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人教版九年级下学期英语3月月考试卷D卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Half of her time in the library. A . spends on booksB . is spent reading booksC . has paid for reading booksD . is spending to read2. (2分) In order to remember these words, youd better_. A . put it awayB . write it downC . put them awayD . write them down3. (2分) (2017七下浙江竞赛) Would you like soccer with us?Sure. I like soccer very much.A . to play, playingB . playing, playingC . to play, playD . playing, play4. (2分) Let me your photo. A . have look atB . have a lookC . have a look atD . have look5. (2分) Do you want to eat out, _ would you rather stay at home? Its up to you.A . butB . andC . orD . so6. (2分) (2017广东) Betty _ hard since last term. Thats why her exam results are so good! A . has workedB . will workC . workedD . was working7. (2分) (2020七下) My sister always _ up _ 6:30 in the morning. A . get, atB . gets, atC . go, inD . goes, in8. (2分) (2017八下通化期中) We can make plans to visit the _ children in the hospital.A . illB . sickC . illnessD . Sickness9. (2分) They _ all over the country, so they plan _ some other countries.A . have traveled, visitB . traveled, to visitC . have traveled, to visitD . traveled, visit10. (2分) She used to in the morning,but now she is used to at night A . read,readB . read,readingC . reading,readD . reading,reading11. (2分) (2016八上钦州期末) Thanks a lot for the _to your party. A . invitedB . inviteC . invitingD . invitation12. (2分) (2017八上成都期中) I have_ money than you, but I have _ friends than you. A . more; moreB . less; moreC . fewer; moreD . more; less13. (2分) (2017九上四川月考) We should prevent the children _ the bad programmes. A . to watchB . from watchingC . from watchD . to watching14. (2分) (2018绥化) People are supposed_ hands when they meet for the first time in America. A . shakingB . to shakeC . shake15. (2分) Do you need more people_ you_ the bird count? A . help; to doB . to help; doC . helping; doD . to help; doing二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) The story tell us about the British writer, Richard Savage. He was once living in London with1money in his pockets. In order to get some food and clothes, he wrote the story of his life and managed to have it published. But not many copies of his books were2in the shops, and he was still living a hard life. Because of anxiety(忧虑)and malnutrition(营养不良), he became very weak and before long he fell 3, and a doctor was sent for. The doctor was not rich enough, but was 4literature. He tried his best to cure Savage of his illness and a week later Savage was out of danger. When he finally recovered(重新获得) his5, the doctor sent a bill to Savage for his 6, but poor Savage had no money to pay it. The doctor waited for a month and sent another bill. Receiving no money again, the doctor went to Savage himself.You know you owe(欠) your life to me, said the doctor, and I should 7some thankfulness from you. I agree, said the writer, youve done a great favour(恩惠) for me and if Im not ungrateful for your kindness, Ill damage(损坏) my life to you.With these words he handed the doctor two copies of The Life of Richard Savage.The doctor took the books home and began to8them carefully.I see Ive 9the life of a great writer, the doctor said to himself with a sense of pride, Maybe this is the only thing I could be really 10of in my life.Five years later Savage called on the doctor to pay his bill, only to find that the doctor had already passed away .(1)A . much B . a little C . little D . enough (2)A . bought B . sold C . printed D . showed (3)A . weak B . anxious C . frightened D . ill (4)A . interested in B . familiar with C . popular with D . worried about (5)A . walk B . health C . movement D . action (6)A . care B . help C . attention D . treatment (7)A . wish B . choose C . get D . master (8)A . write B . correct C . improve D . read (9)A . made B . saved C . trained D . taught (10)A . fond B . aware C . proud D . afraid 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17. (10分) Expert(专家)say that students usually need eight to ten hours sleep at night, but most Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children studying late. They will think their children work very hard, but not all parents are happy about this. Once a mother told us that every morning her 10-year-old boy put up one finger(手指)with his eyes still closed, begging(请求)for one more minute to sleep. Like thousands of students “early birds” in China, he has to get up before six every morning.A report shows that without a good nights sleep, students seem to be weaker(虚弱)than they should be. Many students have fallen asleep(睡觉) during class at one time or another. Too much homework is not the only reason why students stay up late. Some watch TV or play the computer games late into the night.Experts have ever said that the students should develop good study habits. So some clever students never study late, they are able to work well in class.