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广州版六年级下册期末学科素养评价英语试卷(不含听力) 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . I walk _ school. ( )AforBtoC/2 . Chen Jie needs some _.( )AhelpBhelpsChelping3 . Id like _ juice, please.AmanyBsomeCany4 . The children want _ fun in the park. ( )AhaveBhavingCto have5 . They couldnt _ basketball well. ( )AplayedBplayingCplay6 . She _got long hair. ( )AisBhaveChas7 . I_ a kite yesterday. ( )AmakeBmadeCmakes8 . Can you _ the books for me? ( )ApassBholdClook9 . Its time _ music class. ( )AtoBfor10 . Would you like milk or orange? _. I prefer water. ( )AEachBNeitherCEitherDBoth二、填空题11 . 用所给词的形式填空。1.Tom practices _(play) the piano every morning.2.How about _(go) shopping together?3.They are going _(fish) tomorrow.4.Mary enjoys_(go) shopping on Sundays.5.One day, Mr Green asked Mrs Green _ (go) shopping for him.三、任务型阅读读短文,判断下面的句子是(T)否(F)符合短文内容。Mikes family will go to the restaurant for dinner. Mike is going to have some rice and chicken. His brother Tom, will have a hot dog and some juice. His father will have fish. His mother will have noodles.12 . Toms family will go to the restaurant for lunch. (_)13 . Tom is going to have a hamburger and some juice. (_)14 . Mike will have some rice and chicken. (_)15 . His father will have some chicken,too. (_)16 . His mother will have noodles. (_)四、汉译英根据中文提示,完成下列句子。17 . 我喜欢读这些故事。I like reading _.18 . 你的妈妈是老师吗?是的。她教英语,她有许多学生。-_your mother a teacher?-Yes, she is. She _ English. She_ a lot of _.19 . 你姐姐做糖果吗?不,她做蛋糕。_your sister _ sweets? No, she _ cakes.20 . 让我们今天下午去游泳好吧。我擅长游泳。Let _ this afternoon.I _ at _.21 . 我的爸爸喜欢驾驶。My father _.22 . 你的朋友是位护士吗?不,她是位警察。Is your _ a _?No, shes a _.五、英汉混合英汉词组互译。23 . 比我快十分钟_24 . 看电影_25 . 在第四站下车_26 . 成为好朋友_27 . 许多信纸和一张信封_28 . sit by the window_29 . start to fall_30 . have problems with English_31 . go jogging _32 . look for things on the Internet_六、句型转换33 . I fell over on the floor.(变为否定句)I _over on the floor.七、听力题34 . 听词组,根据听到的顺序用ABC给下列图排序。1. ( ) ( ) ( )2. ( ) ( ) ( )3. ( ) ( ) ( )35 . 听录音,圈出你所听到的图片。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 36 . 听短文,给问题选择正确的答案。(_)1. Who is sleeping?A. Mike. B. Mikes father. C. Mikes dog.(_)2. Where is Mikes mother?A. In the living room. B. In the kitchen. C. In the bedroom.(_)3. What does Mikes father like best?A. Tea. B. Milk. C. Juice.(_)4. Mary wants to be _.A. a music teacher B. a singer C. a pilot(_)5. What does the passage(短文) talk about?A. A nice day. B. Mike and his family. C. Mikes dog.八、书面表达37 . 书面表达。根据图片提示,写一写你去年暑假是怎样度过的。注意:正确地运用动词的过去式。(不少于40词)go toBeijingvisit theGreat Walleat goodfoodbought somegiftstake manypicturesLast summer holiday, _第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、汉译英1、五、英汉混合1、六、句型转换1、七、听力题1、2、3、八、书面表达1、

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