广州版五年级英语下册Unit 3 Asking the way 单元测试卷

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广州版五年级下册Unit 3 Asking the way 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Let us _ , please.Ato go to homeBto go homeCgo home2 . -_-Somebooksandapencilbox.( )AWhereisit?BWhatsthis?CWhatsinit?3 . 听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(1) A.fast B.faster C.slow D.slower(2) A.go B.come C.leave D.arrive(3) A.north B.south C.east D.west(4) A.Canberra B.Canada C.China D.Chinese(5) A.uncle B.cousin C.aunt D.brother4 . This answer is quite different that one. ( )AandBwithCfromDon5 . , how do I get to the park? ( )AIm sorryBExcuse meCThank you6 . A metro_. ( )AcomeBcomesCcoming7 . He liked _ to school. ( )AgoBgoingCwent8 . _is your rubber? ( )Its three yuan.AHow muchBHow manyCHow old9 . They stay _ home. ( )AtoBinCat10 . Sarah isa report.A: writeing B: write C: writing11 . Where is David? ( ) -_ in the library.AItsBHesCShes12 . His mother _ to buy a new dress _ her daughter. ( )Awants; toBwant; toCwants; forDwant; for选择划线部分含有所给音标发音的单词13 . /i:/ ( )AbeanBgreatCbreadDwest14 . /u:/ ( )AcookBschoolCputDlook15 . / / ( )AnoseBcomeCopenDoffice16 . / ( )AthinBmonthCwithDthrow17 . /z/ ( )ApleaseBriceCsnowDcity二、阅读选择18 . 阅读理解。Spring Festival is a popular holiday in ChinaIts in January or FebruaryPeople usually spend time with their familyThey also visit their relatives and friendsMid-Autumn Festival is a beautiful festivalIts in September or OctoberPeople usually eat moon cakes,play with lanterns and watch the moonChildrens Day is childrens favorite holidayIts on the l st of JuneChildren usually have parties at school or in the parkAnd their parents will give them some nice presents根据短文内容选择正确答案。(1)Which holiday is a popular holiday in China?AChildrens DayBMidAutumn FestivalCChristmasDSpring Festival(2)Is Mid _Autumn Festival in September or October?AYes,it doesBNoit isntCYes,it isDNoit doesnt(3)What do children usually do at Childrens Day? They _Ausually have partiesBcook foodCplay with lanternsDwatch the moon(4)People will not _ at the MidAutumn FestivalAcook a lot of delicious foodBspend time with their family.Chave parties at schoolDplay with lanterns(5)When is the Childrens Day? Its _Aon the 1st of JulyBon the 1st of JuneCon the 1st of MayDon the 1st of October三、完形填空完形填空。A: _, is there a bank here?B: Yes, there _. Walk along Zhongshan Street and take the _ turning on the left. Its next _ the post office.A: Can I _ a bus?B: Yes, you can. The bus stop is near the cinema.A: Which bus do I need to take, please?B: I think you need to take _ No.2.A: How can I get there _ bus?B: _ the bus and _ at Xinming Road and walk on. You may see it _ your left.A: Thank you.B: You are welcome.19 . ASorryBExcuse meCHello20 . AisBisntCare21 . AoneBaCfirst22 . AtoBinCat23 . AtakeBbyCget24 . AaBtheCBus25 . AonBinCby26 . ATakeBByCIn27 . Aget onBget offCget up28 . AinBatCon四、填空题29 . 写出下列序数词的完全形式1、1st_ 2、2nd_ 3、3rd_4、4th_ 5、5th_ 6、8th_7、12th_ 8、30th_五、单词拼写30 . Look at the pictures and choose the best words for the dialogues.(看图选词完成对话。)(1) A: How do you go to school?B:Usually I go to school_.(on foot/by bus)(2) A:Wheres the bookstore? B:Its_(next to/far from)the supermarket.(3)A:How can I get to the science museum?B:Go straight then_.(turn left/turn right)(4)A:What are you going to do on the weekend? B: I am going to_.(buy a book/the cinema)(5) A:What are you going to buy? B: Im going to buy a_.(post card/magazine)六、阅读回答问题阅读大观园。读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Today is Saturday. Jenny, Betty and Danny are at home (在家). In the morning, Jenny does her homework. Betty reads a book. Danny writes a story. In the afternoon, Betty washes her clothes. Jenny draws a picture. Danny sings a song. They are very happy!31 . Today is Saturday. (_)32 . Jenny is at school today. (_)33 . Betty reads a book in the afternoon. (_)34 . Danny writes a story in the morning. (_)35 . They are sad. (_)七、汉译英36 . 争当小小翻译家。1.我可以喝杯茶吗?_ I _ a cup of tea?2.他正在和朋友们打扑克。He is _ his friends.3.你的声音太大了。Youre _.4.Jenny说:“请安静!”_, Jenny says.5.“听,谁在哭?”我说。Listen! Who is _? I _.八、英汉混合37 . 翻译下列句子。1. My favourite sport is football._2. I want to watch a tennis match on weekends._3.我不这样认为。_4.同学们正在操场上打篮球。_5.今天我们玩的很开心。_九、句型转换38 . 按要求改句子。1. My home is next to the cinema. (对划线部分提问)_2. I take a bus to school.(对划线部分提问)_you go to school?3. There are some shops on the street. (否定句)_4. The old woman asks a policeman for help. (一般疑问句)_5. I find a clothes shop. (用she 代替I)_十、填内容补全对话看图补全对话。39 . Yang Ling wants to visit Su Hais new home.Yang Ling: How do I _your home, Su Hai?Su Hai: You can _ the metro. You can _ the metro _Park Station and_City Library Station. Then, _Moon Street. Theres a bookshop _ the street. My home is_it.Yang Ling: All right.40 . Yang Ling comes _ City Library Station. She is_ Sun Street. She cannot find the bookshop. She_ a policeman_ help.Yang Ling: Excuse me, how do I_ the bookshop _ Moon Street?Policeman:_ this street._ at the traffic lights. Then, go along Moon Street. You can see the bookshop _.Yang Ling: Thank you.十一、选内容补全对话41 . 看图补全对话。Bobby and Tina want to _ a new _. They want to _ _ City Cinema.Bobby:How do we _ _City Cinema?Tina:We can go _ _.They _ _ the bus at the bus stop. A bus comes.Bobby:We cant _ _ the bus, Tina! The bus is full !Tina:OK. Lets go to the cinema _ _.They _ _ a taxi.Bobby:There are _ _ cars in the street, Tina!Tina:OK. Lets _ _ _.They get to the cinema _ _, but the film is _.Tina:Were too _, Bobby !十二、书面表达42 . 书面表达仿照范文写一写你的上学路吧Im Lily. I live far from my school. I go to school by bus. I walk to the bus stop and take the bus. I get off at Red Street Station. Then I walk to school._第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、单词拼写1、六、阅读回答问题1、七、汉译英1、八、英汉混合1、九、句型转换1、十、填内容补全对话1、十一、选内容补全对话1、十二、书面表达1、

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