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牛津译林版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . dose he work? ( ) He works at sea.AHowBWhereCWhat2 . They _ TV in the evening. They do their homework. ( )Aare watchingBcant watchingCdont watchDdont watching3 . Mr. Smith is a _ teacher. He works very hard. We all like him. ( )AfunnyBgoodCbad4 . _ did you go? ( )AWhatBWhereCWho5 . -_- His name is John.AWhats his name?BWhats her name?6 . -Does she always get up at 6:00? ( )-.AYes, she does.BNo, she does.CYes, she doesnt.7 . Whose jeans_ ? ( )Aare theyBis thisCthey are8 . My first class _Monday is English. ( )AatBonCin9 . Please dont _ my milk.AeatBshoutCdrink二、完形填空完形填空Chinese New Year is _soon. People are very_. Most of Chinese people return to hometowns(返乡) by planes, trains, ships and_. _Chinese New Years Day, people _have dinner _their family. Parents usually give children_, that means “good luck”. People often _Chinese New Years Gala(春晚)_TV after dinner. Chinese New Year is the most important festival for_.10 . AcomesBcomeCcoming11 . AexcitedBexcitingCexcite12 . AfootBbikeCbuses13 . AAtBInCOn14 . AdontBsometimesCalways15 . AandBwithCto16 . AflowersBred packetsCbooks17 . AfindBlookCwatch18 . AonBinCat19 . AourBusCwe三、填空题填空。20 . Susie often copies my answers, _ she cannot do the sums by herself.21 . Look at the m_. It looks like a boat.22 . The tree is _(高的).23 . How many watches do you have?I have _ watches.24 . My father can _.四、排序题25 . 读一读,请给他们排出序号。( ) Thank you . Heres your milk.( ) Two bottles, please.( ) Hello! How much milk do you want?( ) Here you are.( ) Three yuan, please.( ) How much is it?26 . 给下列一段对话排序AHello, Miss Li. I cant go to school today.BHello, this is Liu Tao. May I speak to Miss Li?CWhats the matter?DHello, Liu Tao. This is Miss Li speaking.E. I have a cold and a fever.F. Thank you, Miss Li.G. Im sorry to hear that. Take care, please._五、任务型阅读27 . 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的在括号内写“T”,错误的写“F”。The Smart family is looking at a map of China. They want to visit many famous places in China. Sam wants to go to Xian and see the Terracotta Warriors( 兵马俑). Amy wants to visit Hangzhou. She wants to see West Lake. She knows that West Lake is very beautiful. Sam and Amys mother wants to see Guangzhou and HongKong. She wants to do some shopping. Mr Smart wants to visit the Three Dam(三峡大坝). It is a very big dam and its very interesting. Sam and Amy want to visit the dam, too. Tom wants to stay at home.( ) 1. Sam wants to go to Xian and see the Terracotta Warriors( 兵马俑).( ) 2. Amy wants to visit Guangzhou and see West Lake.( ) 3. Sam and Amys mother wants to do some shopping.( ) 4. Mr Smart, Sam and Amy want to visit the Three Dam.( ) 5. Tom wants to see Guangzhou and HongKong.六、句型转换28 . My name is Lele. (改为同义句)_七、选内容补全对话读对话,根据对话内容选择合适的语句,将其标号填写在横线上。A. What will you dress up as on Halloween?B. Children like the holiday very much.C. What activities do children do on that day?D. Children eat candies on that day.E. When is it ?A: Hooray! Halloween is coming.B: Who likes the holiday best?A:29 . B: 30 . A:Its on October 31st.B:Whats special food for Halloween?A:31 . B:32 . A:Children dress up at night and knock on doors for candies.B:33 . A:I will dress up as an alien on that day.B:Sounds exciting.八、仿写句子看图模仿例句写句子。例:I like this hat.I like that hat.34 . _35 . _36 . _九、连词成句连词成句。37 . having, I, a, am, party, birthday (.)_38 . cant, his, hear, friends, him (.)_39 . doing, she, homework, is, her (.)_40 . again, Daming, the, playing, is, suona(.)_41 . dog, to, starts, the, very, bark, loudly (.)_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、四、排序题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、六、句型转换1、七、选内容补全对话1、八、仿写句子1、九、连词成句1、


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