牛津译林版五年级英语下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 专项训练:课外拓展阅读

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牛津译林版五年级英语下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 专项训练:课外拓展阅读_第1页
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牛津译林版五年级英语下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 专项训练:课外拓展阅读_第2页
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牛津译林版五年级英语下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 专项训练:课外拓展阅读_第3页
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牛津译林版五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor 专项训练:课外拓展阅读姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、阅读选择1 . 读对话,回答问题。In a shop, a woman wants to buy a dress.Clerk: May I help you?Woman: Yes, please. Id like to buy a dress.Clerk: What color do you like?Woman: I like red.Clerk: OK. Here you are.Woman: Thank you. How much is it?Clerk: Ninety yuan.Woman: OK. I will take it.( ) 1. The woman is _.A. in a fruit shopB. in a clothes shopC. in a bookshop( ) 2. The woman wants to buy _.A. a dressB. a skirtC. a sweater( ) 3. She likes _.A. blueB. yellowC. red( ) 4. The dress is _ yuan.A. nineB. nineteenC. ninety( ) 5.The woman buys _.A. one dressB. two dressesC. three dresses阅读选择。Everyone likes living in a clean and comfortable environment(环境). If the environment is bad, it will make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be ill. At that time we dont want to work, and we have to stay in bed and rest at home. So the environment is very important to us. Its germs(细菌)that make us ill. There are germs everywhere. They are very small and you cant find them with your eyes. Germs can always be found in dirty water. Germs can also be found in air and dust. If you cut your finger, some of the dust may go into it, and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs will go into all of your body, and you will have pain everywhere. To keep us healthy, we should try our best to make our environment become cleaner and tidier. This needs us to act together.2 . The writer tells us that _. ( )Awe like working when we are illBgerms cant live in the waterCwe cant feel ill if the environment is badDwe feel well when the environment is good3 . Germs are_. ( )Avery small things that you cant see with your eyesBthe things that are good for peopleCthe things that make people feel wellDthe things that are very big4 . We can find germs_. ( )Aon the small thingBin the air and dustConly in dirty waterDeverywhere5 . How will you feel if germs go into the finger that is cut? ( )AI will feel nothing.BI will feel happy.CI will feel excited.DI will feel painful.6 . From the passage we know that_. ( )Aenvironment is important for usBwe like germs very muchCgerms and people are friendsDwe dont need to make our environment nice二、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。This is my little brother. His name is Tom. Hes three. Hes short. Hes very clever, but hes naughty, too. He likes playing with toys. And I like playing with him.7 . Tom is three. (_)8 . Tom is tall. (_)9 . He isnt naughty. (_)10 . He likes playing with toys. (_)11 . I dont like playing with Tom. (_)12 . 阅读短文,判断正误。Today is Sunday .It is a fine day today. The sun is shining .The sky is blue. Mr. Smith and his family are walking in the park. There are four people in his family. Mr. Smith and his wife are looking at the boats on the lake. Tom is looking at the bird in the sky. Mary is not looking at the boats in the lake. She is looking at a big ship. They have a good time.【小题1】Today is Saturday.(_)【小题2】Today is a fine day.(_)【小题3】There are three people in Mr. Smiths family.(_)【小题4】Mary is looking at the boats on the lake.(_)【小题5】Mr Smith and Mrs. Smith are in the boats.(_)看表格,判断句子正(T)误(F)。get upTake a walkgo to schoolLi Ming6:30 am8:00 pm7:30 amJenny7:00 am8:00 pm7:30 am13 . Li Ming goes to school at 7:30 am. (_)14 . Li Ming gets up at 7:00 am. (_)15 . Jenny takes a walk at 8:00 am. (_)16 . Jenny gets up at 7:30 am. (_)17 . Li Ming and Jenny both(两者都) take a walk. (_)第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、阅读选择1、2、二、任务型阅读1、2、3、


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