sorrow(悲伤) and growing up.The Fourteenth GoldfishJennifer L. Holm, USElven-year-old Ellie has never liked change. She misses fifth grade. She misses her old best friend. She even misses her dearly departed goldfish. Then one day a strange boy shows up. He looks a lot like Ellies grandfather, a scientist whos always been slightly obsessed(着迷的) with immortality(永生). Could this strange boy really be Ellies grandpa? Has he finally found the secret to immortality?Absolutely AlmostLisa Graff, USAlbie has always been an “almost”. Hes almost good at gym. Hes almost smart enough to pass his spelling test. He almost makes his parents proud. In fact, Albie has a long list of the things hes not very good at. But things begin to change when Albie gets a new babysitter, Calista. She takes him for donuts and to art shows. She helps him figure out(解决)all of the things he is good at, and most importantly, she likes him for who he is. What will change to this “almost” boy?(1)Whats the difference for Rose this summer? A . She lost something important.B . She didnt have a holiday.C . She cant meet her friend.D . Her mother and dad keep fighting.(2)Ellie misses the past because _. A . she has never liked changeB . she meets a strange boy laterC . her grandfather is a scientistD . the secret to immortality is found(3)The book Absolutely Almost is written by_. A . Jillian TamakiB . Mariko TamakiC . Jennifer L. HolmD . Lisa Graff(4)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Rose and Windy have the same summer as before.B . Ellies dearly departed goldfish comes back to life.C . Good books can help you understand the world.D . Albie almost does well in doing everything before.(5)Where can we read this passage? A . The science magazine.B . The guide book.C . The 21st newspaper.D . The story book.四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(1)His life was entirely given to the e_ work.(2)At the end of the party, we thanked our h_ and went back home.(3)This is a l_ problem, not a nationwide one.(4)Im g_to hear hes feeling better.(5)He has had no previous e_ in this kind of job.五、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)在你上课的时候,你家里的其他家庭成员正在做什么呢?请根据你的了解或猜想写一篇短文。提示:office办公室; meeting会议第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、五、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)20-1、

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