(1) The 10-year-old boy begged for more minute to sleep because_.A . he didnt have enough sleepB . it wasnt time for him to get upC . he didnt want to go to schoolD . he wanted his mother to wake him up(2) In this passage we know if students dont get enough sleep, they may_.A . become too weak to sleepB . not work well in classC . go to bed earlyD . be weak in English(3) In this passage “early birds” means “persons who _.”A . get up earlyB . get up lateC . sleeplessD . dont want to sleep(4) “Stay up late” here means “_.”A . study lateB . watch TV lateC . not go to bed until lateD . stay outside(5) According to the passage, which of the following is right? _.A . If you want to study better, you must work hard at night.B . Sleeping less means working hard.C . Some clever students are able to work well in class because they have good study habits.D . Students dont have enough sleep because they have lots of homework to do.18. (10分) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(B)Switzerland (瑞士) is one of the most developed countries in Europe. It is famous as one of the cleanest countries in the world.The Swiss (瑞士人) think that recycling is important. The government has made laws which require everyone to recycle. In 1998, the Swiss government passed a law which says that people cannot throw away any electronic machines. Instead, people are told to bring old ones, such as televisions, computers and fridges, to special centers when they dont need them. Many parts of the old machines are reused, and only the parts that cant be used are thrown away.The government also charges (收费) a rubbish bag tax (税). If people want their rubbish to be collected, they must buy yellow stickers and put them on their rubbish bags. In 2003, 47G of all rubbish in the cities was recycled. This included 70% of paper, 95% of glass, 71% of plastic bottles and 85-90% of cans. Until recently, people can get a small amount of money when they recycle their bottles. Recycling has become a daily habit for the Swiss.Everyone should learn from the Swiss, and our country will be clean like Switzerland.(1) According to the passage, Switzerland is famous for .A . its foodB . its watchesC . its environmentD . its laws(2) How much rubbish in the cities was recycled in 2003?A . About 70%.B . 95%.C . 47%.D . 85-90%.(3) What can people do according to the law?A . Bring old computers to special centers.B . Reuse the parts of the old machines that cant be used.C . Throw away electronic machines.D . A and C(4) How can people in Switzerland get a small amount of money?A . Put yellow stickers on their rubbish bags.B . Recycle their bottles.C . Bring old electronic machines to special centers.D . Have a good habit.(5) The best title of the article is .A . One of the Cleanest Countries in the WorldB . The Swiss GovernmentC . Recycling in SwitzerlandD . Learning from the Swiss四、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)19. (10分) (2017七下临淄期中) 选词填空also, of, make, well, play, number, run, dream, year, upHi, Im Betty. Do you want to _friends with me? Im an English girl. This year Im eleven_old. At school I like English, math and science. I_like music. I can sing and _the piano well. Its my _to be a musician.I have good habits. I get_early and go to bed early. I eat lots _fruit and vegetables every day. In the morning I _with my father for half an hour. I eat_and exercise every day. So Im very healthy.Please be my friend! My telephone_is 878-0909. You can e-mail me at betty1999126.com, too.五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分) 用合适的句子补全对话。A: Tina, have you heard the news on TV about Change ?B: Yes, I have. Chinese scientists are so great that they developed it in such short time, and have succeeded in launching.A: I know a little about it. _?B: Certainly, Change with a lunar probe named Yutu has reached the moon, and left Yutu on the surface of the moon.A: _?B: It will stay there forever, but only work for 3 months.A: _?B: Its used for exploring the moon and doing some scientific research.A: _?B: It works in the daytime and “sleeps” at night.A: You know so much. _.B: Youre welcome.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分) (2017七下通化期中) 假设你是李林,你的你父母为你制定了许多家规,对此你感到很不满。请你根据下面表格中的家规,发邮件给你的笔友Mike,向他倾诉你的烦恼。要求:1. 语句通顺,语意连贯; 2. 邮件要包括表中的所有信息;3. 邮件的开头已给出,不计入总词数 ;4. 词数70词左右。Dear Mike,Im not happy because I have many rules in my house.Yours,Li Lin第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17、答案:略18、答案:略四、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)19、答案:略五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21、答案:略

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